• My Time at Sandrock: Screen zum Spiel My Time at Sandrock.
  • My Time at Sandrock: Screen zum Spiel My Time at Sandrock.
  • My Time at Sandrock: Screen zum Spiel My Time at Sandrock.
  • My Time at Sandrock: Screen zum Spiel My Time at Sandrock.
  • My Time at Sandrock: Screen zum Spiel My Time at Sandrock.
  • My Time at Sandrock: Screen zum Spiel My Time at Sandrock.
  • My Time at Sandrock: Screen zum Spiel My Time at Sandrock.
  • My Time at Sandrock: Screen zum Spiel My Time at Sandrock.
  • My Time at Sandrock: Screen zum Spiel My Time at Sandrock.
  • My Time at Sandrock: Screen zum Spiel My Time at Sandrock.
  • My Time at Sandrock: Screen zum Spiel My Time at Sandrock.
  • My Time at Sandrock: Screen zum Spiel My Time at Sandrock.
  • My Time at Sandrock: Screen zum Spiel My Time at Sandrock.
  • My Time at Sandrock: Screen zum Spiel My Time at Sandrock.
  • My Time at Sandrock: Screen zum Spiel My Time at Sandrock.
  • My Time at Sandrock: Screen zum Spiel My Time at Sandrock.
  • My Time at Sandrock: Screen zum Spiel My Time at Sandrock.
  • My Time at Sandrock: Screen zum Spiel My Time at Sandrock.
  • My Time at Sandrock: Screen zum Spiel My Time at Sandrock.
  • My Time at Sandrock: Screen zum Spiel My Time at Sandrock.
  • My Time at Sandrock: Screen zum Spiel My Time at Sandrock.
  • My Time at Sandrock: Screen zum Spiel My Time at Sandrock.
  • My Time at Sandrock: Screen zum Spiel My Time at Sandrock.
  • My Time at Sandrock: Screen zum Spiel My Time at Sandrock.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 26.05.2022
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Preis Update 03.10.23

Über das Spiel

My Time at Sandrock-Wie auch My Time at Portia findet My Time at Sandrock in einer post-apokalyptischen Welt 300 Jahre nach dem der "Tag des Unheils" das Meiste der modernen Technologie zerstört hat.

Nach dem Akzeptieren eines Jobangebotes, der neue Handwerker von Sandrock zu werden, kommst du in dem wilden aber robusten Stadt-Staat an, wo es an dir und deinen vertrauten Werkzeugen liegt, der Gemeinschaft wieder zu ihrem alten Glanz zu verhelfen. Sammle Ressourcen um Maschinen zu bauen, befreunde die lokalen Bürger und beschütze Sandrock vor Monstern - alles während du die Stadt vor dem wirtschaftlichen Ruin bewahrst!

Verwandle eine heruntergekommene Werkstatt in eine gut geölte Produktionsstätte! Verwende dafür die komplexen Maschinen um Materialien zu verarbeiten und produziere Einzelteile von riesigen Anlagen bevor du sie Stück für Stück zusammenbaust, und lass Sandrock mit deiner Hilfe aufblühen.

Erschaffe hunderte von einzigartigen Gegenständen an deiner Werkbank und nutze sie, um dein Zuhause zu dekorieren, verteile Geschenke an Sandrocks Bürger, oder wirke in Gemeinschaftsanfragen mit.

Erkunde die weite Wüste, die den Stadt-Staat umgibt. Tauche in die Ruinen ein, auf der Suche nach Relikten der Alten Welt, finde Materialien in schwer erreichbaren Standorten, oder verbringe die Zeit damit, in Sandrock dich mit deinen Nachbarn und Mitmenschen auszuruhen.

Sei Teil einer detaillierten Geschichte, komplett mit hunderten von Nebenquests und über 30 vollständig neuen Charakteren. Verbringe deine Zeit damit, die Bürger von Sandrock kennenzulernen, decke ihre Vergangenheit auf und baue wertvolle Beziehungen auf.

Wechsel schnell zwischen Nahkampf und Dritte-Person Schießmechaniken in dynamischen und aktionsvollen Kämpfen. Nutze die neue Waffen und Verteidigungsunterbrechungsmechanik zu deinem taktischen Vorteil in jedem Kampf, oder booste deine Spielstatistiken, um dich einfach durch jegliche Kämpfe durchschlagen zu können!

Nutze deine Erfahrungspunkte, um deinen Spieler hochzuleveln und neue Fertigkeiten freizuschalten. Werde ein meisterhafter Handwerker, spezialisiere dich auf Kämpfe oder fokussiere dich auf soziale Interaktionen mit Fertigkeiten, welche zu jedem Spielstyl passen.

  • Nutze den Profit deiner Werkstatt und verwandele die öde Prärie in eine üppige Farm;
  • Baue Pflanzen an für mehr Reichtümer oder leckere Gerichte;
  • Besuche Feste mit Sandrocks Bürgern;
  • Decke Geheimnisse auf und finde Verstecktes und vieles mehr!

Die Welt von Sandrock steht jedem offen – ob du schon Teil der Welt in Portia warst oder neu dazukommst - und heißt euch willkommen, erkunde die interessante Welt von Sandrock in deinem eigenen Tempo, lebe Seite an Seite mit NPCS mit vielschichtigen Geschichten, die für einen hohen Wiederspielwert sorgen. Erfahrene Spieler, die Portia erlebt haben, werden hier alles finden, was sie auch in My Time at Portia interessiert hat, und vieles mehr. Fühlt euch wie Zuhause in dem herrlichen Life-Sim RPG, der My Time at Sandrock ist.


  • CPU: Intel Core i3-2100 | AMD FX-6300
  • GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX760 | AMD Radeon 7950
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Win 10
  • HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: Empfehlen Sie die Installation von Sandrock auf SSD; Die Mindestsystemanforderungen können sich in Zukunft ändern
  • LANG: Englisch, Chinesisch
  • CPU: Intel Core i7-9700K | AMD Ryzen 7 2700X
  • GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX1060 | AMD Radeon RX 580
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Win 10
  • HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: Empfehlen Sie die Installation von Sandrock auf SSD; Die Mindestsystemanforderungen können sich in Zukunft ändern
  • LANG: Englisch, Chinesisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

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0 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
6797 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.23 19:37
This is definitely in my top 5 games. I loved Portia so much but it was lacking some depth..and let me tell you Sandrock has ALL the depth. I absolutely adore the details, you can feel the love put into this game :) It has so much to do, even when you're waiting for an update because you finished the main story..you're still never bored because you can focus on so many different things. The characters are all so amazing and unique, it's the first game that makes me talk to everyone every day to see their reactions to the events that are going on. Hope you continue this type of game
0 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
30211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.23 22:00
can confirm there's sand.
467 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
10725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.23 05:59
99 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
3636 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.23 00:05
i somehow got 2 husbands without a mod and now my farm is completely automated by them. 10/10
0 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3074 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.23 19:54
No multiplayer story as promised. you don't just decide to remove an aspect that made people buy multiple copies in the first place. can't trust to buy any other early access products in the future from these guys again and will likely skip the future full versions unless it's a masterpiece or something I guess
1626 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.23 14:45
Bought after promises of Multiplayer story mode to play with a friend. Devs axed it after a year or so of silence.

227 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5472 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.23 20:34
1# I loved the first game , I like this one too so far. But currently I do not recommend it . I already lost 3 save files to them randomly getting corrupted out of the blue. No mods , no cheats nothing was used. Simply played the game , closed it and tried to play again. Guess not. Im hoping that this will be fixed with the full release , but until that I ABSOLUTELY cannot recommend it.
2# After 59 additional hours. It seems the crashing is caused by too many machines being upgraded to Lvl2 or Lv3 at once. Its still an awfully annoying bug/problem , because you cant tell when will it corrupt your save file. Id suggest being careful and making saves once you can start upgrading your crafting stations.
3# I am still keeping myself to the not recommended, because I ran into a very well known bug at one quest where I was supposed to clear some debris from a collapsed bridge. The debris was gone which made me have to find a workaround , saving- reloading - saving - reloading not fun time until the game decided to spawn back the needed piles of dirt that I had to clear up. Only then I was able to continue the main story.
4# Overall the game is very enjoyable and a clear step up from Portia in almost every single way. I am very curious to see what will change once it gets fully released in November.
(I forgot to include something important. The game runs on the highest settings , no lagg or stuttering. Loading times almost nonexistent unless the save file corrupts. It is not a PC problem.)
0 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
5257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.23 10:07
Sandrock fulfils the unrealised potential of My Time At Portia and then some. The pacing of the crafting and resource gathering progression has a good flow, the diversity of activities is satisfying and the size of the map is surprisingly big. The biggest surprise for me though was the story. Usually I find the story in games like this to be a forgettable distraction that gets in the way of my crafting feedback loop, but here they've really put some thought into the tone and pace of the plot and character developments. It's wholesome, has some fun surprises and makes you feel more connected to the NPCs in the town.
I hope the devs feel very proud of their work, the amount of care and effort they've put in is evident.
0 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
7803 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.23 14:22
Love this game!! Improved a lot of things that bugged me in Portia. A ton of things to do and the characters are all quite likeable. And now you can build your own house, have some interesting dates etc. No game breaking bugs for me, a few small graphic errors at most (NPC pathing was broken and they would get stuck on rails, which was a bit funny). The gardening is improved as well.

I wasn't too sure about the multiplayer format at first, but it turned out pretty fun (beta run) and I had a blast with my buddies. But think of it as a prequel spin off, and not a MP version of the main game to avoid disappointment.

Can't wait for full release!
175 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.23 01:26
Nice game but what is up with coop storage? It puts a major dent in the enjoyment factor, please fix.
184 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
797 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.22 06:26
Honestly, this game took me by surprise. I did not play My Time at Portia, but I thoroughly enjoy playing this one. The overall artstyle, the mixed desert/western and ruined civilization theme, and the general gameplay loop make My Time at Sandrock a solid purchase. There is quite a bit to do and the game seems to have enough varied content to appeal to several types of people. This game holds my interest far greater than other social sims/RPGs like it. It's insanely satisfying to take on the role of a builder and aid the town through economic turmoil by taking on commissions and helping out individuals. Using water as a scarce, critical resource is a fantastic idea (while admittedly not original) for this type of game and setting. Many of the characters are interesting enough to want to build up your relationship stat with them day-to-day. Mi-an, the fellow builder who also recently moved into Sandrock, is a great character and her addition really helps remind you of your role through good will and some friendly rivalry. It's easy to become invested in this world.

The game is very clearly Early Access, however. Performance is an issue and crashing is inevitable. You can tell some features haven't been fully implemented. The characters aren't all consistently fully voice-acted and will repeat the same 3 lines of dialogue for day-to-day interaction. The skill tree needs more than 10% changes to abilities. The devs seem to know what they are aiming for in the finished product, however, and I only wish I waited to play this at full release.
30 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.22 04:55
if White haired man named logan is bad why hot?
i want him. lemme romance him.
pls pathea let the big bad logan be romanceble :')
291 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.22 23:45
TL;DR: It's a solid game so far, but still has a long way to go when compared to Portia. Considering the modest price tag and that it's still Early Access, it's well worth the money. 6.5/10 as is

To highlight a few pros and cons:
Graphics, controls and performance
It looks better than Portia but the sandy environment doesn't help much and ends up countering most of the improvements. Controls feel a little worse and less responsive overall, e.g. mounting/dismounting went from instantaneous to having a staggering slow animation. I haven't had many performance issues, but loading screens do seem to take longer than usual, which can be annoying.

Gathering and crafting
There are long needed quality of life improvements on the crafting system that make it easier to manage amounts required and stored, refueling, assembling and etc., although the UI is a little cluttered with numbers at times. I really do *not* like the new mechanic that machines need water to work, it feels forced and unnecessary. Gathering materials is a little confusing at first, and inventory management hasn't improved. Stamina usage is off the charts and you'll be out of juice before noon more often than not, so I felt the pacing of the game was severely hit by the energy available.

There are quite a few tweaks in the combat system, including a new branching system for different weapons and a new endurance system for enemies that acts like a shield/tenacity. These changes do freshen things up a little, but I can't say I'm enjoying it too much. It still feels clunky, counter/block is quite underpowered and most combats boil down to the usual roll-hit/combo-roll boring pattern, same as Portia.

Social & story
I'm still very little into the story and relationships, but it's been quite bland so far, and not that immersive imho. I don't feel like playing for countless hours to see what's going to happen next. Voiceovers are better but the characters feel less unique than the folks from Portia. The social system is pretty much the same, which isn't bad, but also not that great.

In the end, this can evolve into a great game but the chances it's going to be better than Portia are very slim. It's still early access so expect a few performance drops and eventual bugs. So as long as you don't come in expecting the same experience, it's still a fun game and well worth the price tag.
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
841 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.22 22:52
Just as fun as Portia!
430 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.22 22:49
Respecting the fact that this game is still considered to be in early access, this review will only reflect the current state of the game as of 5/30/22.

Having fallen in love with My Time at Portia, I was beyond excited to learn that My Time at Sandrock was being created, and more than a little bummed by the fact that I had missed the kick starter (but that's my own fault). It felt like I waited forever, constantly checking for any news and/or updates regarding this game and just when I had begun to lose hope that it would ever be released, news of its upcoming release finally came.

After having sunk many hours in this game, at present I must say it is a major deviation from the bar set in My Time at Portia. While in some respects it does succeed in re-inventing some of the more underwhelming aspects of My Time at Portia, it seems to neglect the more positive aspects that made the series so iconic to begin with. This leaves My Time at Sandrock feeling a bit confused on what direction the developers were wanting to go with it.

Portia (My Time at Portia) was a thriving town that you built up to make it even greater than it was before, lifting it from a small podunk country city to a major stop in the Free Cities. Sandrock (My Time at Sandrock), is a tiny town which is essentially dying slowly and that needs a great deal of help. The efforts you are tasked with to improve the town are mostly focused on keeping things running rather than improvement. As well as fixing disasters and making various repairs.
Ultimately, it leaves me deciding to put the game down for the time being, and honestly a little reluctant to pick it back up further down the development line.

Graphically, I love the advancement of the character designs from My Time at Portia as the previous character designs were hideous. I also enjoy how they seemed to keep the old design for some people almost like they're a different race of people altogether. The graphics improvements to the environment are aesthetically pleasing while still keeping in line with the art form that we come to expect from the My Time series.

Controls are pretty good, although they still need a little tweaking. What I found most frustrating was the controls for the horse. Most of the controls in the game are to press E for some form of interaction, whereas the horse has an E interaction if you want to tell it to wait for example. But if you want to ride it you must press F. This gets you quickly control confused as you run up to your horse and press E and have a little swear before pressing F. Then sometimes you will get off your horse (with F) and run up to a person and hit F to interact with them and having another little swear when nothing happens.

The game still has a number of bugs that need to be hammered out. I found at times the game's audio seemed to hit an almost slow motion mode while sounding distorted. If you continued play with it in this state as time went on it the game would run slower and slower until ultimately it just crashed. There are also a number of little bugs to be expected during early access.

One of the things that stood out the most was the fact that the game is surprisingly empty on features still. Half the skill tree is locked as of the current version. There are large swaths of land once you open up the greater desert, with very little to do there. It is to be honest, quite boring at times. You find yourself busy of course building things for your work orders and satisfying quests and storyline requirements. But the storyline improvements to the town are very lack-luster and ultimately you find yourself wanting more and simply not getting it (even though you're far too busy to take on more stuff). I would coin the phrase, busy-bored. Which is...interesting, and most certainly not at all fun.

Ruin diving has received multiple improvements and I love the new ruin diving concept over the My Time at Portia version. You essentially explore ruins and scan for artifacts (like in My Time at Portia), but instead of running around a large underground cave type environment, you are instead inside a ruined complex, like a Mall for example.

The farming system in My Time at Sandrock is definitely very interesting and unique. I like how they incorporated the concept that you had to contend with the desert while you were farming in it. Ultimately, compared to something like Stardew Valley, I only farmed as much as was necessary. It wasn't exciting enough to draw me in to want more farming.

The way you expand your work area and house is very interesting though. I haven't played around alot with it to be honest, so I won't say more here.

I also liked how you had to contend with the environment and rules and principles of the town during the game. Such as conserving water, machines running on water, and not cutting down trees. It created a very unique challenge to proceeding with the game.

The game still requires quite a bit of balancing. It seemed like the first 15 levels flew by and then all of a sudden you hit a hard wall where it took forever to level up any more. I think I went from level 1 - 15 in the first 25% of my play time, and it took me the other 75% to get from 15 - 23 where I ultimately stopped.

The expectations for your completion times for the monster filled dungeons is also a bit ridiculous. In some cases they expect you to complete all 3 dungeon layers in 4 minutes 10 seconds to achieve S rank, but make the first 2 layers endlessly long to the point where you struggle to attain an S rank even being 10+ levels higher than the max recommended level for the dungeon.

3-star work orders are also way out of balance. Just because you can start taking on 3-stars, double and triple check that you can actually complete that work order. One would expect once you start completing these that you're in the neighborhood of being able to do them all. But some recipes or resource locations won't unlock for hours down the storyline road, while others are simply too time consuming or difficult to complete. There are no 4 or 5-star work orders from what I saw (and honestly there should be). So instead they just pile it all into the 3-star ranking.

Well, that's it for now. Hopefully this helps people.
323 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
745 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.22 21:48
I really enjoy this game and the new features it adds to the already great style of My Time at Portia. It's a great successor and sequel, but I can't currently recommend it in this state. I've had multiple crashes on me during loads between entering and exiting buildings, NPCs teleporting across the map in front of me, and drops in frame rates. I recommend following this game and wait until there is more updates.
150 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
773 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.22 19:24
Even just in early access, My Time at Sandrock is the game that My Time at Portia wanted to be. Portia was a commendable effort from a new studio that fell flat and felt unpolished. Sandrock is an evolution that shows they've gained experience and confidence in their new francise.

Pros: There's a very addicting gameplay loop that's been perfected here. Crafting is the main draw of Sandrock, and Panthea really nailed making this satisfying. You can craft using items in your storage, the game helpfully shows which recipes you need for crafting items for quests and even automatically sets the number to craft when using one of your stations.

For the social elements, there's nothing groundbreaking. You talk to cute townies, get to know them, shower them in the gift you discover is their favorite, pick the one you want to marry and make a beeline to them every day.

Dungeon diving is DRAMATICALLY better in Sandrock than Portia. Rather than a large shapeless cavern, you are delving through ruins that have personality and tell a story. Combat is also an improvement. It's not very deep, but it does the job.

Pro: The game's art style is charming, and the new graphics engine brings everything to life. I like that Pathea's art style for these games set them apart from other games in the genre. The environments are lively, characters are well-animated, and everything has a certain charm.

Con: Some characters can look a little goofy at times, particularly some of the options in the character creator. Characters eating don't hold utensils correctly, and weirdly hold their plates.

Pro: Pathea has professional voice actors this time, and boy does it show. The actors do an excellent job bringing their characters to life, and it really enhances the charm.

Con: I find the music to be a bit dull and repetitive. I have it turned down lower than the other sound effects.

Pro: Characters are well-written, and the game tells a very interesting story. The dialogue feels mostly natural, and I'm eager to find out what happens and to get to know the townies of Sandrock better.

Con: Some translations are still a bit rough. Some menus don't explain themselves well due to this issue.

Pro: I'm running the game on the highest settings and it's been mostly smooth sailing. No framerate dips, no crashes.

Cons: The game is early access and still is a bit buggy at points. I've not run into anything game-breaking, but keep in mind that it's unfinished. Sometimes the cutscenes will stall for a second, almost as if the game hadn't quite finished loading. I've also had at least one instance where I've been unable to finish a quest because I mistakenly did something out of order and the game didn't acknowledge steps were complete.

My Time at Sandrock is an evolution on the formula Panthea started with My Time at Portia. You can feel the love and care they've poured into the game, and I am really enjoying myself. If this is how great the game is in early access, I cannot wait to see how things are when it's finished.
192 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.22 11:10
I´ve seen a lot of comments about how this game feels somehow incompleted. Guys, it´s an early access, it´s an alpha....

I´ve had played My Time at Portia since the beta, and belive me when I tell that My Time at Sandrock feels way better.
We just need to have patience, when the game is done Im sure people will absolutly love it, just like what happened with My Time at Portia.

I was the first one that filled insecure about the desert theme, but I´m trully enjoying it.

Can´t wait for the next patch ^^.
147 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
747 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.22 08:29
This is way more polished than the early access version of Portia. Worth every penny.
Logo for My Time at Sandrock
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
94.76% 5295 293
Release:26.05.2022 Genre: Gelegenheits-Spiel Entwickler: Pathea Games Vertrieb: Focus Home Interactive Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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