So, here is what's new:
(our favorite) Graphics fixes:
* Workaround for crashes on the Radeon RX 5x00 XT series of graphics cards (for more info, see the patch preview post)
* Memory optimizations, that reduce VRAM usage by some 100-200MB, which should help startup crashes that were due to out-of-memory conditions.
* A few folks have run into window count limits, so we've bumped those.
New customization for freehand walls:
* The option tells the wall whether it should follow the terrain slope or whether it should maintain a constant max height.

Transferring beta saves:
If you joined the beta branch to help us with testing, thank you so much ???? Your beta saves are now compatible with the base game. You can find your beta saves at:
* C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\Saved Games\Tiny Glade\Steam\YOUR_STEAM_ID\beta-saves
* ~/.local/share/Tiny Glade/Steam/YOUR_STEAM_ID/beta-saves
Simply move all the subfolders into `..\Tiny Glade\Steam\YOUR_STEAM_ID\saves`
Thank you for reading, and I wish you a good day/evening :3
Tom & Ana