News Liste Shakes and Fidget
Around the same time, an open letter published on Discord by Vaaz drew our attention where the community voiced their frustration with the game’s quality and direction. We would like to thank you for your open words, and we are grateful for such a dedicated community. We are confident that we will find answers for your demands with our new processes.
Change takes time but you can expect even more surveys regarding new and existing game features. The outcome of surveys will be communicated more transparently. We will intensify our cooperation with content creators and peer groups of experienced and dedicated community members to constantly gather feedback during the whole production phase and beyond. Of course, this will include open and/or closed beta tests as well.
While the issues raised in the open letter have been addressed during the Twitch stream, we want to highlight that several concerns mentioned in the letter, along with additional community requests, have already been resolved with the release of update 24.000 today. For more detailed information, please check our changelog:
Moreover, this year's event cycle has been designed based on community feedback to ensure it is more diverse and beneficial during the scheduled events. For instance, the witches’ dance event was introduced this weekend in response to the Sandstorm extension release.
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