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SpaceBourne 2 Early Access Ver. 4.1.0 Released
SpaceBourne 2
10.05.24 15:46 Community Announcements
SpaceBourne 2 Early Access Ver. 4.1.0

New Features And Changes:

We've gathered all the feedback from our players and have completely rewritten the entire family and faction system based on it.

New Faction Stats:

Four new faction stats have been added to the game:

  • Diplomatic Power: Determined by a faction's relationships with other factions.
  • Economic Power: Determined by the stations and systems a faction owns, and the traffic those systems generate.
  • Military Power: Based on the strategic locations owned and the military strength of a faction.
  • Family Power: Calculated based on the total power a faction holds in the galaxy.
  • Leader Power: Determined by the successes and decisions of a faction's leader.
  • Factions now base all their decisions and actions on these values, enhancing and renewing the AI behaviors.

New Faction and Diplomacy Feature – “Trade Routes”:

Factions can now form trade agreements with each other. Following these agreements, trade routes are established between the parties, and trade ships dynamically follow these routes to complete their trades.

Ambush the Trade Ships :

One of the most requested features, Trade Convoys and Seamless Space to Ground Battles, has been added. Players can now ambush trade ships along these routes, breach their hulls, and engage in seamless face-to-face combat to loot containers.

New Faction and Diplomacy Feature – “Leaders”:

Every faction now has leaders, such as Mayors or Generals in every system and station. These leaders can make autonomous decisions that enhance their faction's power. Players can encounter them in various locations, such as the stations they manage. Additionally, winning battles may now result in capturing these leaders if they are present at the station, disabling them, taking them prisoner, and even selling them as slaves, thereby disrupting the power balance of the factions.

More Dynamic AI Diplomacy:

AI factions can now develop relationships amongst themselves, forging new agreements and opening new trade routes.

Player Faction Improvements:

New Currency: POWER

A new currency, Power now balances all actions of the player faction. Every activity earns Power, and every advancement requires it, making the progression more balanced and the game more challenging.

New Player Faction Trade Agreements:
Player factions can now make trade agreements with friendly factions to earn money.

New Faction Path Variable:
The path chosen for a player's faction now has more significant implications. For instance, a Faction on the Chaos path gains more power from plundering a station, whereas a Faction on the Harmony path gains less power and must consider Faction support.

New Enemy Class: "Space Boss Ships"
Space now features dozens of procedurally generated bosses with multiple abilities, replacing all bounty targets in bounty missions with these bosses.

Mothership Improvements:
The player mothership and its system have been completely overhauled. Motherships now have subsystems which players manage in real-time, influencing the course of battles through strategic subsystem adjustments.

We will be introducing new Mothership weapons in future updates to make motherships even more complex.

Sound and Music Updates:

Unique music and atmospheric sounds have been added for all stations.

The Russian Language has been updated.


Reported by players as follows:

  • - I can no longer call my Mothership. I am in the correct system and station, but it will not respond my call via the Ship Manager interface.
  • - Some planets' scalers are too large and can engulf surrounding stations, or when I warp to a nearby station, it directly lands me on the planet.
  • - "The Constructor" mission does not update from " Wait for Jack" part.
  • - Anti-missile flares are launched from the middle of the ship forward.
  • -When assigning a general as the leader of a new house, the general slot is permanently deleted.
  • IMPORTANT: We fixed this bug, but had to remove all generals from their slots and refresh the slots to correct imbalances in save files that were affected. Therefore, if you encounter this issue and find the general slots empty when you load your game, you need to reassign them from the "Ready to Assign" section.
  • - Capital ships are capable of buying trade goods from Trade Hubs or Industrial Complexes, which disrupts the trade mechanics.
  • - Star systems assigned to sub-houses (vassals) in the Atlas are displayed as belonging to no one (without a mini-portrait of my vassal).
  • - House Zerat should have a Research Station named Aldon in the Valtoros (N2) system, but it is not there. NOTE: We identified 6 space stations missing like this and have corrected these errors.
  • - Plundered Station Blocks Capturing System. Now a station being plundered no longer prevents capturing the system.
  • - The entry points of research stations appear skewed and prevent me from entering the station after battles.
  • - The diplomacy panel lags for 1-2 seconds when opened.
  • - At Outposts and Morthra stations, the Ship Management console is outside the station, allowing me to change ships during combat, which disrupts the combat mechanics.
  • - When I visit markets appropriate for my Guild rank, the item tiers are lower than promised. When checking legendary stocks, I mostly see “Rare” items.
  • - If I use a mothership, after capturing a station, the siege mode is maintained and does not allow jumps to gates, stations, etc.
  • - When controlling the mothership, there is a conflict between 2 buttons: stabilizing pods and changing the “free view” camera.
  • - While playing with motherships, I am unable to capture pods. (A new SubSystem has been added to motherships to enable capturing surrounding pods.)
  • - Stations do not provide the promised rewards after capturing.
  • - We can enter stations during Destroy Operations, which disrupts the process.
  • - Immediately after capturing a station, in raid mode, the “system capture” button is not active. To capture a system, you need to fly to another system and return; then the button will become active again.
  • - WRA soldiers become invisible at certain camera angles immediately after capturing a station.
  • - Pirates can raid a station while we are capturing it.
  • - The game crashes when a squad lands on a planet via warp.
  • - Every time I board the ship after rescuing Anka from prison, I receive repeating dialogues from Anka and Drane.
  • - During the initial mission at the asteroid station, the “Shot Target” indicator disappears during the tutorial, making it impossible to reacquire the target.
  • - The Player Faction's Structures panel appears empty.
  • - After winning battles, the Victory screen shows that I have gained "0" from the battles.
  • - During Castle Siege, even after winning and capturing the castle, turrets shoot at my ship when I board.
  • - During Castle Siege, turrets deal excessively high damage relative to their levels.
  • - I can climb on top of vending machines in the Bounty Hunters Guild and Mercenary Guild, and when I come down, it throws me into void space.
  • - Every time I save and load the game after destroying a station, “Debris of” is added in front of the station's name, and these “Debris of” labels stack.
  • - Drones spawned during a battle at a station remain there even after the battle ends.
  • - During a battle at a station, I can cancel the combat from the Faction > Operation interface. The battle is removed from the system, but I remain in the combat zone.
  • - The sorting algorithm in the diplomacy interface for stations based on their values is not working correctly.
  • - In the Faction > Diplomatic actions interface, every flag appears as the “House Thunder” flag.
  • - After destroying an outpost, I experience a significant FPS drop, and it remains low until I restart the game.
  • - During an Operation, the Capital Dock sections of stations are open, and I dock unintentionally.
  • - After performing a plunder with the Mothership, instead of being inside the station at the end of the battle, it places me inside the mothership.
  • - After restarting the game during a Plunder Operation, enemy soldiers that were level 48 spawn at level 15.
  • - Sometimes, during operations, level -1 enemies spawn.
  • - The war target I set during operations sometimes disappears.
  • - I attend the meeting in the Council mission, but the mission does not progress. (This bug was fixed, but as of Ver 4.1.0, the main story ends at this point.)

IMPORTANT NOTE: The new update will not affect your current game saves. However, since diplomatic relations have been reorganized, current wars and active operations will be reset. Therefore, if you have a saved game before an operation, you will need to redo the same operation.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have loaded the game from a save file where you had organized an operation in the Integration Station raid but had not yet started the battle, please restart the operation from the Faction interface.

We are thrilled to unveil our latest Soundtrack album, featuring an exhilarating collection of new music from the game. Dive into the sonic universe of our latest release and experience the epic soundscapes that have just hit the shelves!
Logo for SpaceBourne 2
Release:17.02.2023 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: Burak Dabak Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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