Hello, dear Conquerors!
My name’s Emil, and today, I’m thrilled to take over the Steam post! I primarily write code here at Lavapotion, and for the past few years, part of my main focus has been the Random Map Generator (RMG).
With all the excitement surrounding our official release, future DLC, and roadmap, it’s been a while since we’ve delved into the RMG. However, I want to assure you that it hasn’t been forgotten. While it may not be our primary focus moving forward, we’re still dedicated to its ongoing improvement. So today, I’d like to talk about just that!

For those who have been with us since the beginning, you’ve witnessed the evolution of our random maps. The RMG has been a continuous process of innovation and iteration, with much of the groundwork laid by Patrik before passing the torch to me. Our goal was to create a system capable of generating maps with balanced resources, varied terrains, and engaging layouts, while also ensuring accessibility for modders. Though there's always room for improvement, we are proud of what we've achieved so far.

During early access, your feedback was instrumental in shaping the RMG. We’ve listened to your suggestions, concerns, and praises, making adjustments along the way and creating new layouts to meet your needs. This collaborative effort has ensured that the maps generated by the RMG are not only challenging but also enjoyable. I cannot emphasize enough how crucial the community's engagement has been in achieving the current state of the RMG. Without your invaluable input, we wouldn't be where we are today.
For those of you with ideas or suggestions on how to further improve the RMG, your feedback is most welcome in our Discord channel dedicated to random map feedback. Even as we move past 1.0, we remain committed to ensuring that the RMG remains a cornerstone of your gameplay experience.

One of our new 2-player random map layout that you can find on mod.io
We’ve also recently released two unique random maps on mod.io, which some of you may have already discovered. These maps draw inspiration from our challenge maps but add a unique twist thanks to the nature of RMG. Both a single-player and two-player version are available, and we’re eager to hear your thoughts on them.
Lastly, keep an eye out for a few special seeds. Who knows, one of them might even be the answer to the ultimate question.
/Emil and the Lavapotion Team