Urtuk: The Desolation
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews
8595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.21 18:13
Sowohl Artwork als auch das Dark Fantasy Setting fallen aus dem üblichen europäischen Mittelalter Cliche und das ist nicht die einzige Abwechslung, die das Spiel zu bieten hat.
Auch mechanisch bricht das Spiel aus gewohnten Konventionen aus. Anstatt einer festen Zugabfolge verwendet Urtuk ein Timeunit System, das durch diverse passive als auch aktive Fähigkeiten manipuliert werden kann. Im Bereich der Ausrüstung gibt es auch eine Besonderheit: So können wir von besiegten Feinden deren Traits in Form von Mutatoren extrahieren und diese in unsere Kämpfer einpflanzen.
Des weiteren bietet das Spiel einen fantastischen Soundtrack, der uns in unseren Kämpfen begleitet.
Alles in allem ein fantastische Spiel, dass für Fans des rundenbasierten RPGs in jedem Fall seinen Preis wert ist.
Wer sich über die Empfehlung hier hinaus einen tieferen Eindruck verschaffen möchte kann sich gern mein Video dazu anschauen:
191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.21 14:25
Den Grafikstil muss man mögen (ich kann ihm definitiv etwas abgewinnen) - er dürfte in jedem Fall gut altern (warum sollte Nachhaltigkeit beim Spiele-Erwerb aufhören? ;).
Wer mit den Konzepten in diesem Spiel grundsätzlich etwas anfangen kann, sollte sich die Umsetzung hier auf alle Fälle ansehen; Mittel zum Zweck: Der (wärmstens empfohlene) Kauf!
7966 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.20 13:47
Mittlerweile spiele ich deutlich mehr als hundert Stunden und bin von Urtuk: The Desolation immer noch absolut fasziniert. Die Spielmöglichkeiten sind riesengroß und zielführende Kombinationen und Taktiken erschließen sich einem erst peu à peu. Im vierten Level ist das Spiel inzwischen ziemlich herausfordernd und ich muss immer schon ein bisschen rumtüfteln bis ich bestimmte Aufgabenstellungen geknackt habe und so wie es jetzt aussieht, ist die Reise noch lange nicht zu Ende.
Wer so etwas mag, wer wie ich Taktikspiele wie Battle Brothers oder Darkest Dungeons mag, wird von der unglaublichen Tiefe, Finesse und Vielfalt von Urtuk: The Desolation begeistert sein.
Obwohl es als Early-access-Version verkauft wird, wirkt das Spiel auf mich, als ob es eigentlich weitgehend fertig ist (lassen wir uns mal überraschen, was der Entwickler noch alles in das Spiel hineinpacken möchte). Bis auf ganz vereinzelte Sound-Aussetzer läuft es bei mir absolut stabil und ich finde, es ist sehr gut spielbar. Die 15 Euro, die ich bei einem Steam-Sale ausgegeben habe, sind für mich daher ein No-brainer und auch der Normalpreis von 18,99 ist m.M.n. nicht zu hoch.
Eines noch zum Schluss: Beim Durchsehen der Reviews war ich einigermaßen überrascht, wie viele Leute von sich so eine hohe Meinung haben, dass sie nach kaum 10 Std. Spielzeit (einer sogar nach 0,3 Std. !) meinen, eine negative Empfehlung für das Spiel abgeben zu müssen. Muss ich so etwas ernst nehmen? Ich glaube nicht.
1161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.20 20:53
Nicht Empfohlen
117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 16:57
1941 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 15:16
- Hex schemed tactical combat.
- Grand strategy with much diversity of choice.
- Focus on party management and combat.
- Interface issues; later in the game it becomes very difficult to use some aspects and actually impossible without finding hacks around the inventory management.
- Bad permanent side effects which lead me to quitting the game on my second run. My character got the werebeast side effect, from I guess rng being hit by a werebeast, transforming the character to a different character and erasing their inventory.
- Sometimes there is really bad starting placement which can create some seriously tedious battles.
4616 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.22 02:35
At the moment there is 8 distinct factions with dozen units in each of them.
You pick 3 units from human faction at first, and unlock 7 other factions later. You can field up to 6 units from your roster on the tactical map, 3 that you started with and dozens more recruited on the map, each of them with different role, skill and abilities
In addition to that, you can collect ''mutagens'' after each fight, evolve them and feed them to your units, making them stronger and tailoring them to your desires.
Sadly world map don't have much to offer compared to Battle Brothers. It's not open world, just a points of interests refilled with time.
Where the game shines the most is the tactical combat, with tactical map that includes terrain obstacles and interactions with them i've never seen before. For example, your ''tanks'' or ''off tanks'' can be a best early game team killers with their ''push'' or ''charge'' into the death pits abilities. It all depends from You, the player how those abilities become utilized.
Nicht Empfohlen
269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.22 23:30
I much rather prefer tactics. Also there seems to be a lot of focus on grinding. Honestly, I see much potential in this game, but this just didn't keep me playing, as even the world map was kind of dull (jumping from battle to battle).
It is not a broken or bad game and if i could give this a neutral rating i would.
1326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.22 12:51
Only problems i have are I wish characters got more Active skills, the ability to assimilate enemy passive is awesome, but if im playing this run for easily 30-ish hours, some of my people literally only have walk and basic melee.
Second, thoughts to the developer, a mode similar to Dungeons of Dredmore, they have a checkbox 'no time to grind' which makes the levels like half as big and double exp, the trade off is less items to find in this case, cant always get as many mutations. But, for a game about replays, a shorter run cycle would be welcomed.
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14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 10:39
There is real argument that would support a fact that tactical turn-based game cannot be saved in the middle of battle. Only real reason is that it weren't thought when game was developed and later on this kind of changes would take too much time.
I know that I would liked this game, but unfortunately it's thumbs down because there is no neutral response.
8870 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.22 16:50
the mutator system is very interesting, theyre basically equippable traits. after having it equipped for a while your characters can learn them permanently, usually 2-3 per character, and you can equip 3 more so that makes for some really good build freedom.
there's a nice bit of RNG in regards to the units and mutators you get access to. this really shapes the early game and makes each run different
outside of combat the game doesnt really offer a whole lot, so if you're looking for a story you're not going to find much. mostly just manage your characters and go on to the next fight.
if you're looking for interesting turn based combat though, it doesnt get much better than this imo
i think my main complaint would be map variety. it would be nice to have more varied maps since you spend so much time fighting.
2605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.22 17:07
Character building is also very interesting with the mutators.
Learning the mechanics/traits of each class and their combinations is fun.
Other than that, lacks immersion on story and incentive to push forward on the game.
Characters could be a little more customizable.
2409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.22 20:57
Levelling up lets you assign attribute points, however it's the mutators that really let you customize your soldiers. Each mutator starts at a very low level where the benefit is balanced by a HP penaty, but they can all be levelled all the way up to become a powerful trait for each individual soldier. The mutators are extremely varied, and I still come across new ones after playing for a significant time.
It's a blast to recruit a vampire to your cause who then demands a weekly supply of blood. Run out of blood and he'll injure one of your other soldiers to keep himself satisfied. Of course that can all be avoided if you simply take that low level soldier you never use out back and butchering him for flesh and blood. Good times!
16951 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 03:32
5740 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 09:41
What kind of game is this?
- you control a party of up to 6 adventurers
- there's a strategic layer, a randomly generated world map that you navigate for encounters and trade
- there's a tactical layer, randomly generated hex-based maps where you fight enemies
- there's a rich system of traits, mutations, tactical layer based trait unlocks, and items to advance your characters
Basically, it's like Battle Brothers on steroids in a dark fantasy (humans, vampires, werewolves, bandits, thugs, beasts, ...) setting.
What do I NOT like about this?
Sometimes, the random generation of tactical layer maps can have a pretty huge impact on the battle's outcome, i.e. there are randomly generated maps that are favorable to your combat outcome - and sometimes the opposite.
6348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.22 07:03
3153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 15:51
Biggest, is that it is incredibly grindy.
Mutator grind - RNG to get them, and you need to get each to drop 4 times to not give a serious health debuff, or need ~25 battles to absorb. A few to start the process, then ~20ish to actually absorb.
Then your guys need traits, and these are finicky to get, and get harder to get as the game progresses, making it much more of a pita to swap to a new character. Executioner - when an enemy has less than 40% hp do 3x damg. To get: Kill an enemy with 50%+ hp in a single strike. 6 times, or more, as you actually need to get it to start tracking them.
Still, it is pretty fun, and does scratch that tactical itch. If you're looking for a new tactical rpg, it'll def fill that want.
773 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.21 22:43
My only issue with it is that there's no incentive to keep playing the game as the story is bare bones at best and the concept of progression is somewhat detached from reality.
So if you want a great battle system you should go for it but if you need something else in addition then you might have to go somewhere else.
3696 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 13:55
I see so many comparing it to Battle Brothers, it is NOTHING like that game, that game is good in it's own right, and many love it, but this is NOT battle brothers at all!
Is it repetitious? What turn based tactical game isn't really? I realize some want a story, but most of us (me included) usually button through the dialogue anyway to get to the meaty stuff, the tactical battles! This game is fight after fight, you can pick easier fights to level up, gear up, level up your characters, and items, it's pretty fun actually! You can also play it on the highest difficulty if you aren't new to tactics games.
All in all it is a FUN game and well worth the price tag! The developer is still adding things to it, so I plan to see other things come out for this game later, and I am VERY excited hoping for more content! I like the party building, you can only take up to 6 guys into battle at a time, but I spend a lot of time outfitting them with better gear, and trinkets(which you upgrade by getting another of the same trinket and mixing them together to make it better). It is also quite gory and viscera and even faces go flying when you insta kill an enemy, or they do it to you.
Nothing says FUN quite like seeing your enemies face lying on the ground after you wrecked him and sent it flying!
I HIGHLY recommend this game IF you like constant relentless battles, a good challenge, Blood & Guts galore, and have to actually think to win.
I don't really have any cons really, but these things may turn off 'some' people new to tactics games, or people looking for a cakewalk even on the easiest difficulty:
-Difficulty spikes: The game does have some difficulty spikes at times sprinkled throughout, randomly generated of course, Now, to help with this: if it is TOO hard you can always reload an older save (tip, save OFTEN!) as it will regenerate the level, and the battle field. Many of the mini bosses, and End bosses of an area can seem a bit relentless, and overwhelming, but don't give up, there is a trick to each and every boss!
2485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 01:49
I just wish it wasn't so time consuming with all the battles you need to fight.
1910 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 19:59
3796 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 05:30
3359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.21 20:23
1611 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 18:16
37741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 18:05
Really creative mechanics and character growth. Interesting battles and enemies.
The developer is very active in the community. Listens/responds to comments and allows the players to have a voice in the development of the game.
They removed a lot of the RNG that comes with most tactical games, but the battles still feel intense.
Everything in the game is rewarding; your character choices, your build paths, the battles you choose to take, and your strategies in each battle.
The highest difficulty in the game doesn't just fill the game with damage sponges or overpowered units. The enemies develop new strategies and have new abilities, but your characters also have access to new and powerful abilities. The highest level of difficulty is how the game was designed to be played, I think, but has a nice progression for new players not familiar with the genre.
Cannot recommend the game enough.
2154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 07:08
As you travel around the world map, you can accept missions to defend NPCs who are being attacked by monsters, and can capture villages to gain crafting resources. Battles take place on maps that are divided into a hex grid, and they usually involve a large number of characters. Your active party can include up to six characters, and you’ll often be supported by a few friendly NPCs, but the enemy will still outnumber you.
Enemies include Human bandits, mutants, swamp creatures, vampires, crystal men, and more. There are lots of character classes which use different types of weapons and abilities. Generally speaking they fit into the usual roles of tank, damage dealer, ranged, and healer, but you can also recruit some of the monsters who have special abilities.
Map layouts have a big influence on tactics. Sometimes you’ll be able to defend narrow chokepoints between barricades to reduce the number of enemies who can get into melee range. Most maps have some spike pits which your shield wearing characters can bash enemies into for an instant kill.
The game has a permadeath system. When one of your characters loses all their health, they’re knocked out of the battle and they become injured. Getting knocked out again while injured results in death. You can use medicine to heal the injury, but the more times a character gets injured, the longer it takes them to fully recover, so its important to build up a strong squad of characters to rotate your lineup.
Keeping characters alive during a battle can be challenging. The biggest damage dealers, who wield two handed weapons, can’t wear any armour, so they lose lots of health from every hit. Priests can cast healing and protection spells, but they have no mana so they sacrifice their own health, and then regenerate when enemies die.
The other thing that makes this game quite challenging is the AI is very good. Enemies often focus their attacks on your characters who have low health or armour, and they’ll take any opportunity to knock your guys into the spike pits if you stand too close.
There are a couple of other mechanics which can put the odds back in your favour. In addition to finding or buying better weapons and armours, you can also equip mutators on your characters to give them some passive bonuses such as increasing critical attack chance, critical attacks inflict extra bleed or poison damage, regenerate health after killing an enemy, etc. During battle your characters build up a focus meter, which then lets them use a special ability such as a double attack, guaranteed critical, protection from the next hit, or regenerate health.
It took me 36 hours to finish the campaign, and I didn’t have any bugs, crashes or framerate problems. It might be possible to complete faster because most fights are optional, but the first time I tried to beat the second boss I found it very difficult, so I spent a few hours levelling up before trying again. Towards the end of the campaign the combat started to feel a bit repetitive. Part of the reason for this is that there’s almost no story, so the game is focused entirely on combat.
However, I enjoyed most of my time playing Urtuk, so I definitely recommend this to fans of games which feature turn based combat.
4034 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.21 14:06
It's absolutely a blast, if you love customization and grid based tactics then this is your game 100%.
12000 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 10:43
- Gameplay:
The mechanic of absorbing strength mutators from fallen enemies is really well done. Then when combine with other factors such as unique factions, interesting abilities, turn-timeline, damage types leads to endless OP builds and replayability.
It took some time for me to understand most of the mechanics but the pay off is worth every single turn. I managed to build a literally Superman who one-shot 3-4 enemies in a single turn on the highest difficulty.
In some runs, I must not only plan every moves in combat, but also the manage the weekly consumption of special resources to keep the party going. This add another layer to the strategy of doing quests and missions.
In addition, if you find an unwinnable battle then retreat, live and fight another day when you are stronger.
There is one thing I would like to adjust: the terrain generation. Some battles are literally win when the terrain is generated and vice versa.
- Music: After the Shattered update, the music is more lit than usual.
- Art: Unique art style, I would say it part of it is inspired by Darkest Dungeon.
- Story: You don't play this game because of the story.
- RNG: There is slightly to none in this game. Therefore, if my squad gets busted one by one, it mostly due to my poor decision.
I would recommend this game at full price if you are into back-to-back battles.
16594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.21 03:07
- Minimal story. The absolute last thing I want in a tactical combat game is an overload of lore standing between me and the next fight. Urtuk has enough lore to set the scene, but doesn't bother me with walls of text.
- Lots of playable creatures and factions. Pretty much any creature you encounter can be unlocked or recruited.
- No RNG in combat. You're never guessing if you'll do X damage or hoping your ranged attack hits. You know. Combat feels very fair and is purely skill-based. You just never have to rely on luck.
- Great artwork. I do wish there were more decorative objects, i.e. houses or fences in villages or more plant variety, but that's purely cosmetic.
- Lots of freedom. The Mutation feature lets you customize abilities and traits of creatures, and enhance gear however you like. There are very few limitations (i.e. a mutator can only be forged into a specific weapon type). No restrictions on party size either; if you want a band of 40+ characters, you can have it. Or slaughter some for resources.
The one thing I'd like to see changed or otherwise addressed: Creatures don't have skins. There are plenty of banners to pick from to tell them apart, and each creature type can unlock a champion skin, but sometimes it is still difficult to see who is who if all are piled up in one spot or partially covered by larger creatures. Darkest Dungeon-style skins with different colors would help a lot. It's a very minor issue and mostly a cosmetic one though.
141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 16:16
Overview: Urtuk is a pretty straight forward rpg/tactical combat mix of a thing.
- The combat is a hex map turn based topdown type thing with a strategic world mad with a bunch of different locations and events to find and battle through.
- The setting is a low fantasy wasteland with some Lovecraftian looking stuff going on (mutations, monsters, and cultists oh my!).
- The art style is pretty solid and is similar to Darkest Dungeon (if that means anything to you).
- The UI is a bit basic and some stuff needs a bit more in the way of tool tips and SOME things need a bit less tool tips (looking at you agility).
- The story is basic and largely forgetable (I already can't remember what was going on)
- Decent Combat
- Solid Art
- Serviceable game design
- Hit or miss tooltips
- Weak tutorial
- Weak Story
8969 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.21 19:40
Cons: a bit long per campaign (drags on a bit once/if you become too powerful), highest two difficulties make enemies have tons more health and DPS which feels like a bit of a cop-out vs say smarter AIs and new tricks, some scenario repetition shows its head even by 1st play through, seemingly no benefit to iron man mode (the way the game should be played), a few odd issues/bugs like with kill credits prevents stronger styles of fighting (like bleed stacking) from giving you multi-kill progress.
All in all a definite buy considering the replay value to cost ratio. If you are in to tactics style games no matter the level or type you WILL get your monies worth. Could still use a bit of updating in terms of balance and bug/credit issues to mutations progress rarely getting among just a few things I've noticed, but all in all is totally playable and the core of the game comes through loud and clear.
4329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 19:36
- Plenty of replayability. Party and build customization possibilities are practically limitless.
- Maps are procedurally generated, lots of random events and battle scenarios
- Nice art throughout the game
- Interesting abilities
- Highly focused on tactical play rather than RnG
- Can be difficult to judge terrain sometimes
- Icons/images for mutators could use a lot more variety. Why reuse the exact same image for a different mutator? More art will also help alleviate boredom from seeing the same mutators appearing.
- Can be difficult judging the effects of a mutator on characters.
- Economy can get a little difficult to manage. Captured towns dont give constant income whilst mercenaries can draw an insanely big wage. Not many options to make trillium reliably. There is difficulty telling which characters will draw a wage and for how much so it is impossible to plan for it.
- Some characters could use a buff and balancing
- UI can be annoying. Difficult to reorder characters in your group and items tend to fill in the first blank spot in your inventory? This needs some work to improve.
Overall, this game has great potential and to me is better than Darkest Dungeon, Battle Brothers and other games in this genre. With some tweaks this would be truly a gem. I recommend it!
1173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.21 18:13
To be honest it feels more like a half of game.
May be the Devs will take the experience and their next game will feature this good tactical battles and some sort of a hook for playing more. A good story and a lot more out-of-battle challenges may be?
Urtuk is good enough in its current condition to try on discount and have your money worth.
1652 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.21 03:33
My best description is: Darkest Dungeon meets Battle Brothers.
You might think the fights would get repetitive, but the whole thing is just so well done, that Ive enjoyed every battle, thus far.
Like in the game, Battle Brothers, its RNG, so terrain and units vary.
SUPER fun game for me and its a steal for the original asking price.
I would very lucky to get it on sale.
I hope this company has a lot of success, so they can make even more games. Im a fan.
1017 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 10:19
This Game is Battle after Battle
This is NOT Battle Brothers. This is its own game. Please stop comparing the two for they try different stuff and have a different gameplay focus. Where Battle Brothers lays heavily on the exploring, comradery and questing part, Urtuk clearly focuses on an in depth battle system, tons of classes and replayability through quick succession of battle after battle much like a Call of Duty title. So if you want Battle Brothers, get Battle Brothers. This is not and never will be Battle Brothers.
Urtuk features many factions with most of them being unlockable through progression. While I do enjoy the faction variety I am really disappointed in the amount of support characters of which I have only encountered 2 with one being a buff and debuffer on the human side and one being a straight regen healer tank on the swamper side. I really miss healers or anything for that matter in the vampire, werebeast or forsaken roster. i cannot speak for the others, as I have yet to unlock them. There are also classes that are clearly better than others with the forsaken spearman being able to deflect arrows and hold enemies with an automatic spearwall at a distance which is a stark contrast to the boulder ghoul of the vampires who can place one boulder and push it once and after that is completely useless.
There is much to like in Urtuk but you gotta know that it is really REALLY repetetive, In my book that is not really a negative as it has a robust combat system but there is no real story to keep you moving. I enjoy it while watching youtube or some movies and play it 2 hours at a time at most to keep it from going stale. In that sense I enjoyed it more than the highly acclaimed battle brothers as your charakters actually get better instead of missing your attacks 9 times in a row with a 95% hit chance and then your weapon breaks. This game is more userfriendly, streamlined and focussed on combat while the other is some convoluded mess of ideas that result in a sometimes great game and experience but more often than not in an aggrevating mess of missing obvious attacks and getting F*ed even though you did everything almost perfectly.
Don't buy this if you want Battle Brothers
Buy this if you want a game that is focussed on combat and that you can play an hour or two at a time before moving on with your life.
Nicht Empfohlen
708 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 20:44
Lots of classes and unit options to choose from, interesting skill gain system and .....theres some (?) story..... But after a couple of hours you realize its just battle after battle and the objectives and maps arent that different so things get really tedious.
Wasn't enough depth in it for me to go any further than this. If you think Darkest Dungeon was slow, I'd avoid this one.
Nicht Empfohlen
1563 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 10:48
And yet it gets very repetitive, very quickly. There is little difference between maps, almost no story, the pacing is completely ruined by the fact that you go into battle after battle after battle. There is almost no exploration and very little actual party management. Sure you have a lot of options, but once you found something that works for you, every encounter will start to feel the same.
I really wanted to like this game, but I can't bring myself to fight yet another battle just like the one I had before that and the one before that and the one before that. If you ever thought that Battle Brothers or Darkest Dungeon were somewhat repetitive than you should stay away from this game.
Nicht Empfohlen
1318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 08:16
3093 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 19:43
20129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 18:40
Polished and worked on to this day.
Constant updates relying on community feedback with solid idea the dev has in mind.
Huge respect for that!
Design aspects are very well executed, the atmosphere is on point!
Its easy to learn and develop your own playstyle.
RNG is almost nonexistent (combat map generation is pain at times tho)
Interesting ways to compose squads, customize soldiers and evolve team synergy.
Smash, pierce, slice or cripple your enemies. Use environment to your advantage: shoot 'em from highground, crush them into walls, dump them into pits! It's truly satisfying! Keep in mind your troops can get punished same way.
Playing it on hardest setting was quite a trip for me.
Victories feel generously rewarded, but overconfidence does no good!
7890 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 19:34
Stuck in between the humps and the lumps, riding the bold comic book outlines of the meticulously detailed sprites. My trypophobia gets triggered by all the gaping ulcers, but my insatiable eyes feast on the freakish, untamed beauty as they travel over the world of Urtuk: The Desolation. The accompanying music is so good that I haven’t turned it off even after all these hours of playtime, which is the greatest compliment I can think of. Juicy crits, the sounds of armor breaking and spears piercing flesh coupled with a little bit of screenshake scratched all of my bloody itches at once.
Zones, Factions, Encounters
It isn’t as desolate as it claims to be. Sure, half of the world is a spiked pit, the other half is hot tar. But life finds a way. In a form of bizarre mutant creatures that come in all shapes - from werewolves and vampires to cultists and giant rats. They can sit in one place, roam aimlessly, or even actively hunt you. Four giant maps that are called Zones, divided into nodes containing more than a dozen types of random encounters. Over 20 different factions, each of them features 4-8 classes of completely different enemies, whose gibs will pave your way to victory. All of them are recruitable and their designs are stellar.
It should’ve been called Urtuk: The Abundance, right? Anyway, Conquering Villages and unsealing their contents may give you powerful artifact mutators and legendary equipment as well as cause global calamities like acid rains that fuck up armor, enemy reinforcements, or earthquakes that mess up the battlefield. Villages are the only things that can’t be ignored since they’re directly tied to your progress. Unseal enough of them to encounter a boss, each of them is quite a character, after defeating which you could move on to the next Zone. So far so good.
Mutators, Acquired Traits
Welcome to the mechanics of it all! Where to begin? You get your money and your shops… that’s vanilla... you get to butcher people for their flesh and blood… Oh! Take the mutators, for example. As biopunk as it gets... like crisprs! Spend the Life Essence resource to extract them from the dead, put them in corresponding slots to give your fighters passive abilities like bleeding criticals, regeneration, counter-strike, all kinds of good stuff of your choosing! Absorb them to make the trait innate, break them up to get more Essence, or soak the vile thing in alcohol and rub it into your equipment to improve it.
Of course, there are four stats to raise, countless level-ups to look forward to, and you have a saying in all of that. Not complex enough? You want more? Well, how about acquired traits that unlock when a character meets certain requirements? Kill 2 enemies in one turn enough times to become an Executioner (3x damage if an enemy has less than 40% HP), get poisoned again and again to become immune, get injured a few times to become more resilient, etc. So satisfying, dynamic, and lively!
Bosses For Hire
There are also unique, overpowered (anti-)hero characters that you can recruit by abiding to a very special set of rules and then fighting them. Honestly, I only managed to get Victor, a super-cool armored crossbowman that made most of the party kills for the rest of the game. Got lucky – entered Zone 2 with a mercenary spearman in my roster. I could also definitely use Amos, an armored Javeliner, but I didn’t have the balls to try and meet the requirements. There are other super-mutants to beat and hire, but I don’t know much about most of them since I ignored any kind of data mining, and the game isn’t always as transparent as in Amos’s case.
Out of combat, your roster doesn’t seem to be limited, but you can only take 6 fighters in battle while others heal up, scout, scavenge for supplies (and get lost forever), train, or craft something useful. I think I could go for more firepower at once, but the devs know better, I suppose. I love hexes in my TBS, I love all kinds of displacement abilities, zone of control shenanigans. I love it when positioning is king, and Urtuk is built around that stuff. Pull ‘em, flip ‘em, charge ‘em, push the bastards to the spikes, bash their ugly heads against the walls. Back to the pit, you freak! It’s all fun and games until someone does this to your freaks, so watch out and get Stalwart.
Everyone takes their turns according to their speed, which is initially influenced by their Agility. But said order isn’t set in stone - it changes dynamically during battle, depending of what a character does of what’s done to him (or to his timeline gauge). For example, one can use a fast attack that gives him 12 speed, it’d place him higher on the timeline. Then he gets shield-bashed for -60 and falls to the bottom, etc. The system is much more intricate than I make it out to be, try reading about Active Time Battle on the developer’s site. “Why do I even need you then, you lazy bastard?”. I know, I know… And don’t get me started on Stamina, Focus, and Shatter – the character limit won’t allow it.
Unlike in, say, Battle Brothers, characters in this game can take a beating. Most of them wouldn’t be dead after a couple of hits… oh, and how lovely it is that they get more and more drenched in blood after receiving damage! Always a nice touch. If a character dies in combat, he only gets injured and would take a few days on medicine to heal up. However, be careful when you decide to take an injured character into combat since his next death would be permanent. Don’t let it scare you away, there’s a fair, balanced system in place if you ask me. Some stakes never hurt. Unless you get planted on them, of course, which will happen to you a lot, there’s no way around it.
Oftentimes you won’t recognize the battlefield after you’re done. First of all, the aforementioned calamities can gradually turn a plain into an abyss full of heads on spikes and boiling tar. Secondly, some of the classes’ abilities allow you to lower and raise terrain. A tough Javeliner can not only plug up the holes in your defense but builds whole fortresses from scratch in no time. Vampire Lords hit so hard that the ground sinks underfoot. Should I even mention that elevation can be used to your advantage? This is pretty much vanilla when it comes to Urtuk’s features.
Considering all of this, the tactical possibilities are endless. I did spend quite some time playing, and most of it was combat, but the game never really felt repetitive. Furthermore, I don’t think I’ve discovered half of all the cool synergies and exploits the game has to offer. In my successful run, I went for a safe strategy of having almost everyone in my squad armored to the teeth. For now, it seems, armored units pawn them squishy plushies 100:0. But maybe I’m missing something.
Do Whatever, Just Play It
The only deal-breaker might be the font. It’s pretty bad. Almost charmingly so… no, just plain ugly. I tried to like it, tried to ignore it, but it still bothers me. I’d love to be able to pick between a couple of alternatives, please make it an option in the future.
Also, they tell you that Urtuk is sick and you don’t have time for much exploration, but it’s a lie. As I’ve already mentioned (I hope it doesn’t come off as if I’m proud of it like a dork), I didn’t use any outside sources of information and had no idea that there was no reason to hurry. So yeah, these hours are me rushing through the game. Except for 20 hours of failed roguelike attempts on Epic Battle difficulty. Which I don’t endorse, Veteran with save-scumming is where it’s at even if you’re good. But you do you.
To conclude, the game is brilliant. Urtuk delivers an amazing turn-based squad tactics experience with strong RPG elements. It's post-apocalyptic, low magic biopunk goodness at its best. Don't miss it.
My curator [url=https://store.steampowered.com/curator/35305390-Big-Bad-Mutuh/?appid=262060]Big Bad Mutuh
2625 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 19:34
WHAT TO EXPECT: Turn-based tactics combat. Low-fantasy world. Dark fantasy setting. Procedurally generated campaign and nodal overland maps. Amazing depth of tactical factors provide actions and buffs. Brutally gory combat. Party management. Strong range of classes. Unique pooled inventory with equippable items. Possible real strategy alternatives. Singleplayer only.
More info below....
Welcome to the dark, gruesome, low-fantasy world of Urtuk: The Desolation (U:TD). A game of turn-based tactical battles with strategic map exploration, party management and RPG elements. Join Urtuk - a tormented soul. Whom after years in captivity has escaped the confines of a hellish prison, with the help of two friends. Finally free but afflicted with a terminal mutation caused by cruel experimentation, Urtuk must set off on a journey to search for a cure.
Play begins by defining Urtuk and his friends from dozens of familiar classes, across six unlockable races. Choose a few paltry items from a common inventory. Select one of five difficulties and whether to play in iron man mode. Before commencing a procedurally generated campaign that stretches across several self-contained regions.
Lead Urtuk's warband across an overland map. One node every turn. Discover clues that lead to where the cure can be found. Enter villages. Conquer them to generate taxes. Bypass them to avoid battles that cannot yet be won. Search the tunnels beneath them for clues, rewards or more likely something more negative. Encounter bands of travellers. Some neutral. Some hostile. Some requiring help. Some looking to slay anything that moves.
Central to U:TD is a rich, deep turn-based combat system that forms the bulk of gameplay. Filled with an extensive raft of tactical factors and options such as: a 'living' environment, class-based abilities, mutator buffs and abilities, focus gained traits, combat status effects and other strategic factors.
Battles are fought on randomly generated hex-tiled maps. Terrain can be terra-formed on the fly to raise elevation or deny enemies a path to your forces. Hazards can be used to impale enemies. Ravines to cause injury by charging enemies, causing them to fall. Elevation can be utilised to increase the range of missile units and even more.
Select six individuals from a growing warband to enter the fray. Classes have a handful of abilities inherent to them. Damage dealers, tanky protectors, ranged support, buff providers etc. Mutators are extracted from dead enemies of which four can be equipped in a character's inventory. These augment or bestow additional buffs and abilities. Merged together they provide stronger effects. By giving or taking damage, focus abilities activate on the field of battle to provide greater buffs and abilities. Limited and global in nature, these are replaced as and when new ones are gained. Additional augments can be gained through combat achievements. When enough instances are completed these become permanent. Together these can make an average character into a killing machine.
+ An unusual world with a unique theme and setting.
+ Fight copious turn-based battles with scores of nuanced tactical options.
+ Brutal gore filled combat and battle effects.
+ Wide roster of recruitable classes
+ Randomly generated hex-tiled battle maps, 'alive' with a host of tactical elements.
+ Several battle strategy options. Defensive, offensive, ranged, and balanced.
+ A host of buffs across: weapons, inventory items, mutative traits and earnable combat abilities.
+ Buffed weapons drop from dead enemy bosses.
+ Epic primal sounding soundtrack that mutates perfectly with the ambience, theme and setting.
+ Can respec stat point allocations.
+ Some class abilities (such as magic or healing) require the sacrifice of health by the caster.
- Can be difficult to get into. Acute learning curve. Tactical nuances can feel complex until sufficiently seen in action.
- Bleak and gory setting, theme and game world can be off-putting.
- Begins to feel repetitive due to the mass of TBT battles.
- Permadeath - characters can die.
* Series of overland maps, with nodal linked locations to visit.
* Streamlined party management options.
* Weapons and equipment can be upgraded organically by certain classes
* An unusual set of resources to suit the despairing theme.
* Nice range of secondary features: Liberate villages for income. Create medicine to heal your party. Flee or face bounty hunters. Sacrifice unwanted party members for food or blood.
U:TD proved a strange game to play, one that paralleled its unusual world. It is entirely possible that its ambience may put some gamers off. That would be a mistake because there is a pretty enjoyable game, rich in tactical detail, that delivers a fairly unique experience.
Due to the use of drab colours and despairing setting getting the most out of it will depend alot on the demeanour of those looking to play it. Personally I came away with a positive feeling but only after getting my teeth into its combat. Despite an arduous journey getting there, similar to the one taken by Urtuk himself.
Without doubt TBT battles are the centre-piece of U:TD. The sheer depth of tactical factors provided by a handful of aspects were impressive. Somehow these combined to deliver the possibility of implementing different combat strategies. During my time with the game I managed to fight and win battles with purely offensive damage dealers, a group consisting mostly of ranged attackers and my favourite, a defensive battle with four shield carriers that formed a shield wall to protect a lone damage dealer that ebbed away the enemy threat, attacker by attacker.
The combat itself has a visceral, bloodthirsty quality to it. Possessing many interesting elements that lessened its inevitable repetitive nature; A different force of characters can be chosen to enter the fray. Allies can sometimes be controlled. Attacks and buffs can sometimes chain together for some amazing results. The gloriously brutal gibbing of enemies never gets old. While some enemies can even be persuaded to join Urtuk's band if their comrades are slain.
Just like the world of U:TD there are negative aspects to make a player suffer. Given the sheer number of battles that must be fought the game could have done with an auto-resolve feature. The artwork proved gruesome if beautifully rendered. It put me off but, eventually won me over. Permadeath setbacks forced players to recover lost progress, if their roster was weakened. Given cycling injured characters avoided this, its inclusion felt unnecessary. There was an element of doubt that its potential has not been met. That the depth of tactical options blur to closely together, giving a false impression of choice. Personally I found this to be more a factor of the scale and scope of its setting.
U:TD can feel overwhelming without extensive play. Lacking without experiencing every nuance. For those of us brave enough to venture into its world, it can deliver a pretty rewarding experience. One with some complexity to strategy that is difficult to find elsewhere. Despite the concerns I believe this is a WORTHWHILE purchase. With its limitations, it will not be for all TBT fans.
6579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 19:47
. Pros:
- Interesting aspect of combat, terrain is extremely relevant, being careless will mean that they will push your character into a death pit and die.
- If you like overpowered synergies, this is your game.
- Great variability of characters anis traits, some traits develop depending on your character actions, which it is great to see in this kind of games
- Really good dark art and the music is enjoyable.
- Map is a little plain, it does not have the deepness of battle brothers. You just move following linear paths from one combat to the next.
- The flavour of the world is a little empty, you won´t fill immersed into the story, just going from one combat to the next.
- You cannot surrender certain combats, which means that when you have clearly lost the combat, you will have to go through the pain of seeing you tank being taken down through several turns.
- The interface is sometimes clumsy
- Might be replayable, but not as much as Battle Brothers
7251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 03:30
I have a pretty decent idea of the game, I'm playing on hard mode.
What I think is happening is a pacing problems: I'm on level 2, of presumably 3 levels, and I've stopped playing. The difficulty jump from levels 1 to 2 is monstrous, and consequently the progress is super duper slow. I don't mind a grind, but this is ridiculous. The first level though, was fantastic.
I'm spending way too long on individual fights for the value of it, and it's worn me down. Even if a single fight takes 30 minutes, and is incredibly hard--you'll get a pittance for XP. What the game determines in 'easy' 'normal' and 'hard' seems a bit arbitrary for me.
On the first level the 'hard' fight, is substantially easier than the 'easy' fight on the second level, but you will get very little XP for surviving the 'easy' 2nd level fight to make it worth it.
I don't mind the grind, but the value proposition has worn me out. I'm off for another game!
Fun game, but needs balance for the 2nd and likely 3rd levels, and needs a bit more to keep fights fresh feeling.
5687 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 16:11
+ various character mutation options
+ various factions, which can be played later in campaign
+ challenging and good combat system
- minor UI deficiencies in inventory
- limited to 6 own characters in battles
The inconspicuous game, which is the work of a few people, surprised me with its well-thought-out combat system.
The story is banal, group of adventurers, trying to find a cure for their leader Urtuk. This happens on randomly generated maps, which they gradually explores and fights in various encounters with other factions and groups. There is a lot of clashes, usually it is about helping some civilians who are killed by monsters or bandits. Each character has their special abilities from the beginning and can gradually improve by using different mutagens acquired in victory combats. For each faction, the game is played a little differently and each class in it has its use in a different way. The combat system is interesting. 2D battlefields have their own 3D dimension and player must be very careful, with dangerous tiles or pits where is possible to lose your character in an instant. If a character falls is wounded ... it can be used in next combat as injured, but if it falls again it is lost forever. Therefore, it should be cured, but medicine is a very rare commodity.
There is plenty of difficulty on offer, already on the medium Veteran difficulty in combination with the ironman save system, the game really challenges especially from the beginning of the game. The high difficulty is mainly due to the fact that there is a limit in combat to a maximum of only 6 of his own characters .... they are in most cases against a much more enemies. At the same time, it is not very appropriate to stay on individual maps and grind, because opponents are constantly improving at the same time with you.
I can only recommend Urtuk, it's a quality game for anyone who likes turn-based tactical combat.
Nicht Empfohlen
293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 07:17
At first glance, it looks to have tremendous depth. In addition all of the tactical combat standards like ranged combat, unit classes, special abilities, equipment, and terrain height, it packs a slew of additional options. Your characters have tons of passive perks and the ability to evolve them over time, you can take over and occupy towns for resources,you have to manage resources, etc. It's be dishonest if I didn't say there are a lot of systems in the game.
The problem is that none of the systems really enhance the others or come together into one well designed package. Yes there are a ton of character classes, but they don't really feel unique, or combine in interesting ways. Yes, you have the mutation system, but it just feels like extra perks and not a system that builds up a unique and interesting character progression. Yes, there a cool and grim atmosphere of a dark, apocalyptic fantasy world filled with crazed alchemists, vampires, and roaming gangs of cannibals, but they don't come to life into a something that feels like a living world and memorable story.
It's not that the game is bad, it's just very underwhelming. If you're a hardcore tactics fan, you won't find much to love here. The combat feels incredibly basic and simply strategies of not dividing your forces and concentrating your attacks will quickly turn your party into killing machines. In addition, the maps are hex based with tons of different terrain height, that feel both overcrowded and empty as the same time. There's a lot to do and manage outside of combat, but none of it really has depth.
Overall, i just can't give this game a recommendation. Every game play element feels like a first attempt at putting together a cool tactical system, but none of it connects and builds on top of each other. It's a shame because there's a basis for an awesome tactic game here, but it's just too simple and barebones for me.
My rating: 5/10.
1069 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 06:33
74 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 10:08
So imagine a game that is somewhat of a cross between Battle Brothers and Darkest Dungeon and I’m sure you’ve pictured a game that’s nigh on impossible with a truly sadistic mind that will make you regret loading it up?...
Set in a mysterious, blighted land that has a post-apocalyptic feel to it. Described as a “low fantasy” world, you won’t find elves, dwarves or even orcs. You’ll also seldom see anything magical as the game comes across as brutal and dark, with an esoteric feel to it. The lovely hand drawn graphics lend the game a distinct look and some of the more unusual enemies are truly horrific to behold!
Urtuk sees you start the game with a small party of three, which can expand out to six deployed into any battle, with more “on the bench”. But you’ll always be outnumbered, often heavily so. The “overworld” map, again hand drawn, is a blighted and somewhat desolate place, dotted with villages, quests to undertake and the odd roving party that could want to cross blades with you.
Your characters will then engage in turn-based battle with the enemy. Clever use of turn order can help here too as, ala Chimera Squad, you can interrupt or attack an enemy before its their turn. Combat is brutal, with great splashes of blood and lumps of meat flying away when you make a successful hit and your characters becoming increasingly bloody as they take damage.
Characters can also unlock traits by performing specific actions, such as a number of kills in one battle or supporting another character. Another interesting twist here is that you’ll not know what these are until you perform one during a battle, in which case you’ll usually need to do it another nine times to unlock its bonus effects.
Read the full review on the blog https://turnbasedlovers.com/review/urtuk-the-desolation-2/
28556 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 17:38
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108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 14:58
The board designs are also (I think they are made through RNG) very bad - given the limited move range, 90% of the battles consisted of me not fighting against the enemies, but, instead, fighting against the fact that every unit on the field was clumped up in a mass around 3 or 4 available hexes. Most of my units just sort of milled around in the back on wait mode if they werent ranged. This issue was even worse when friendly NPCs were added into the mix - I had one level where I pretty much just clicked wait because the NPCs were positioned in such a way that I couldnt reach the monsters. The NPCs and monsters fought - I maybe did a range attack once or twice.
Due of this clumping and heavily restrictive terrain, I found the combat extremely tedious. I can tell there is a fun combat system in this game, but, unless the levels are really opened up and the terrain designed with intent, the system is not working very well. Now this may resolve in later biomes. I'm only in the first world, but, given that this has been my play experience thus far, I feel less incentive to continue.
8597 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 09:00
I did one playthrough while it was in Early Access and it was incredible fun. This is a tactical gem with outstanding atmosphere and visuals. The challenge is well balanced and the content satisfying.
I am now looking forward to my next playthrough, excited about the new features added to the game.
Nicht Empfohlen
752 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 05:52
313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 00:52
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70 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 23:29
UI is a mess - hard to find the information you need and it is also inconsistent - You hover over a tile to see its attribute? well the info box moves depending on the location of the tile ,that might sound petty but trying to guess where your eye should look to get the relevant information feels awful. There is a little icon on a tile and you are wondering what it does? sorry , that info isn't on the tool tip. All of this stuff is instantly jarring and idk how you call it 1.0
I'd like to say that with a QoL pass and some UI/presentation reworks this game could be good but the underlying systems feel so obtuse and arbitrary that I don't actually think that's true - my fighter has 563 health and 104% armor penetration? Yeah.. o.k. - simpler is better, imo.
The art is nice.
16107 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 00:02
The dev is really great and listens to feedback. Active and helpful discord community. Highly recommend.
14663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 16:06
Perhaps when they decide to do another BB they can put the Urtuk mechanics in BB skin.
1788 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 16:27
The game solves all the spite of Battle Brothers design choices (no save, slow as hell battles, no room for experiment, initial placement on terrain) and gives options to the player : iron man etc.
A playthrough is still very long though.
Graphically, it does the job and stays simple, but lacks the charm and details of BB.
In terms of gameplay, well it is good, and there are some interesting ideas, but I feel there is a lack of clarity in the UI and feedback of the game.
You will for example get a lot of buffs on your characters on their turn as they involve, but with an accelerated combat speed, well you can't read what is happening. The whole UI would need lots of work with inventory management and better explanations.
The good thing is the BIG diversity of mutators for your characters make the game pleasantly complex, though the lack of clear presentation ends in a bit of a messy game which is almost closer to a beat'em'up than a full on tactics game.
All in all, this is a very solid game within the limitations of the engine chosen for the game.
I have no ideas if more features will be inserted for release but if you like tactical battle and party building, this definitely is worth considering. You might not like some aspects if it or lack there of for now (gearing is very slow and not very interesting, no civil interactions like commerce as in BB), but the core gameplay is very solid, albeit repetitive.
Nicht Empfohlen
1701 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.21 08:28
-way too many meaningless battles
-moving around the world map is slow and mostly pointless
-seems like you could keep farming weak battles endlessly? Needs more pressure to force you to face tougher battles
-the battles themselves are extremely repetitive, and often the proper way to fight battles isn't fun (abusing AI by body pulling, setting up chokes, slowly waiting for enemies to come die, etc)
Overall has promise, was fun for a bit, but, great if you like battle brothers, However it probably takes like 20 hours to play a single run to completion, for no real reason. Everything just takes way too long and it couldn't hold my interest..
6513 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 15:49
1. They've done a great job reducing unnecessary RNG. There aren't any damage rolls or hit chances or anything that would just screw you over on a fundamental level. All RNG comes in the form of additional (and well-balanced) effects that require certain set-up. If you're sick of games where you'll roll very well on easy fights and very poorly on hard fights, then this game is for you.
2. The devs actually trust the players to have serious damage mitigation and healing with the understanding that the enemies have it too. Many other strategy games make the player's units hyper-vulnerable, lacking armor and healing while the enemies get to stack up. You can actually plan around sustainable fights rather than having the classic TBS plan of losing less hard than the enemy (which often turns those games into slogs where even when you win, you feel like you lost)
This game is still in development and with every update tons of cool new stuff is added, so highly recommend!
6651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 00:41
It was quite difficult to understand lifestone / evolution stone at first, and I think I was legitimately in Zone 3 before I realized you could stack duplicate mutators to enhance them. I did read the battle guide as well and if that tip was in there, I somehow missed it but that was a game changer. I loved the challenge fights where you could then recruit the character. Some of them are absolute beats... looking at you Amos.
I'd been looking for the right time to play this most of 2020 and it was worth the wait. Thanks for the great game.
18675 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 17:05
I got bashed so hard the first few runs. Not even making it past the first chapter.
Then you get the hang of it, understand how the mutators work and what combinations work best with your playstyle.
Now as more features get released I tend over just to try the new features, new factions. It mostly also breaks your saves on each bigger update. But you still can revert to an older version if you had a particular succesfull run you want to finish.
Over 200 hours played and I doubt that I have tried 10% of the variuos possible playstyles.
If you like trying thing over and over to explore all the strategic possibilities a game offers then this is a must have.
4238 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.20 04:54
Imagine FTL but based around medieaval land based combat where terrain plays a major role. The combat mechanics are highly satisfying as the classes mesh very well and while they have individual merits, there's the Factorio element of setting up chains, but rather than production, of pain and death. And equally importantly the capable and savvy AI will be looking to do the same to you.
On top of this there is a huge amount of customisation that subtly alter the way the party members behave and react.
8492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 20:25
I also really like the mutation / trait system and how you can basically equip and even merge with 'mutators' and take on their traits - and you can also add mutators to weapons and armor. It provides a lot of build customization to the game.
I wish each class had one or two more abilities...a little more differentiation would be nice - but as it stands it's very good and there are so many different classes, so there's a lot of replay value.
I also think that the language / wording can be improved upon, at least for English. The mechanics are fairly complex so it's important to know how everything works. But the Steam Forums and game wiki have been pretty helpful so far.
I'm on my third play through and am still really enjoying the game. It's addictive as it is thought provoking.
6637 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 03:34
You have a fighting party of 6, but many others will join you along the way. Characters can all develop different 'traits', making them unique, which keeps it interesting. Highly recommend, look forward to the full game being finished.
2892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 22:51
- Very nice and detailed hand drawn graphics
- Fun game with turn based battles, that vary due to races, terrain, objectives and the composition you pick for your own team
- I encountered no bugs or crashes (oct 2020)
- Very solid, simple and effective interface
- Very good real time battle information during fights, so you can follow precisely what is happening and why
- Nice ways of improving your characters: Through perks, modification items, gear and stats
- Having succes depends on some kind of skill in managing the above and selecting characters and traits that have synergy
- Good music and sound
- Nice splashing gore upon deaths
- Enormous amount of different party members to gather and experiment with
- Characters get traits by doing things in battle; e.g. If you get poisoned enough you become resistant
- Lots of loot
- Fair price for what you get (and more in pipeline so I read); one playthrough in which I battled almost every location lasted almost 50 hours; if you would desire so, you could prolong that endlessly
-- Neither pro nor con:
- If you doubt about trying this, watch some battles, because the game consists almost entirely of that. No real story, no RPG, no dialogue, no choices, just battle after battle, and moving on campaign map. I liked the battles, but if you don't, then the game won't have appeal.
-- Con:
- Nothing :-)
2213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 08:02
This is also no BB ripoff, with fresh TBS mechanics and a distinctive style. I actually prefer the combat here, because each character/class appears to have more options/synergy that can be successful, whereas BB tended to herd you down a linear optimized path, while making most of the more interesting combat options less efficient and rarely used.
In almost every other (less important) category, and a reasonable attempt to compare Early Access apples to apples, I slightly prefer BB, but am still intrigued enough to see if Urtuk can find the budget/inspiration/following to ultimately surpass it.
Good luck amigos, enjoying it so far.
Nicht Empfohlen
1204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 21:26
Normally EA updates are to be rejoiced....however not when they come in the form of save breaking and over complication. Just read over some of the updates.....you have to be very dedicated to understand all the subtle changes to every single class and ability and I am sorry but it just isnt there for me.
I do like the hand drawn graphics, but battles get confusing and start to blend together. A new tileset is needed IMO.....sometimes I feel like all the drawings camo into the tileset and it starts to suck looking at it after a little while.
Unfortunately I have to say stay away from this title for a while. Maybe in a few years the dev team will know what they want from the game and be ready players to be able to seriously play the game without entire mechanics and stats changing monthly. And yes, I am fully aware of what EA entitles. This is just one of those games that you will burn yourself out on playing thru until they tweak something, forcing you to start a new save, then one day you will uninstall and shelve for years. All I am saying is wait until that point :)
512 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 12:12
1925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.20 22:09
The graphics remind me of Darkest Dungeon and i like that a lot. Environmental hazards are plentiful and powerful so even more to consider during the battles. I also like the system of no luck involved in hitting except if there are barriers in the way and no luck involved considering criticals.
Mutators are changing your mercenaries, and you can decide quite a lot how your mercenaries develop. For streams it is also nice you can rename the soldiers.
2877 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.20 02:07
If you were spanked as a child and the first game that you ever learned how to play is Chess then this is the game for you.
1864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.20 23:55
The Developer is always tweaking and adding stuff and he`s very involved with the community.
The goal here isn`t making a quick buck, rather a GOOD Game
This kind of commitment is pretty rare nowadays and it`s an assurance of high quality.
290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 12:20
Well, then lately, your only viable choices really are Vargus, Urtuk and Battle Brothers.
So, you want a polished game which you can play more than you read?
Then your choice really is between Urtuk and Battle Brothers.
So, you want DEEP DEEP tactical combat with incredible amounts of synergies between party members rather than just the standard melee or ranged thing?
Then you only choice is Urtuk.
Period. Go buy now.
4159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 22:23
Beta Updates Below
July 5th edit:
Thought Your Helmet Was Strong? Lol sure mate
July 1st edit:
Hey, you see that poison damage coming? No? Well better reload.
348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 12:46
Story isn't something I have got very far with, but it doesn't seem intrusive - everything in the map wants to fight, some with you, most against you, go with it.
13179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 13:31
2085 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 08:05
Good pace of development as of Early Access, the amount of content is really good, but it might feel a tad repetitive to some people (maybe an option of smaller maps with double xp gain and diffculty scaling would be a solution, but that's merely a suggestion, and I think, a flawed one).
What do you find in this here package? Hex-based fantasy-ish bleak-on-purpose tactics game with geoscape and persistent character progression. There's also open-ended mode with almost no narrative to it and larger battles, if you would prefer that.
I'd bet you can nail down the general gameplay loop in two hours and see if it's good for you, so try it. You probably won't regret it, but in case you will, well...I guess you know where the refund button is, don't you?
Nicht Empfohlen
472 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 16:18
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35 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 01:09
In-game combat is good. Like Battle Brothers but easier in my opinion as your characters regenerate each round and have some strong healing/protection abilities too. That's what the game is entirely about, no real party/resource management or strategic map decisions.
The graphics are nice. Either this is made by the same people who made Darkest Dungeon or they hired the same art studio or something, because they're exactly the same style and level of detail.
Overall this isn't a bad game, I can see people liking it, but for me it is too linear and shallow to be worth this price point. IMO Battle Brothers is much better.
4276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 13:24
Combat is the core of the game and it is satisfying, well-balanced, and individual battles tend to go on just long enough to feel satisfying without being exhausting.
2186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.20 21:53
The game has its own scaling system so as long as you aren't running around in circles with absolutely no fighting you'll be okay. But what that means is you can literally explore the entire map and node, or you can speed run through the quests and make it to the end as fast as possible. Or somewhere in between. All the different playstyles work. So if you find yourself feeling the game is repetitive, can just stop checking every corner of the map and just beeline for the villages. Or can play against some Fortresses which offer a bigger challenge than the usual standard battles as the enemies have all sorts of advantages: Height, numbers, ranged weapons fired against you from said height, etc.
There are also multiple difficulties to choose from. So if you find the game too easy/hard can always reset and try a different difficulty. However, even on easy I found myself suffering losses sometimes, especially as I was still learning the game. Eventually, as you learn the game and establish proper tactics and weild all sorts of fancy equipment, you'll probably end up out gearing the enemies and be able to easily slaughter warbands larger than yours. And that is what makes the grind so fun, coming up with powerful builds to overcome challenging battles with minimal injury.
As for the combat, there all sorts of fun mechanics and different abilities for each different class. There is jumping to flank an enemy or take out pesky ranged, shield bashing and ramming to shove enemies into spiked pits of brutal death and so on. There are useful support characters with area denial, blocking, and so on. You can equip accessories to characters called mutators. If the characters wears them long enough, they can absorb the mutator so that it becomes an ability, and frees up the equipment slot to place something else. It's an interesting mechanic and I love the mutant warbands. It reminds me of Wahrammer Mordheim Chaos Warbands but with a lot less frustrating RNG.
Speaking of RNG, you won't find the infamous XCOM style missing a 95% chance to hit attack. All melee actions are 100% hit. Ranged are 100% unless blocked by some sort of obstacle in line of sight. This makes the game feel entirely fair and any injiry or death sustained was likely my own fault and mismanagement. Even with 100% hit rate, I never felt like I was taking too much damage. The armor/block mechanic works well, and with good placement can usually sustain little damage or eliminate the enemy first. It helps that everyone full heals after the battle so you can always reposition members to send the healthier characters to the front lines. Plus, there are some good mutators that reward health regen for killing enemies. I recommend those if you try the game (Feast, Flesh Eater). Also highly recommend the Lightfoot mutation which allows your character to swap places with an ally without ending their turn. Very useful for holding chokepoints.
Also, while the game starts you off with the human faction, there are many more playable factions in the game. You can win some while on the human campaign, or get far enough can even unlock other factions as the starting party which makes for some nice replayability.
Now as much as I love the game I do have some suggestions. While I love the games aesthetics, I find it odd there is no sort of visual customization of the characters other than their names. You can change their equipment, mutators, stats, etc, but I would have liked to been able to differentiate different characters of the same class through different colored skins or skins with slightly different hair or clothes or whatever to choose from. I also feel like there needs to be more to do with the massive reserves. Six characters can be fielded on the battle but I probably had 30 characters by the end of my playthrough and I never even had half of them battle. You can send characters on missions to scavenge for materials and such but it never really seemed worth it. On a future playthrough I'll probably just get rid of extra characters honestly. It is nice to have such variability and a large roster though, I do like that. Just wish it was more encouraged to rotate members rather than just stick with the winning A-Team. Having different factions to fight against does help a little in this regard as some teams may be stronger against certain factions than others.
Anyways, love the game, highly recommend it. Cannot wait to see where it goes next and improves on itself. I am looking forward to playing again on the completed version when it leaves Early Access! I do hope the game finds ways to improve on some of the balance issues (some classes seem to fulfill the same roles better than others, ranged is king of DPS and so on) and the feeling of repetition and grind that sets in around the end of Area 1. Oh yeah, there's 3 Areas in the game so far -- each has different prominent factions you'll fight against so that is a nice change of pace at least.
2399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 20:50
It is as many people have said, still early in the game and due to this there is some amount of repetition and class imbalances.
The combat is smooth, the strategy fun, and the combinations you can create with mutations is an incredibly interesting part of the game.
This being said the downsides (subjectively of course) are the limited amount of unique mobs, the lack of real interaction between factions or story, and how many of the mutations are seemingly under powered or very situational at best. When you get to the lower levels one of the stronger more common mutations (bleeding) is largely useless, and really at no point in the game have I seen acid as a useful mutation, few enemies really wear enough armour to validate it, and the one armour based faction is immune to it.
Following this, again on lower levels some mutations have an upgraded version that exists, so if you have already absorbed a lower level variant it leaves you wanting.
The last real early game problem encountered again subjectively are the class imbalances of some that really don't make a ton of sense. The most obvious one I can think of would be the war monk, a mobile class that really lacks durability or damage unless min-maxed one way or the other that is much better replaced with different units either way.
Much of this sounds negative but it truly is an incredible game with an excellent art style, these are just some things I have noticed personally.
379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 01:18
Nicht Empfohlen
131 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 20:39
10866 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 19:15
I haven't yet done a complete playthrough - but this is an enjoyable tactics game. Like many tactics games, this one is much more fun when you take risks and play aggressively.
If I have one complaint, it's that there is no incentive to play aggressively. As a result it's very easy and tempting to just turtle and play incredibly safely, but, as with most games - that is the fastest path to boredom.
Adding a mechanic like Darkest Dungeon's reinforcement system could help with this - if combat takes too long, introducing new enemies in waves.
Alternately, fleshing out the Caravan with more permanent upgrades could help. Then, even if you do lose characters, there's still a sense of ongoing progression.
On the note of caravans... please make armorers, healers, and weaponsmiths into a stackable inventory item... they take up so much space all the time.
146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.20 15:45
Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam. |
Is this game a masterpiece? It is a rogue-lite tactical RPG still in Early Access, but showing a high potential of becoming a fantastic game. I am already in love with the art style, but the rest is not bad either. Lead a group of characters on a journey through a devasted (open) world, randomized each game. Your main character, Urtuk, is ill and needs to find a cure. Find it in time, or he will die prematurely. If he is not killed by other means anyway. Equip your party, upgrade (=mutate) them, and lead them into turn-based fights. These fights with lots of options and played on small maps are the heart of the game. Move your troops to your strategic advantage, use the environment to deal damage (like leading foes into traps) or at least stay in a better fighting position (like on a little elevation). Shoot with archers, protect them with knights, sneak around with your thief. Fun!
2668 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.20 17:31
Ive started over so many times to test different combinations of heroes I havent even reached second stage yet, but from what Ive heard it becomes a lot harder when you make it past first stage.
Theres no RNG in combat, every attack is a hit, except for crossbowmen, they might miss or hit an ally when theres someone blocking their line of sight. To me its a good thing, the game rewards tactical positioning and when you lose a hero, theres nobody to blame except for yourself.
Ranged units are OP damage dealers. I hink experience should be divided equally among the party, because everyone is out there preventing ranged units to get destroyed while they're safely slaughtering everything and getting a lot of xp. I dont like this kind of xp reward, the fight is a team effort, the xp should be divided equally among all team members, the guardian who didnt deal any dmg but prevented the berserker to get hit is so important as the berserker slaying multiple enemies in a battle, developers sometimes fail to see that.
Maps and random events suck sometimes. The maps are detailed, you struggle at first to recognize the terrain, but when you get the hang of it, its ok most of the time, except sometimes it becomes a clusterfuck where you gotta lead you whole team thru a one hexagon path and the initiative will often fuck you up and make it take 3 or 4 times the ammount of turns you would if they acted in order. Maybe less clogged maps would make the game much more fluid.
The AI tries to be smart by targeting the lower HP member of your team, so you must exploit it when outnumbered, it will make fights a lot easier. Ild rather have smart AI and less clogged maps allowing a more fluid gameplay intead of clogged maps and stupid AI o give you a chance of winning. I dont feel smart when I win against a bigger enemy force if it was simply about exploiting the games flaws.
The classes seem somewhat balanced, but some of them are clearly not optimal, while others simply dominate the battlefield. Since its early access, I believe it will be addressed, pretty much like Darkest Dungeon rebalanced classes over and over before release, to make them all viable and efficient.
In the end Urtuk is a really good game, a good mix between battle brothers and darkest dungeon, not so punishing like the first, a little harder than the last, depending on the difficulty you set the game of course. I have high hopes that this game is gonna be something else, like those 2 titles.
2083 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.20 21:59
My only concern with this game is the same as with Darkest Dungeon and Battle Brothers: It is just too long and grindy. There is only so many groups of reavers you can fight before it begins to feel repetitive. I would very much prefer a shorter game mode on a smaller map with more loot and XP per fight. Maybe this will fix itself when more content is added as it the grindiness is largely caused by repetitive fights with too little variation.
Don't let that keep you from getting this game though, it is highly enjoyable and you will have a blast.
505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.20 21:44
+ Original game design and gameplay
+ A lot of different classes
+ A lot of items
+ loved the passive perk system
- a little repetitive fights, after 10h there are no more surprises
- a lack of weapon diversity in my opinion (only one weapon type per class which usually all have the same type of stats), only legendary items add one extra (random?) passive ability
Things I would wish for this game:
> more active abilities for the classes, maybe a little skilltree or just unlock at level X kind of system
> more weapon options per class or maybe add more stats to weapons to give more options for specification other than just picking a different class into the fight
> it NEEDS more boss fights in my opinion (is probably planned anyway?) but just one real boss after 20h gameplay felt a little poor and lead to fights feeling more repetitive
> more item slots (or at least the same number of slots for each class) --> it feels like a class with a weapon, armor, and helmet slot will always be more powerful than a class with just a weapon slot (since it can get 3 passive perks through items instead of just 1)
I liked the game had few fun evenings with it and I am pretty hopeful it will only get better further in development
3294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.20 00:45
I have been an ardent RPG player since about 2005. I now play a Cleric in real life (physician) and am thus unable to game nearly as much as I used to. I bought Urtuk as it left Early Access because I was intrigued, but was a bit scared that I would have to wade through a tutorial more dense than some of my desk references.
My fears were unfounded. Urtuk is very accessible to anyone with a little prior RPG knowledge and basic mathematical intuition. Before long, you can think through how to set up and levelup your characters, how to formulate a general battleplan and how to micro your team in a fight. Your Priest will be bringing your team back from the brink of death while your Berserker rampages through their ranks. And it is most satisfying to take a Fortress from an entrenched, stronger-on-paper foe.
Urtuk is a well-presented game. The UI has minimal clutter, and it is very easy to quickly check what buffs your characters have or don't have. The game communicates effectively, through sound and image, what is occurring on the battlefield, whether you're plinking at an enemy's armor or gutting them with a Crit.
Urtuk never gives up the grimdark comic book aesthetic, even for a minute. I predict that this will polarize players, and I am personally ambivalent about it. It's definitely intriguing, and I like that it's not Elves and Orcs, but sometimes you want a bit more brightness and happiness...even Path of Exile had areas of splendor and glory to punctuate its grimdark.
The game's overworld is aesthetically pleasing and well-done, but seems a bit tacked on from a gameplay perspective. I am interested to see if this changes over Early Access, and what out-of-battle strategic options the developer will add.
All in all, this is an excellent game and experience, and has my highest recommendation.
1396 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.20 02:03
I found my self helping a small allied party defend a fort being besieged by a large force of scavengers, between my 6 men and their men we had around 12-13 in total fighting what must've been about 20 enemies, after deploying to the choke points offered by the fort we proceeded to completely obliterate the advancing enemies with clever use of terrain and properly picking off high risk targets. The whole battle lasted probably twenty to thirty minutes and I was engaged the whole fight never finding my self bored or the battle tedious.
If this is your first venture into turned based hexagon games you could not pick a better starting point.
9683 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.20 19:36
Lots of variety and replayability.
Very active and receptive dev who works extremely hard to push out pretty much daily updates to the beta branch.
In the few weeks since I've started playing it is remarkable how many significant improvements he has been able to make and it is always fun to see things we've discussed in discord implemented a few days later.
Come hang out with us in the discord if you're interested.
Also, if the price is an issue for you, I'm happy to gift a few copies of the game so message me if you're interested!
Edit: To be clear, I do not have free copies or discount codes for this game. I am offering to buy a few people this game at full price with my own money. Please only take me up on this offer if you would be unable to afford the game otherwise. I want to support the Dev and help this game reach a larger audience.
5435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 07:38
If nothing said above is fun for you well go play online poker!
11206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.20 17:43
Combat is similar to Battle Brothers, fully animated with Darkest Dungeon's art style. Nearly every enemy encountered can eventually be recruited. Units can be infected by various monsters and slowly mutate into them.
In-depth combat system with: zones of control, height advantage, line-of-site, terrain effects, environmental hazards, cover, flanks attacks, attacks-of-opportunity, engagement, push/pull attacks, guarding, auto-group-assist actions and more.
Hire/save recruits from a plethora of diverse classes such as: a Warmonk/pro-wrestler who leaps around the field, stunning fools and/or suplexing them into spiked pits. A Javelinier who can build forts with the lower/raise tile ability, creating choke points or new paths of assault, and providing perches for snipers. A polearm-and-chain Necrofied ghoul, who hooks said pesky ranged units off their ivory towers, into a crowd of your buddies waiting to beat'em down with free attacks-of-opportunity! And many more.
It's bug-free, and can be played from start to the finish, which unlocks new starting factions. Thought you were close to clearing out the expansive 40+ hr overworld map? There's three more zones waiting below.
Even though the game already feels like a full release, development's just starting. The developer's planning to continuously improve and add content for years to come. Between the steam pre-release test and itch.io version, I already have around 120+ hrs. Most satisfying game purchase in years.
A+ would suplex pesky snipers off cliffs again.
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