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Maintenance hotfix on Nov. 23 | NPC DLCs are now available!
My Time at Sandrock
23.11.23 09:33 Community Announcements

Howdy Builders,

We've just released new NPC outfit DLCs alongside a maintenance hotfix patch, tackling a bunch of pesky issues. Fingers crossed, this patch and the snazzy DLC content will add a splash of color to our Sandrock journey!

Check out the video below for all the deets about the

✨Starlight Collection and ☀️Summer Heat collection:


Below is the changelist:


Known issue:
[strike]-Sending gifts on horseback is causing freeze. Please avoid gifting while on horseback for now.[/strike] [Fixed now, if you encounter this issue, please update!]
-Sparring indoors might cause quest issues. Please avoid indoor sparring for now. We're working on a fix ASAP.

Adjusted & Fixed:
1.Optimized the early encounter with balloon chests by strategically placing rocks in the vicinity.
2.Refined Catori's height details to align more accurately with expectations
3.Expanded the maximum size of workshop rooms from 15x15 to 20x20, now you'll have a bigger Greenhouse and Factory
4.Extended the flight distance for Throwing Proficiency Level 2
5.Improved the feedback system in the game, and it automatically grabs log content to make troubleshooting a breeze now
6.Optimized the logic for displaying/hiding item descriptions, now recording the status of these actions within a single gameplay session.
7.Fixed NPC behavior not being removed correctly after a mid-failure in the 'Andy's Last Wish' quest.
8.Fixed a bug where getting stuck could occur after marrying Logan in the 'Andy's Last Wish' quest.
9.Fixed an issue in the 'Pet Detective' quest where there was no prompt during the Showdown at Highnoon
10.Corrected the objective error in the 'Just Give a Whistle' quest.
11.Fixed non-essential NPCs walking onto the stage in 'Sandrock's Next Top Model.'
12.Fixed frequent interruptions during NPCs' performances in 'The Six Star Commission' quest
13.Aligned Unsuur's voiceover with the text in the 'Stacks' quest.
14.Fixed playtime counting discrepancies in the 'Promise for a Rose' quest in some old saves
15.Resolved abnormal progression caused by Owen getting stuck in Jane's confession story plot
16.Fixed an issue where the rewards for the Northern Startship Ruins were not as expected.
17.Fixed a problem where the grass-stomping animation during CGs had a script failure.
18.Improved item description accuracy when moving items in the backpack
19.Adjusted the timing of train chimney special effects to match expectations.
20.Fixed the issue of candles in the graveyard being lit during the day.
21.Rectified errors in home planting land when exiting the current save
22.Addressed quest-related problems where non-essential follow objects weren't handled correctly.
23.Enhanced Logan's appearance by fixing hair and hat clipping issues in CGs.
24.Resolved abnormal stretching of Owen's cloak during the Whac-A-Mole minigame
25.Fixed a problem in the Shipwreck Ruins where NPCs were being teleported to the boss room, causing a progression deadlock after losing their follow
26.Corrected an issue where boss monster health bars would disappear based on distance during combat.
27.Addressed a problem in the Eufala Salvage Ruins where minerals could spawn inside buildings.
28.Rectified item name errors in the Commerce Inspection mini-game.
29.Fixed the issue of floating rocks in the Valley of Whisper.
30.Resolved the problem where Rian and Dan-bi could get stuck in bed when waking up.
31.Addressed the achievement bug related to achieving ‘Knowledge is Power’ through multiple saving and loading.
32.Fixed issues where some achievements couldn't unlock correctly.
33.Resolved the problem of incorrect beard hiding when wearing certain hats.
34.Fixed the issue where Fang would still sleep at the clinic after getting married.
35.Addressed the problem of getting stuck in the wall after waking up when placing the Elegant Large bed in a corner.
36.Fixed the potential issue of abnormal results when frequently interacting while submitting assembly materials.
37.Resolved the bug where giving a Heart Knot while Roomi refused to accept them would result in receiving 2 Heart Knots.
38.Fixed the problem where some furniture couldn't undergo refinement.
39.Addressed the display error in the unlocked recipe list for machine upgrades.
40.Fixed the issue of having two billboards in the CGs of the 'The New Mascot' quest.
41.Corrected the error of misplaced fireworks in the opening CGs of Catori World.
42.Fixed the problem of abnormal behavior when riding the Carousel with an NPC follower
43.Resolved the issue where Krystal dislikes wishlist items
44.Resolved the problem of children overlapping during the restaurant dinner event when having three kids
45.Fixed the bug where unlocking relevant information in the Encyclopedia was not occurring after receiving currency
46.Fixed the issue of destructible objects in the Northern Startship Ruins not dropping items.
47.Corrected the tone configuration error in Cooper's gift-related dialogues
48.Resolved the problem of a small yellow dot remaining at the top of the screen
49.Fixed the issue where paging was not possible when summoning a mount with the horse whistle
50.Rectified the abnormal appearance of Bumble Ant and Wild Yakmel in the Workshop area
51.Fixed the problem where accessories not in the appearance section would still be displayed.
52.Resolved the issue in Lab 7 where sandy chests might become unopenable after clearing the sand
53.Fixed the incorrect display of the prompt icon for the Fire Powered Generator
54.Addressed the problem in the Valley of Whisper where no monsters spawned after clearing the poison mist, causing bounty orders to be uncompletable.
55.Fixed the bug in the Mahjong minigame where fulfilling the conditions for 'Kan' sometimes couldn't be executed.
56.Resolved the issue of the Pet DLC unlocking the pet system prematurely and the shop not selling related items.
57.Fixed the problem where NPCs would visit the player for inviting play during a sandstorm
58.Addressed the problem where player and NPC positions could overlap after entering and exiting scenes
59.Fixed the slow loading issue in the Day of Memories, trapping the player inside
60.Resolved the bug where NPCs visiting to give gifts on the player's birthday did not have the blessing words bubble
61.Fixed the issue where Boxing Jack's attack might not trigger a hit animation after breaking the player's guard
62.Rectified the problem where Boxing Jack's attack might stomp on the player's head
63.Resolved the issue where the Dive Buzzard, in certain situations, couldn't correctly execute leaving combat behavior
64.Fixed the problem in the Dance Off where controller inputs were not fixed buttons.
65.Addressed the issue where Planting Knowledge caused an abnormal display of watering status
66.Fixed the freezing issue when snapping photos with NPCs
67.Resolved the problem of resource points not refreshing correctly during snowy weather, impacting the retrieval of specific mission-related collectibles.
68.Fixed the stable freeze issue after upgrading and retrieving.
69.Smoothed out conflicts between the quest 'Him' and other plotlines.
70.Fixed the issue in the quest "Who's the Muscliest of Them All" that could lead to a black screen after loading in certain situations.
71.Addressed the inconsistency between relationship and marriage data, preventing freezes when modifying nicknames.
72.Resolved the problem of Pen continuously following the player after the quest 'Masterclass.'
73.Fixed the problem in the factory's production countdown, ensuring it progresses as expected
74.Fixed the performance issue caused by models after Act 3
75.Corrected the unexpected positions of the two buttons in the refining results.
76.Fixed the problem where players' children would still go out to play during the lockdown
77.Addressed potential errors in the assistant log interface of the Magic Mirror.
78.Corrected the drop rate issue for the Cactus Flower.
79.Resolved the issues related to triggering other quests during the 'Away from It All" quest
80.Fixed the persisting issue where the Super Filtration Core was still unattainable
81.Resolved the problem of Lil Gecko speaking human language after being awakened
82.Fixed the bug preventing the determination of kids' nicknames
83.Addressed the problem where state errors occurred when repeatedly interacting with objects that could be picked up while already holding another object.
84.Aligned Heidi's relationship influence as expected
85.Corrected the abnormal disappearance of NPC names above their heads after the end of the Day of the Bright Sun.
86.Fixed dialogue errors in the quest 'In Bloom'.
87.Addressed the issue where choosing to hold a chainsaw/drill during hand-holding resulted in incorrect animations.
88.Resolved the logic abnormality in post-marriage quests after divorce
89.Fixed the problem where plants on certain terrains exhibited abnormal model and texture displays in specific situations.
90.Fixed the issue where the Recycler inside the factory had no working animation

We've also taken care of others, but we won't list them all here. We trust that these improvements will enhance the overall experience. Thank you for your understanding!


1.Fixed an issue where players could become stuck due to collisions with objects during certain plot performances.
2.Fixed various system values, such as expanding the public inventory and improving the reputation rank algorithm for Mi-an and Yan's workshop.
3.Added the Silk Scarf to Vivian's Clothing Store.
4.Fixed abnormal behavior in the tree of student NPCs.
5.Fixed timing issues with some NPC voice prompts.
6.Resolved the issue preventing the gifting of certain NPC wish items, such as storage boxes
7.Resolved problems with gifting NPCs, ensuring that animations no longer force completion before the player can exit.
8.Optimized the daily behavior tree of certain NPCs.
9.Fixed the issue where workshop customization couldn't interrupt the behavior of an NPC sleeping.
10.Corrected the error in the display of the workshop customization UI during the initial tutorial.
11.Fixed abnormal behavior when the player sleeps in certain situations.
12.Addressed the problem where equipment from gift packages could be worn regardless of character level.
13.Fixed the issue where, after local data loss, items in the personal storage box would drop to the ground.
14.Increased the maximum reputation limit for workshops.
15.Fixed incorrect wedding prompts and post-marriage nicknames.
16.Resolved the issue where information about the marriage partner was not cleared after moving out of town.
17.Large beds temporarily do not support placement against the wall. Players need to move them to a new location if already placed.
18.Fixed the issue where the wedding could not end promptly when players divorced immediately after getting married.
19.Ensured that using the level 3 Assembly Station can complete the corresponding daily mission.
20.Added a prompt when the milestone is completed.
21.Fixed errors in the Encyclopedia.
22.Ensured NPCs in the Target Shooting minigame are hidden.
23.Fixed the issue where triggering a jealousy event while sitting on the Cable car would not move the player with the cable car.
24.Resolved the problem where resetting the knowledge point count would cause items in the backpack to be lost.
25.Ensured the critical hit rate bonus from the knowledge system is effective.
26.Fixed issues where some furniture, when placed, caused the camera to turn abnormally.
27.Corrected errors in the Teamwork's knowledge effect.
28.Fixed the issue where patting some mounts would cause a black screen due to abnormal animations.
29.Resolved the problem where using the planting function would leave a residual shadow of the plant model.
30.Fixed the issue where, near the home fence, players could not lay Straw Grid but would still deduct straws.
31.Fixed the issue where upgrading the mining scanner would not correctly display the treasure's location.
32.Fixed the issue where players could not stop gathering action in a timely manner.
33.Fixed the abnormality of the Baffles Corp Ruin elevator.
34.Corrected errors in the resource material of the Stony Ruins.
35.Fixed issues where some weapon attack animations were not synchronized with other players.
36.Fixed the issue where, after disconnecting during a festival, the map would display abnormally.
37.Fixed the issue where, if the town owner did not log out for seven days, other players could seize ownership.
38.Optimized various graphic and visual performances.
39.Fixed some incorrect collisions in the scene.
40.Fixed some incorrect system music and sound effect issues.
41.Addressed text content errors, text overflow, layout, and display issues on some UIs.
42.Fixed the issue where the guide in the upper-left corner could not switch to the corresponding language when changing languages in a timely manner.
43.Corrected the problem of incorrect resource loading under some languages.
44.Fixed the issue where vertical sync and maximum frame rate limit could not be enabled simultaneously in settings.
45.Optimized some controller operations and fixed related bugs.
46.Addressed frame drops and lag during item adsorption.
47.Optimized some controller control and fixed related bugs.
48.Enhanced compatibility with the Steam Deck.

My Time at Sandrock needs your vote in the Steam Awards. Head to the nomination page, show love, and let's win together! Vote Sandrock as "Sit Back and Relax" now, let the Builder's voice be heard.

We can't wait to hear from you! Your feedback is important to us and all Builders. Singleplayer or Multiplayer Surveys are eagerly awaiting your thoughts. We hope you can take a moment to fill them out.

Happy Building!

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Release:26.05.2022 Genre: Gelegenheits-Spiel Entwickler: Pathea Games Vertrieb: Focus Home Interactive Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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