Patch notes
- Fixed time not passing or passing very slowly for some players.
- Fixed wheel menu being available when using a bed, causing unintended behavior.
- Fixed materials and textures being wrong or invisible on objects after loading.
- Fixed cinchona tree, datura tree, pepper plant and coca plant being invisible at distances greater than 1m.
- Fixed hovered world items being destroyed when consuming something in the backpack.
- Fixed in-game bug report text box becoming deselected when moving the mouse.
- Fixed car wrecks and other scavengeables not correctly dropping loot.
- Fixed animals not dropping the correct number of items when harvesting.
- Fixed water containers not correctly updating the freshness when being refilled.
- Fixed being able to pickup an item/object when currently placing something in the world, causing unintended behavior.
- Fixed all save files disappearing when the game fails to load the meta data for one of them, and added a popup window displaying the corrupted save(s) detected.
- Fixed the water collector UI displaying when it should be hidden.
- Fixed an issue causing the interact button to make the player drink after they have just dropped a water container or drinkable item.
Quality of Life
- Improved quest icons in the journal.
- Removed the 'Delete All' saves button.
- Water collector no longer works indoors.
- Escape key and controller back button can now wake you up and make you stand up when sleeping or laying down.
- Lowered the volume of the splash intro video.
- Adjusted positions of backpack equipment so they no longer block other backpack slots.
Developer notes
We are happy to have finally found and fixed the source of the time issue that a lot of you have been experiencing for a while.
Our main focus for the next patch is going to be improving the conditions and status effects for the player and fixing the various raft issues.
Warm regards,
The project castaway team