We are absolutely thrilled to bring you our latest update. Get ready to dive into it and read up on all the pixelated details! We are blazing ahead and ticking off those items on our new roadmap at a great pace and in general, it’s really looking like we are just perfectly on time.
Version 0.87 gives you a whole bunch of quality-of-life improvements, making sure that things are starting to reach the quality we want before reaching 1.0. For example, we are now introducing an improved version of our sim-turns, making sure it’s more dynamic and tactical than ever before. We have also, thanks to our amazing community, identified and taken care of a bunch of bugs, so thank you for reporting them!

We sent our best guy on bug fixes!
So what about those sim-turns? Well, we finally got around to improving them, making sure it all just runs smoother. The basic approach is that we want as many players to play simultaneously as possible, but still avoid situations where players would benefit by doing something as quickly as possible (for instance frantically buying all the troops your coffers can afford before the other player has the time to click to attack).
In short, human players are grouped together in as few groups as possible. Putting you together with your co-op partner is a given but you can also sign a little non-aggression pact while playing using a new “friendly” icon on the banners. Be warned though, that little icon is in no way a guarantee that your neighbor doesn’t pull a sneaky move on you, beware of backstabbing!

We never trusted that Robin guy anyway, clearly up to something.
As we said, we did a lot of work with quality-of-life stuff, and that includes a bunch of polish by our look-n-feel team. We have reworked a bunch of VFX and added or redone a whole heap of tooltips, everything to make things look just a little bit better. This might not be game-changing stuff but you have to do some polish as well as the big things.

It's worth getting a brand new Hellroar just for the new combat animation!
But wait there’s more! Well to be fair the list is pretty long and you’ll have to read the changelog linked below to really get a grip on the amount of work we’ve done. There is however one more massive thing that we just have to mention!
There have been a lot of multiplayer fixes, making sure that there will be way fewer disconnects by reducing the amount of traffic sent during an online game. We have also added an option where you can try to reconnect or gracefully leave the game through a menu if a disconnect does happen, you aren’t just lost in the void! Another new thing is the option of replacing any team with a human or an AI when loading a multiplayer game!

A bit harsh, but you get the point
And speaking of AI, it’s just getting better and will continue to do so every single update until launch! There have been improvements in path-making decisions, tactics, and adventure behavior. A great example for that is that is an improved threat assessment and increasing chances of making fewer suicidal attacks. After all, we want you to feel like the great Wielder that you are after defeating a worthy foe!

We have great faith in our new robot overlords.
In short, get ready for an enhanced multiplayer experience, smarter AI, and a smoother adventure in Songs of Conquest. We can’t wait to see you all in action!
So what are you waiting for? Start up the new update now and experience the magic of our little game. Share your epic tales, strategies, and feedback with us - your adventures really are a great inspiration for us!
Let’s conquer this world together!
/Everyone at Lavapotion
Read the new changelog here!