We're thrilled to share some fantastic news! We've not only fine-tuned controls but are now proudly sporting the Steam Deck Verified badge! Your invaluable feedback played a crucial role in refining our controls, ensuring we passed every one of Valve's tests.

We have worked closely with our friends at Bitwave to get this verification, they are experts in the field, and working together with them has made this process a lot faster than if we had tried it alone.
There's been a complete overhaul of controls and menus, ensuring native integration with Steam Deck and gamepad controls. A major part of this includes adding a large-font UI, guaranteeing no awesome dialogue or tooltip goes unnoticed.

We've also introduced new tooltips specifically designed for Steam Deck. Due to our traditional mouse interaction, as within most strategy games, we have added a new control scheme. Making it easy and natural to move your precious Wielders across maps and through their adventures.
However, fixing menus and D-pad control settings hasn't been the only challenge. To ensure the game runs smoothly on your Steam Deck, we've done significant tweaking and optimization, benefiting the game as a whole! For example, we've streamlined terrain rendering and implemented a battery-saving system.
And do you need to bother with all these cool and improved settings? Of course not! We've ensured that the optimal settings are set as defaults the first time you start our game on your sleek machine. After all, we want you to play it as soon as you can!

Adapting a game for that precious Verified check box involves a ton of considerations. While the entire list is too long to mention here, our focus has been on making sure the game feels as fun to play on the Steam Deck as it does on PC and Mac, and we truly believe we've succeeded! But if you want to read that before-mentioned cool list, there will of course be a link just below.
So enough words, get out there, and bring your Steam Deck to that family event! Instead of awkward small-talk with relatives you hardly know, you can lead armies and cast powerful spells, literally in the palms of your hands.
Turn to Conquest Wielders and have an awesome day!
A very proud Lavapotion Gang and our Bitwave Friends!