We are thrilled to share Difficulties Unlocked! Our newest major update and it is packed with new features and enhancements. Among many things, it has some much-asked-about AI additions to tactics and difficulties, Achievements, and a very shiny updated main menu.

The real one is even animated and not stuck in a weird gif-loop!
So let’s start to dig into the pixelated details. This update brings Achievements to our game, an addition that many of you have been looking forward to. With names such as “Dressed for Success” and “Bringer of Ruin” we promise that you can find them in the most surprising places. We won’t take the fun away by telling you the details but the first one is all about equipment.

How we imagine you will look a day or so after our Achievements went online.
One of the major new additions is more difficulty levels. You can now decide between five different levels of difficulty, ranging from very easy to very hard. Before this update, our “normal” setting included some advantages for your computer opponents like an increase in gold and XP to level the battlefield a bit. But with the launch of “Difficulties Unlocked” those days are gone, on the normal difficulty it has the same multipliers as you. Our AI is getting closer and closer to being that worthy opponent you deserve.

We won't judge you if you pick Very Easy, really we won't.
The AI has also abandoned its static build plans and now adjusts its plans depending on Wielders and their own goals. This means that the enemy strongholds are more varied than ever and that you might find yourself facing a heavily defended settlement, stopping even your best assaults.

It even has Guard Towers, cheeky AI!
And is that all? No not by any stretch of the imagination. For those players who enjoy playing Multiplayer, we have something just for you. With this update we introduce a new feature, making sure that anyone not involved in a battle can still move around, claim resources, and enjoy our adventure map while someone else is in combat.
This new addition to our multiplayer games makes the games shorter and gives everyone something to do while combat is happening elsewhere.

While you can't fight simultaneously you can still explore your surroundings!
Difficulties Unlocked brings something to everyone and even though we have introduced some of our favorite highlights we always recommend reading the Changelog in its entirety, making sure you don’t miss a thing.
We love hearing what you think of our updates, is there anything in this update that stood out to you or something that we just have to improve before 1.0? Write a comment or join the discussions over on Discord.
So what are you waiting for? hit that update button, earn those achievements, and face a new layer of difficulties today!
/Everyone at Lavapotion