News Liste Songs of Conquest

Winter is coming!
Songs of Conquest
17.12.24 16:55 Community Announcements

Big update and the Vanir DLC arrives!

Our new faction DLC is now officially released along with a large free update to the base game! Creating the Vanir has been an incredible journey, and we believe we’ve crafted something truly special. New, thrilling, and above all, fun! If you’ve been following our devlogs, you already know a little about the process, but there’s so much more to discover.


But today isn’t just about Nordic folklore, fantasy Vikings, and glorious raids. Every DLC launch is also a chance for us at Lavapotion to enhance the base game, ensuring that Songs of Conquest keeps evolving—even for players who might not pick up the DLC. Why? Because the base game is a labor of love for us, and we want to make right by our loyal audience. And speaking of loyal players, congratulations to sir_magnaram who won a key to access Vanir early by signing up for our newsletter, happy raiding!
So, before smashing down the gates and diving into all the exciting Vanir details, let’s talk about the improvements that come with this update for everyone.

Yes, the “smashing down gate” thing was a bit forced, but I’ve been sitting on this GIF for weeks.

Your feedback, suggestions, and constructive criticism since our launch last spring have been invaluable. While we couldn’t implement everything, this update brings meaningful changes inspired by your input. And don’t worry, there’s plenty more balance tweaking and features planned for next year.

In this update, we’ve adjusted starting armies, updated the research trees for all factions, and rebalanced several units to keep battles engaging and competitive. For a full breakdown of the changes, we highly recommend diving into the full patch notes—there’s a lot to explore!

Don’t worry, even the dusty old Barony of Loth isn’t forgotten, all factions get a little bit of love with this update!

One major update is the introduction of Artifact Sets! These are themed collections of new and existing artifacts that grow in power as you equip more pieces from the same set. We think Artifact Sets brings a lot of fun, especially for players who enjoy crafting their own thematic maps. They add flair, variation, and, most importantly, raw power. And this is just the beginning—we’re already planning to expand with more sets and artifacts in the future to keep things fresh and exciting.

Some sets are small yet impactful like the Marsh Provides—a Rana-themed set of four artifacts. With each additional piece equipped, you gain extra Essence, and a full set offers a truly powerful edge!

Then there’s the Throat-Cutter Set, perfect for those who appreciate a bit of rogue flair. Collect the full set of five artifacts, and a Cutthroat unit will join each turn. It’s as practical as it is dashing!

With a complete set, those Cut-throats will flock to you: So leave a troop slot open!

And just because you didn’t pick up the Vanir DLC doesn’t mean you won’t encounter the new Vanir troops on the battlefield. We’ve added them as enemies on several of our previously released Conquest maps, and if you’re diving into a random map, don’t be surprised if you face the Vanir sooner rather than later.

We’ve also added a brand-new map: Barren Frontier. This Conquest map is designed to introduce you to the Vanir faction, setting the stage for battles in the snow-covered lands of the Bleak East. It’s the perfect opportunity to face off against our new faction and get a feel for their combat style.

As you see, there are many reasons to update Songs of Conquest and explore everything this latest patch has to offer! But now, let’s talk more about the new DLC!

It's an amazing feeling to still be learning new things, even after so many years of development. Designing our new faction has been an adventure in itself, but it also made us see our base game in a whole new light.

At the core of it all, our focus has been simple: make something fun. And we think we’ve succeeded. Have your raven-like Korphans leap onto enemy walls? That’s a damn treat. Watching your witch-like Nornor get hit with Blind Hatred, only to start stabbing your own troops from across the battlefield? Pure chaos—and pure fun!

We’re also incredibly proud of the new biomes. Crafting snow-covered trees, jagged mountains, and windswept plains felt cozy, even if it was harder than you'd think (despite just having to look out the window). Now, we can’t wait to see what you do with them. Somehow, our community map makers always manage to outshine us, impressing us with their creativity and the maps they bring to life.

Cold and filled with Trolls and scary horses, It feels just like home (for us Swedes anyhow!)

The units of any faction are vital! They’re your source of Essence, the foundation of your strategy, and the ones who will either die or conquer, based on your tactical brilliance. The Vanir and their Vildra allies bring a unique flavor to the battlefield, drawing deeply from folklore and Old Norse tales.

The Vanir are a resilient people, descended from ragtag settlers and former Baryan debtors. Combined with the enigmatic and forest-dwelling Vildra, they offer a truly unique and memorable playstyle. I mean who wouldn’t love to have a troll chuck a big old stone at your enemies?

Let the troll without sin cast the first stone?

We could say more, but as the saying goes, a screenshot (or a GIF!) is worth a thousand words. We hope you enjoy playing with our new faction as much as we enjoyed creating it, and we can’t wait to hear your thoughts in the comments!
As the year winds down, Lavapotion will be a bit quieter over the coming weeks. We'll be retreating into the dark Swedish woods, donning chainmail, and crafting straw goats (don’t ask). But we wish you a wonderful December, and rest assured—before you know it, we’ll be back with more news, updates, and exciting plans for the future. This is just the beginning.
Great deeds await!

/Everyone at Lavapotion

Logo for Songs of Conquest
Release:10.05.2022 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Lavapotion Vertrieb: Coffee Stain Publishing Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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