News Liste Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator

Alliances, Influence, and Kings
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
25.12.24 10:24 Community Announcements
A new era of politics and power begins in Sphere 3!

Forget about old alliances — now clans can unite into alliances to fight for dominance in the game! A new clan resource — influence, a unique system of decrees and votes, as well as royal equipment for alliance leaders will open up endless possibilities for you.

Gather fighters, capture castles, manage territories and intrigue to lead your alliance to the pinnacle of glory! Forward to victories!

Let's dwell on each aspect of the update in more detail.


Influence is a new clan resource that can be accumulated and spent on the needs of the entire clan or alliance.

Influence will allow you to impose buffs on allies in the area where the castle is located, start wars, create alliances and choose kings in alliances. Kings can set decrees - positive effects and taxes that apply to the entire territory of the alliance (all locations where there are alliance castles).

The clan generates 1 influence point for each level 60 clan member. For owning each castle, the clan receives 250 influence per day.

In each castle that your clan owns, you can summon a castellan. Summoning a castellan costs 500,000 gold and a significant amount of craft resources and castle tokens. With his help, you can issue various decrees for influence.

Decrees are valid for the entire location in which the castle is located for 72 hours from the moment of activation.
A maximum of 3 edicts from different categories can be active in one castle:
400 influence - +50% gold mined by the clan in the location
400 influence - +50% experience gained by the clan in the location
400 influence - +25% to the chance of items dropping for the clan in the location
400 influence - +50% to resource collection in this territory
800 influence - reduction of damage received in the location for the clan by 10%
800 influence - the chance of items with quality dropping by +10%
800 influence - during the siege of this castle, the speed of construction of siege weapons by the enemy is reduced by 50%.

If the castle is captured by another clan, the castellan will disappear and will need to be summoned again. Edicts are also removed if the castle is captured by another clan.

For territories that include multiple castles (Bristly Fields of War), only one decree of each category set earlier can be active at a time.
For example, if a decree on gold was issued in Miriel Castle yesterday, and today the same clan captured Osgar Castle, it will not be able to activate a decree on experience while the decree from Miriel is active.


You have already encountered the mechanics of alliances between clans, when allies could help you during sieges. The mechanics of alliances expands this system.

To invite a clan of your faction to an alliance, open the clan window and the new “Alliances” tab. Think of a name for the alliance and enter it in the first window, and in the second - the name of the clan you want to invite.

Please note that this window is case-sensitive, and if you write the clan name with a lowercase letter, and in the game it is with a capital letter, the invitation will not be received.

Creating an alliance will cost you 800,000 gold.
Members of alliance clans are considered friendly to each other everywhere except for places with full PvP, disabling groups, PvP arenas and battlefields. One alliance can include no more than 10 clans.
An alliance cannot be left earlier than 3 days after its creation. If an alliance is dissolved, the clan will not be able to rejoin the alliance or create a new alliance for 24 hours.

The alliance of clans gains access to the alliance chat, and the “Alliances” tab changes. It has three tabs: alliance, voting and war. For players of clans in an alliance, the clan name under the character's nickname in the game changes to the name of the alliance. You can still see which clan a character nearby is in by hovering over him.

In the “Alliance” tab, you can see the clans that are part of the alliance, their leaders, the number of members and influence. Let's take a closer look at the "Voting" tab.


Voting in an alliance is used to make important decisions such as accepting a clan into the alliance, expelling a clan from the alliance, declaring war on another alliance, and choosing a king. Yes, you are not imagining things, you can really become a king in the Sphere! But first things first.
Each clan in the alliance can start a vote no more than once a day. In total, there cannot be more than 3 votes per day within the alliance, regardless of the number of clans in the alliance. Voting is started only by the clan leader.
The clan leader can invest more points to increase the chances of his decision being accepted. At the end, the sum of clicks on the "FOR" and "AGAINST" votes will be compared. Starting a vote is considered one "FOR" vote.

A notification about the vote comes to the alliance chat, the vote itself is available to all clan leaders in the alliance in the alliance window when clicking on the vote button.
Voting ends automatically 12 hours after it starts or if all clans have voted. Regardless of whether the decision was made or rejected, influence points are spent.

If the number of FOR and AGAINST points is equal, the vote ends in a draw - points are also spent. If only one clan leader voted before the deadline - the decision is made.

????Invitation and expulsion from the alliance????

To invite a third clan to the alliance, as well as all the others, you will have to hold a vote of existing alliance members. Clans pay for votes with their influence. Starting a vote costs 500 influence, the cost of one vote is 50 influence.

After the end of the vote, if the decision was made, an invitation is sent to the target clan, which can be found on the alliances tab. If the clan is disbanded or joins another alliance during this time, the invitation expires, points are spent, and a message is sent to the sender's chat stating that the clan has already joined the alliance or no longer exists.
The invitation exists for 72 hours, after which it is automatically rejected. If the target clan accepts another invitation while it has your invitation, your invitation is rejected.

When expelling a clan from an alliance, starting a vote will cost you 200 influence, and the expelled clan will leave the alliance immediately after the vote ends.

???? Declaring war on another alliance ????

Alliances that are at war with each other can attack each other on any territory, with the exception of certain peaceful zones. War is declared unilaterally.

Starting a vote to declare war will cost you 2000 influence. The war begins from the moment the timed vote ends or if all clans have voted and the total votes indicate "FOR" the war. Voting is removed, and the current war is moved to the wars section. An alliance can be in no more than 1 war at a time, regardless of whether it was declared by it or its opponents.

All current clan wars, the number of kills from both alliances are displayed at the bottom of the alliances tab. Victories are kills of your alliance representatives, losses are kills of the enemy alliance. Kills are counted only if the difference between the characters is no more than 5 levels.

During the war, an alliance cannot disintegrate, clans cannot leave this alliance.
The alliance war lasts 7 days, the number of kills of the enemy alliance representatives is counted, including during sieges and in the open world. Based on the results of the war, clans of the winning alliance receive 4500 influence points, clans of the losing alliance lose 4500 points, up to negative values.

If at least one clan of the declaring or target alliance has a negative value at the time of the war declaration, the vote does not start.

???? Declare yourself the king of the alliance ????

And another interesting reason for voting, which will require 4000 influence points from you.
After choosing a king, new elections are impossible for 21 days. Then, until the player-king leaves the clan or alliance, he is considered its king. If for some reason the king leaves the alliance, you can start a new vote. Until a new vote begins, the king is not replaced and continues to be considered the king. As long as there is a king in the clan, this clan cannot be expelled from the alliance.


Let's take a closer look at the mechanics of kings.
Having a king additionally gives the clan 50 influence daily, and also opens the opportunity to choose the location of the throne room (a special room with a throne). The throne room is needed for additional storage and the decree menu. Royal decrees can only be activated by the king.
Each alliance can only have one king at a time.

????Throne Room????

The throne room is more than just a fancy room with a throne. It can be created in the “Castles” tab when selecting a castle belonging to the king’s clan. Activating the throne room requires an alliance and a king in your clan. Creating a throne room costs resources from the king’s inventory depending on the castle.
The entrance to the throne room is inside the castle and looks like a teleport stone.

The following items and NPCs can be created inside the throne room for a certain amount of resources and gold:
????Royal Advisor
????Royal Armorer
????Royal Blacksmith

The Royal Armorer gives the king legendary equipment with special properties, improved by +10. Similar to the castle equipment, it can be further improved at the blacksmith in the throne room. When a castle is lost or the king changes, any actions by the character who was previously king will require him to remove the equipment. He will be able to put it on again only if he again becomes king in the alliance that owns the throne room.

The Treasury is an additional large storage area that can hold an additional 20 million gold, among other things. Unbound items can be placed in this chest later. All taxes collected by decrees are sent to the King's Chest.
If the castle is captured, the gold is confiscated, 50% of the gold is burned, 25% is returned to the magic chest of the leader of the previous clan owner (plus items), 25% of the gold is sent to the magic chest of the new leader of the clan that owns the castle.
If the castle is captured by an enemy or otherwise lost, the throne room is closed and must be reopened. If the clan leaves the alliance in any way, access to the throne room is lost. 25% of the gold and items from the treasury are returned to the leader's magic chest.

The Royal Advisor is a character who gives the king access to special decrees.

????King's Decrees????

Royal decrees provide bonuses for all alliance members in the territory where there is a castle controlled by the alliance. Decrees are valid for 72 hours. Activating a decree costs clan influence.

The following clan decrees are available to the king:
????Dungeon Tax - in territories controlled by the alliance, everyone except alliance members must pay a tax to enter the dungeon. This money goes to the king's treasury. Decree cost: 1000 influence.
????Territory Defense - in all territories where there are alliance castles, alliance members have a 10% reduced chance of receiving a critical hit. Also works during a siege. Decree cost: 1000 influence.
????General Celebrations - in all controlled territories, any characters of your faction have a 10% increase in experience gained, the chance of a drop, and the amount of gold and resource production received. Cost: 1000 influence.
????Logistics Development – ​​All alliance members receive a 15% bonus to movement speed. Cost: 600 influence.
????Teleportation Tax – The cost of using teleports for everyone except alliance members increases by 50%, the tax portion goes to the clan treasury. Even if the destination is outside the alliance's holdings, the money is first withdrawn taking into account the tax, then the teleport occurs. Cost: 1000 influence.

In the Bristly Fields of War, where several castles are located, when a tax is established by different alliances holding these castles, the tax amount remains fixed (as from one decree), and the revenues to the treasury are divided between all these alliances.

In the future, other improvements and additions to the mechanics of alliances and influence are possible.
I wonder who will be the first king on your server? Maybe you? We are looking forward to your impressions of the update!
Logo for Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
Release:02.12.2015 Genre: Massively Multiplayer Online Entwickler: Vertrieb: Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
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Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
09.12.24 16:03 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
08.12.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
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07.12.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
06.12.24 15:00 Community Announcements
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Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
04.12.24 08:50 Community Announcements
Multipliers frenzy!
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03.12.24 14:00 Community Announcements
Survey for Steam players
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03.12.24 13:07 Community Announcements
????Cyber Monday!????
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01.12.24 21:05 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
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01.12.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
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30.11.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Bonus when replenishing your account!
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29.11.24 16:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
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29.11.24 15:00 Community Announcements
⭐️Black Friday!⭐️
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28.11.24 21:00 Community Announcements
27.11.2024 game update
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Plague Time
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27.11.24 09:27 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
24.11.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Higher chances for incrustation!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
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Gift for the weekend
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Earner's Hour
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Weekend multipliers
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Tame Sinum!
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20.11.2024 game update
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History of Sinum
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
15.11.24 09:00 Community Announcements
13.11.2024 game update
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
13.11.24 09:52 Community Announcements
Shattered Blade
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
13.11.24 09:52 Community Announcements
Earner's Hour - results
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
11.11.24 10:10 Community Announcements
Multipliers frenzy!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
11.11.24 09:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
10.11.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Higher chances for incrustation!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
09.11.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
09.11.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Earner's Hour
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
08.11.24 16:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
08.11.24 15:00 Community Announcements
06.11.2024 game update
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
06.11.24 09:26 Community Announcements
Multipliers frenzy!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
04.11.24 07:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
03.11.24 15:00 Community Announcements
A rune activation rate is on!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
02.11.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
02.11.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
01.11.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Silver Gift - Results
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
01.11.24 13:34 Community Announcements
Summoning Aradot
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
31.10.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
27.10.24 17:46 Community Announcements
The upgrading multiplier!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
26.10.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
26.10.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
25.10.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
23.10.24 09:37 Community Announcements
23.10.2024 game update
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
23.10.24 09:37 Community Announcements
The Story of the Risen
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
22.10.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Secrets of the Thunder Bat
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
21.10.24 07:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
20.10.24 15:00 Community Announcements
North's Wheel is rolling towards you!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
20.10.24 09:00 Community Announcements
What the Hunter's Hat Will Tell
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
19.10.24 12:00 Community Announcements
Higher chances for incrustation!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
19.10.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
19.10.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
18.10.24 15:00 Community Announcements
The story of Magister Nix
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
17.10.24 21:00 Community Announcements
16.10.2024 game update
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
16.10.24 10:16 Community Announcements
Multipliers frenzy!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
14.10.24 21:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
13.10.24 15:01 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
12.10.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Top up your account and get a gift!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
11.10.24 16:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
11.10.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Gold Rush
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
09.10.24 09:28 Community Announcements
09.10.2024 game update
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
09.10.24 09:28 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
06.10.24 15:00 Community Announcements
The upgrading multiplier!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
05.10.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
05.10.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Earner's Hour
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
04.10.24 16:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
04.10.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Win a Silver Gift!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
03.10.24 21:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers frenzy!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
02.10.24 21:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
29.09.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Higher chances for incrustation!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
29.09.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
28.09.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
27.09.24 14:00 Community Announcements
Genoda is on sale!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
25.09.24 12:59 Community Announcements
Multipliers frenzy!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
25.09.24 12:00 Community Announcements
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
25.09.24 09:55 Community Announcements
25.09.2024 game update
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
25.09.24 09:55 Community Announcements
Rem — a friendly ghost
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
24.09.24 09:00 Community Announcements
Marquise Kruger
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
23.09.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
22.09.24 15:00 Community Announcements
A rune activation rate is on!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
22.09.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Godinev Skull
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
22.09.24 09:00 Community Announcements
The Curse of Grix
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
21.09.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
21.09.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Earner's Hour
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
20.09.24 16:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
20.09.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Beware of Genoda!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
20.09.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Unocycle on direct sale!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
18.09.24 12:57 Community Announcements
Silver Gift of Greatness!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
16.09.24 14:29 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
15.09.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
14.09.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Top up your account and get a gift!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
13.09.24 16:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
13.09.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Higher chances for incrustation!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
13.09.24 11:00 Community Announcements
11.09.2024 game update
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
11.09.24 09:53 Community Announcements
Fall Leaf Festival!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
11.09.24 09:51 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
08.09.24 15:01 Community Announcements
The upgrading multiplier!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
07.09.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
07.09.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Earner's Hour
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
06.09.24 16:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
06.09.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
01.09.24 15:00 Community Announcements
A rune activation rate is on!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
31.08.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
31.08.24 08:00 Community Announcements
The Greatest Rune Crystal of Strengthening!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
30.08.24 16:39 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
30.08.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Shall we take a ride on a unicycle?
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
28.08.24 11:23 Community Announcements
Day of Knowledge
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
28.08.24 09:46 Community Announcements
28.08.2024 game update
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
28.08.24 09:46 Community Announcements
Coming soon!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
26.08.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
25.08.24 15:00 Community Announcements
The upgrading multiplier!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
24.08.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
24.08.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
23.08.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Bonus when replenishing your account!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
21.08.24 16:00 Community Announcements
21.08.2024 game update
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
21.08.24 09:21 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
18.08.24 15:00 Community Announcements
The upgrading multiplier!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
18.08.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Celebrating Sphere's birthday!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
17.08.24 21:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
17.08.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
16.08.24 15:00 Community Announcements
14.08.2024 game update
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
14.08.24 09:43 Community Announcements
Travelers of the Sphere brought gifts!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
14.08.24 09:42 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
11.08.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Higher chances for incrustation!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
11.08.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
10.08.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
09.08.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Business don't wait!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
07.08.24 09:54 Community Announcements
07.08.2024 game update
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
07.08.24 09:53 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
04.08.24 15:00 Community Announcements
The upgrading multiplier!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
03.08.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
03.08.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
02.08.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers frenzy!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
31.07.24 12:00 Community Announcements
Saddle the fiery bull!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
31.07.24 09:50 Community Announcements
31.07.2024 game update
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
31.07.24 09:26 Community Announcements
In Search of the Chedrigil
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
30.07.24 09:00 Community Announcements
Who is Aulelei?
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
29.07.24 12:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
28.07.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Dendrick's Stronghold
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
28.07.24 09:00 Community Announcements
Berg's Star
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
27.07.24 13:00 Community Announcements
Higher chances for incrustation!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
27.07.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
27.07.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Coming soon to the game — the fiery brionne!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
26.07.24 16:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
26.07.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Dungeons and Shushpans
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
24.07.24 09:26 Community Announcements
New dungeon - Cursed Halls!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
24.07.24 09:25 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
21.07.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
20.07.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Bonus when replenishing your account!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
19.07.24 17:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
19.07.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
14.07.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers frenzy!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
12.07.24 17:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
12.07.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
12.07.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Higher chances for incrustation!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
10.07.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Rural Horrors
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
10.07.24 09:50 Community Announcements
Bonus for account refill
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
10.07.24 08:51 Community Announcements
A rune activation rate is on!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
08.07.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
07.07.24 15:00 Community Announcements
The upgrading multiplier!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
06.07.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
06.07.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
05.07.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers frenzy!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
04.07.24 17:00 Community Announcements
Can you ride a shark?
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
03.07.24 14:22 Community Announcements
03.07.2024 game update
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
03.07.24 12:47 Community Announcements
The most faithful friend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
02.07.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Galeb will show the way!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
01.07.24 09:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
30.06.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Underwater Explorer Helmet
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
30.06.24 09:00 Community Announcements
Air of Nerod
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
29.06.24 13:00 Community Announcements
The upgrading multiplier!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
29.06.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
29.06.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
28.06.24 14:00 Community Announcements
Tiburon - a miracle of nature or a cruel killer?
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
28.06.24 12:00 Community Announcements
26.06.2024 game update
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
26.06.24 09:16 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
23.06.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
22.06.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers frenzy!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
21.06.24 17:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
21.06.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
19.06.24 09:12 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
16.06.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Higher chances for incrustation!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
15.06.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
15.06.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
14.06.24 15:00 Community Announcements
13.06.2024 game update
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
13.06.24 12:20 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
09.06.24 15:00 Community Announcements
The upgrading multiplier!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
08.06.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
08.06.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
07.06.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Get the treasures of the ancients!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
05.06.24 10:19 Community Announcements
Dragon Wincord is already on sale!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
05.06.24 09:29 Community Announcements
Season of Dragons' Lair
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
05.06.24 09:10 Community Announcements
05.06.2024 game update
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
05.06.24 09:10 Community Announcements
Tame Shkeers!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
04.06.24 09:00 Community Announcements
Gastres is looking for an owner!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
03.06.24 07:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
02.06.24 15:00 Community Announcements
A rune activation rate is on!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
02.06.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Horseman's Aegis
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
02.06.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Who will win the Ragah's trophy?
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
01.06.24 12:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
01.06.24 08:00 Community Announcements
On Wincord's back
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
31.05.24 17:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
31.05.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Invasion of the Abyss
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
29.05.24 11:13 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
26.05.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Higher chances for incrustation!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
26.05.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
25.05.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
24.05.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
19.05.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
18.05.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
17.05.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
12.05.24 15:00 Community Announcements
The upgrading multiplier!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
11.05.24 11:00 Community Announcements
May gift!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
11.05.24 07:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
10.05.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Gifts for replenishing your account!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
09.05.24 12:00 Community Announcements
A rune activation rate is on!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
09.05.24 11:00 Community Announcements
May gift!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
09.05.24 07:00 Community Announcements
Crystal fever
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
08.05.24 10:07 Community Announcements
In memory of past battles
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
08.05.24 10:06 Community Announcements
08.05.2024 game update
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
08.05.24 10:06 Community Announcements
Make friends with mabuni!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
08.05.24 08:54 Community Announcements
Prickly but useful
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
07.05.24 13:00 Community Announcements
Meet Muskan
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
06.05.24 12:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
05.05.24 15:00 Community Announcements
What you need to know about vandehuru
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
05.05.24 13:00 Community Announcements
The upgrading multiplier!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
05.05.24 11:00 Community Announcements
The story of wakamaru
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
04.05.24 13:00 Community Announcements
May gift!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
04.05.24 07:00 Community Announcements
Beware of mabuni!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
03.05.24 17:00 Community Announcements
Earner's hour
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
03.05.24 16:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
03.05.24 15:00 Community Announcements
May gift!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
01.05.24 07:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
28.04.24 15:00 Community Announcements
May gift!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
28.04.24 07:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers frenzy!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
27.04.24 17:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
26.04.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
21.04.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
20.04.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
19.04.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
17.04.24 09:31 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
14.04.24 15:00 Community Announcements
The upgrading multiplier!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
13.04.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
13.04.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
12.04.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Tame Ngeru Nui!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
10.04.24 10:13 Community Announcements
10.04.2024 game update
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
10.04.24 09:33 Community Announcements
Jungle Mystery Season
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
10.04.24 09:33 Community Announcements
The story of moki-maki
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
09.04.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Who are maki-maki?
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
08.04.24 07:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
07.04.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Something about the poultry house
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
07.04.24 09:00 Community Announcements
The story of pagari
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
06.04.24 14:00 Community Announcements
A rune activation rate is on!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
06.04.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
06.04.24 08:00 Community Announcements
The story of Ngeru Nui
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
05.04.24 16:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
05.04.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
31.03.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
30.03.24 09:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
29.03.24 15:00 Community Announcements
27.03.2024 game update
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
27.03.24 09:21 Community Announcements
April Fool's Day
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
27.03.24 09:20 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
25.03.24 07:00 Community Announcements
Earner's hour
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
22.03.24 16:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
22.03.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Gifts when replenishing your account!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
22.03.24 14:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
17.03.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Earner's hour
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
16.03.24 15:00 Community Announcements
A rune activation rate is on!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
16.03.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
16.03.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Killer's hour
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
15.03.24 16:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
15.03.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Pioneer Story
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
13.03.24 10:08 Community Announcements
Season of the Wasteland Hunter
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
13.03.24 09:15 Community Announcements
13.03.2024 game update
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
13.03.24 09:10 Community Announcements
History of the Mastiff
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
11.03.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
10.03.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Skirmisher Helm
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
10.03.24 09:00 Community Announcements
Horn of the Great Hunt
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
09.03.24 10:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
09.03.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Earner's hour
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
08.03.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Pioneer Story
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
08.03.24 09:00 Community Announcements
Surprise rates!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
07.03.24 17:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
07.03.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
03.03.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
02.03.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Killer's hour
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
01.03.24 16:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
01.03.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
25.02.24 15:00 Community Announcements
A rune activation rate is on!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
25.02.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
24.02.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Earner's hour
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
23.02.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
22.02.24 15:00 Community Announcements
21.02.2024 game update
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
21.02.24 11:40 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
18.02.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Higher chances for incrustation!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
17.02.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
17.02.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Killer's hour
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
16.02.24 16:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
16.02.24 15:00 Community Announcements
The Tireless Pursuer is now on sale!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
14.02.24 10:45 Community Announcements
14.02.2024 game update
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
14.02.24 09:10 Community Announcements
Season of the Bonehunter
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
14.02.24 09:10 Community Announcements
Legend of the hunting bow
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
12.02.24 12:11 Community Announcements
The Legend of the Hunting Peregrine Falcon
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
12.02.24 08:53 Community Announcements
Bonehunter Helm
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
12.02.24 08:53 Community Announcements
The story of the Snow Wolf
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
12.02.24 08:53 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
11.02.24 15:00 Community Announcements
The upgrading multiplier!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
10.02.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
10.02.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
09.02.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Maintenance, gifts and rates
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
07.02.24 17:32 Community Announcements
07.02.2024 game update
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
07.02.24 09:15 Community Announcements
Valentine's Day!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
07.02.24 09:15 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
04.02.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers frenzy!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
03.02.24 17:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
03.02.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Killer's hour
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
02.02.24 16:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
02.02.24 15:01 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for weekdays
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
29.01.24 09:30 Community Announcements
Higher chances for incrustation!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
28.01.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
27.01.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
26.01.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
21.01.24 15:00 Community Announcements
A rune activation rate is on!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
20.01.24 11:00 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
20.01.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
19.01.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Ride a bear!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
17.01.24 11:04 Community Announcements
Season of the Northern Shaman
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
17.01.24 09:07 Community Announcements
Nothern Shaman's Tambourine
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
15.01.24 11:31 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
14.01.24 15:00 Community Announcements
Shaman's hat
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
14.01.24 11:52 Community Announcements
The Story of The Bear
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
13.01.24 19:04 Community Announcements
Gift for the weekend
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
13.01.24 08:00 Community Announcements
Weekend multipliers
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
12.01.24 15:00 Community Announcements
The Story of the Moon Hare
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
12.01.24 09:00 Community Announcements
11.01.2024 game update
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
11.01.24 08:48 Community Announcements
Multipliers schedule for upcoming week
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
07.01.24 15:00 Community Announcements
More gifts!
Sphere 3: Rage of the Devastator
07.01.24 09:00 Community Announcements