News Liste SpaceBourne 2

SpaceBourne 2 Early Access Ver. 3.0.1 Released
SpaceBourne 2
24.10.23 14:09 Community Announcements
Dear Community ;

I'd like to begin by extending my apologies for the recent delay in updates. Currently, we're tirelessly working day and night on a major update. However, since this update will take a bit more time, I plan to address the reported bugs during this period with smaller updates.

In the upcoming major update, the main storyline will be completed and thoroughly polished from start to finish. Additionally, there will be significant changes to the Faction system. But all of this takes time, so I want to express my gratitude for your patience.

SpaceBourne 2 Early Access Ver. 3.0.1


• Mining earnings have been updated and rebalanced for a more equitable experience.
• A new multi-purpose mining ship has been added to the game.


Reported by players as follows :

    > • In the second part of the same mission, even if I eliminate all the enemies in the landing pad cleanup objective, the mission does not update for about 2 minutes. • In the Clear Debris mission, at the point where Axa joins us, the crosshair remains fixed in the center of the screen after the screen fades. • In the Saving The Anka mission, the "Destroy Enemy Ships" objective appears in the Return to Izner city objective before the mission starts but completes immediately. • When landing on certain planet points, when the cockpit camera closes during landing, the 3D mesh of the cockpit is still visible. • In The Kold mission, during the section where we need to follow the ship, the ship we are following can sometimes become invisible. • After a System Jump, the jump effect sound remains in the game and continues to play until the game is closed and reopened. • When exiting the Molyax Ship, when I activate the warp drive, an effect occurs as if we were on the planet's surface, opening the navigation instead of the warp drive. • If we warp before the dialogues are finished when exiting the Molyax ship, the save feature remains disabled in the game. • There is a red square around the exit door of the Molyax ship. • There is a sequence issue when entering the Molyax ship. The fade ends prematurely, and the character hovers for a while. During this time, if we activate the jetpack, we start flying inside the station. • When the Warp Drive is active or there is an indicator, opening the Scanner or Space Atlas leaves the indicators on the screen, sometimes making it difficult to click on scanner points. • The scale of the NPC ship coordinator at the Morthra station is very large, and they often hover in the air. • There are meshes at Morthra station that do not belong to the level. • Sometimes, the jetpack thruster effect remains on the character, even when the jetpack is turned off. • If we press the weapon change keys in quick succession, sometimes the weapon disappears from the character's hand, but I can still continue firing. • In Bounty missions, if I save/load at certain points, the mission progress gets corrupted. • In some planet types, the collision on mountains and slopes is not updating. The player's feet can go through these surfaces, and sometimes even fall beneath the surface. (We couldn't reproduce this bug, but we've made some changes to prevent it. If you still encounter this issue, please report it.) • In the "Get your ship" section of Arkansan City, if I save/load the game before taking the ship, the ship disappears, and the game freezes. • In the Arkansans city, if I use the "call ship" feature before actually taking the ship, the ship doesn't come to me but continuously rotates in its position. • In the Alaysia mission, when talking to Alaysia, Drane doesn't appear by our side, but Drane's dialogues continue to play as if they were with us. • In the Kold mission, during the ship hijacking section, if my character is at a higher level, they cannot inflict any damage on enemy ships. • When leaving the Mothership and going to the deck, if I save/load before boarding the ship on the deck, I can see an unused ship in the Ship Interface located on the deck. • In some Camp dungeons, enemy AI only fires at me when I walk past them.

We have a new community manager on board! Please don't hesitate to contact them through Steam (@misirciogluece) , Discord(@melismisircioglu) , or via email at anytime you need assistance.
Logo for SpaceBourne 2
Release:17.02.2023 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: Burak Dabak Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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