We're back with another update to whisk you away from the gloom, darkness, and cold – unless we're just projecting some Swedish weather your way. Regardless, we've got a treat for you: The Challenge Accepted update!
As always, we've brought a smorgasbord of goodies to the pixelated table, including bug fixes, map editor additions, and a handful of tweaks. But this update caters a bit more to those who savor the single-player experience and love a good challenge. For example, we've added five brand-new Challenge Maps!

Now, what's a Challenge Map, you ask? Well, it's not your typical Conquest map. It's a specially designed map crafted to test your skills, often with a unique goal in mind. Can you beat our AI's record of 50 turns to complete Three Roads? We challenge you to surpass that!
To show this mode, we’ve improved the Main Menu even more, making all our different Map Types equally accessible.

Of course, we haven't forgotten our classic Campaigns. In this update, we've revisited Arleon! The Song of Stoutheart was our first campaign, and oh, how things have changed since its creation. We've armed our map editor with new tools, and our AI has learned some new tactics. Every mission has seen updates – from fresh visuals to new story elements and difficulty tweaks. We're eager to see how you enjoy this revamped (or should we say, new-ish) experience.

For our Cartography Community, we have also introduced new improvements. These are designed to help you craft a more vibrant story when creating your own campaigns – think triggers that unleash special effects or the option to ban specific building levels.
You can now control Wielder respawn rates, shaping maps that limit how often the AI can resurrect enemy Wielders after you've defeated them! Perfect for those looking to embrace a more casual gaming style.

And bugs? We've dedicated a substantial amount of time to squashing them, and this bug-squashing mission will continue until our 1.0 release. Say goodbye to that annoying bug that led to an infinite loading screen when playing offline. Now you can enjoy Songs of Conquest anywhere, anytime!
But all those smaller things are better suited for our Changelog, so do what our Wielder Peradine does and go read them, they are filled with both small and major additions!

With an array of new maps and updated campaigns, we're itching for you to give them a try. Share your conquests on our new Challenge Maps and let us know your thoughts on the improved Arleon Campaign! There's a lot of new content in this update, making it the perfect time to jump back in and play!
Turn to Conquest Wielders, you deserve it!
/Everyone at Lavapotion
Read the changelog! It's cool! https://www.songsofconquest.com/changelog092