Patch notes
- Added a lid to drop boxes. This disables the stored item physics entirely, preventing them from flying around or sinking the raft.
- Added a huge drop box.
- Added a confirmation window when deleting and creating save files, and when exiting a game. Additionally, added an option to exit to the main menu or to the desktop.
- Added additional sound effect when activating the tower.
- Added a stake to the tower quest sticky notes.
- Fixed quests saving wrong data, which resulted in unpredictable symptoms. While it no longer can happen, the quest saved data is corrupted. We have added an option to reset the quest completely, available on the journal quest index. This will allow you to continue with your save without having to restart.
- Fixed treasures from ship wreck not available sometimes.
- Fixed tower repair manual not available on the submarine sometimes.
- Fixed gold coin and ring treasures disappearing from view at a short distance.
- Fixed sharks spawning close to the shore.
- Fixed ability to swim through sharks.
- Fixed sharks becoming invisible sometimes.
- Fixed sharks attacking through some structures.
- Fixed submarine wreckage not moving and floating above the surface.
- Fixed bottled notes not saying +1 when dragging into the backpack, only when picking them up normally.
- Fixed animal loot not available upon save and load if you skin the animal but not pick up the loot.
- Fixed large stick holder accepting carriables other than the large stick.
- Fixed palm fence and roof invisible sometimes.
- Fixed some items wrongfully floating instead of sinking underwater.
- Fixed some underwater scavengables spawning materials outside the container.
- Fixed inability to complete the tutorial if steps are not followed in order.
- Fixed tutorial resetting to the first step, and locking itself.
- Fixed missing torch light when switching equipment.
- Fixed interaction with the standing torch not working on the first press.
- Fixed standing torch not lit when saving and loading.
- Fixed an issue caused by loading a save, deleting it and restarting via death screen.
- Fixed some items invisible when dragging them from backpack.
Quality of Life
- Shark have a delay before respawning near the player. This allows you to clear an area and scavenge underwater.
- Sharks turn around and attempt to attack when hit.
- Updated surface texture of the drop boxes.
- Held items don't cast floating shadows on the ground.
- Replaced wrecked TV and laptop models to fit the current year.
- Removed unused nodes on the disassemble table.
- Carried objects are dropped when starting a fire.
- Racks of the angled rack brought down, so it's more visible on the player perspective.
Developer notes
Thank you all for the patience regarding this patch! Our team has been working hard to ensure a stable progress for Project Castaway and delivering an enjoyable experience for all our players.
We are thrilled to be nearing 1,000 reviews! We welcome your feedback, whether it’s positive or constructive, as it plays a crucial role in shaping the future of the game.
Don’t miss our ongoing 55% sale, which ends on February 4th @ 10 AM PT!
Wishing everyone a joyful Chinese New Year!
Warm regards,
The project castaway team