There are animals about which they sing songs, there are animals about which they tell tales and joke loudly, there are animals about which they speak in low tones. And there is a beast that is talked about only in whispers, but more often they are simply silent. Even his name is forbidden to be spoken out loud, and if you need to address him somehow, they simply say “master” or “bear.”
The king of the summer forest, whom both animals and small spirits reckon with, fierce in anger, but also a faithful helper in need - if only you know how to show him your respect. Everyone who lives in the forest knows the bear, fears it and has unlimited respect for it.
And everyone also knows that in winter the bear sleeps, and under no circumstances should you wake it up. The king of the forest, who awakens at the wrong time, loses his mind and brings only death and ruin to everything that comes his way. If this happens, residents of the surrounding villages get together and organize a hunt, because otherwise it is simply impossible to stop the raging hungry bear. Each such case is a great tragedy, and bears awaken more and more every year. Pundits believe that the ash that constantly erupts from the Sulfur Heart is to blame. Maybe that's how it is.
But sometimes some wandering shaman may meet the connecting rod, and then the fate of the beast will turn out differently. No one knows how shamans pacify the spirit of the forest king and make his madness recede. Just as no one knows why such bears leave their possessions and stay with the shamans forever.
Sometimes you can meet a spirit seer with a tambourine, traveling on the back of a bear through frozen forests and icy plains. And I tell you, you will never forget this sight!
And sometimes a sorcerer, a warrior, and even a monk can be on the back of a bear! After all, if some shaman manages to save more than one animal, he will have to give it up - always in good hands and for hard cash. Of course, the shamans themselves do not use money, but they are always ready to help their home village.
And even though the riding bear has lost its memory, most of its strength and is no longer the master of the forest, it remains a formidable beast and protector for the one it carries on its back.
The main thing is to remember to feed him enough and always be respectful to him.