News Liste Tiny Glade
We’re baking something too, and though not edible, it will be a good contribution to the cozy evenings. We’re working on controller support & improving the experience on Steam Deck ????
A good chunk of this work will be general QoL improvements and fixes, so we’ve decided to break the work up into multiple smaller patches, and make them live as soon as they’re ready in the coming weeks. One such update is already available, where we’ve added an alternative mode for camera rotation and zoom. This mode should improve the Steam Deck experience, and if you’re on PC, and you’ve been struggling with the camera suddenly yeeting itself as you try to rotate, we recommend checking it out too! See here for the full patch notes.
We expect that these patches will take our time until early February(ish). Afterwards we plan to switch to improving more gameplay stuff.
Aaaand that’s all for this short dev diary. Thank you for reading and hope you have a good day ????
Ana & Tom
P.S. we’re also preparing a batch of 30 new daily themes, and they will start on January 22 ????
Pounce Light
Pounce Light
Bevy Engine
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos