Dark deeds happen on Fridays. The coming Friday is no exception: rumor has it that on this day the dragon Aradot, strengthened by the ritual of his Witnesses, will visit the world of the Sphere in order to feast on the juicy flesh of people and demons and bring chaos to the established way of life.
Aradot will appear where he was last seen - at the Obelisk in the Emerald Valley. And of course, as always, he will bring other monsters with him. To cope with the invasion, this world needs heroes again, and it has them!
The victors of Aradot will receive the greatest treasures:
✨epic equipment,
✨rare stones,
✨recipes and valuable components,
✨enchantment scrolls,
✨the unique title "Monster Slayer"
and much more.
Aradot's appearance time:
⭐Server "Theia": 18:00 UTC+3
⭐Server "Atlas": 18:30 UTC+3
⭐Server "Prometheus": 19:00 UTC+3
We wish you good luck!