+ = Buff
- = Nerf
~ = Change
* = Bugfix
Note: Attacks callouts reference default controls.
Marceline the Vampire Queen
These changes directly affect the zero-to-death loops Marceline the Vampire Queen was able to perform.
Air Neutral Attack
- ~ Hitpause reduced
- - Hitstun reduced
Ground Neutral Special
- ~ Now maintains stacks of bass rhythm buff upon exiting bass stance
Air Neutral Special
- * Fixed an issue where this attack could not be performed as an Instant Dodge Aerial special
Air Side Special
- * Fixed an issue where this attack could not be performed as an Instant Dodge Aerial special
Air/Ground Up Special
- * Fixed an issue where this attack could instantly ring out enemies under certain conditions
Air Down Special
- * Fixed an issue where flag visuals were incorrect under certain conditions
The Powerpuff Girls
This small change is meant to address a toxic combo that could score early ringouts without the victim able to defend themselves.
Air Neutral Attack
- - On-hit cancel window into Air/Ground Up Special delayed 7 frames