We are delighted to deliver the largest update to-date: RETRIBUTION! This is a content patch with a focus on delivering the last parts of the roadmap (with a new one in the works). Additional features will be coming at a later date. That being said It’s almost been 2 years since we launched Marauders into Early Access, with a main goal of growing the game to a scale our players deserve, resulting in over 12 Maps, 70 Weapons, 60 cosmetics and 400 items and we feel like we are only just getting started….
Outside the new content this update is taking a swing at general balance, we tried to keep nerfing to a minimum (since no one likes that, ourselves, the developers included) but instead increased the power of certain weapons and armor to maintain a healthy (slightly longer and consistent) time to kill for better armor. We hope you enjoy everything you discover so let's get into the details;

Rebel Base Raid Location
A brand new raid location and our biggest to date. We wanted to try something a little different from our traditional map design, something a little more grounded….. Introducing the Rebel Base! This is the home of the treacherous Raider Guild, a retrofitted mining colony turned into a living, breathing town where the lawless can reside. Complete with a market, bank and street to street housing, you will be learning this location for 70 years!
Due to the sheer scale of the level we will continue to improve its loot pool over the coming updates but for now we hope you enjoy its splendor.

Fortress Base Raid Location
A once devastating example of the Central Empire's military power, The Fortress, acted as a stronghold to the darker parts of the galaxy. Now they have had their supply lines cut and their interiors gutted by the mighty U.A. Marines, including their space commanders, an enemy with brand new cosmetics to unlock.

Asteroid Mine Extension
A rework and extension of the Asteroid mine. Increasing the size of the map and addressing some problems with rushing airlocks. It has brand new points of interests to explore like the enormous excavator. It has also been added to the raider mode map rotation alongside the Merchant ship (replacing the Terraformer and Planet killer base).

A Mini 14 style weapon which is a bigger, stronger and harder hitting version of the M1 Para. a 5.56 weapon with a 30 round capacity makes it one of the best in class for semi automatics weapons. Can be found on the new U.A. Commander boss or within the vault.

MK4 Series
This is actually three new guns! MK4 Regular, MK4 Short, MK4 Special
- The MK4 Regular is your bread and butter, it’s going to get the job done
- The MK4 Short is less powerful but fits in your pistol slot
- The MK4 Special is another variant that has a built-in suppressor to the barrel. Its for those of you who want to sneak around and be more stealthy (and hit a little harder)

Mosin Rework and Attachments
We reworked the Mosin to be mag-fed (5 rounds by default). We then went and added 2 new attachments for it to give you the possibility to make it even more beefy:
- Barrel Extension - Which does 2 extra damage
- Extended Mag - Which increases the mag capacity to 10

S.A.S Major
This new boss for the Navy Outpost, comes with their own squad of heavily armored bodyguards. How this new foe arrives is up to you to discover however when you do you will be rewarded with some of the best gear in the galaxy. You can also unlock their cosmetics if you can defeat them enough times.

Reload Animations Galore
We have continued chipping away at the animations for weapons in-game. Focusing on ensuring we have loaded and empty versions of reloads for every weapon (where needed). Loaded reloads will play if you still have a bullet in the chamber and are slightly quicker than a full reload. So be tactical when you next choose to reload, it might just save your life!
Italian Voices
We love having the native language voices in the game. So with this update, we added authentic Italian male and female voice lines!
Let's break down the patch notes in full!

- WIPE (All progress is reset)
- New Rebel Base raid area
- New Fortress raid area
- Extension and rework to the Asteroid mine raid area
- New U.A. Commander boss (Can be found guarding the Fortress vault area)
- New U.A. Commander boss head and body cosmetic unlock
- New S.A.S Major boss (Can be triggered in the Navy Outpost)
- New S.A.S Major boss head and body cosmetic unlock
- MK4 Regular
- MK4 Short
- MK4 Suppressed
- MK4 Extended Mag
- New Heavy BA helmet
- New Heavy BA vest
- New AC-14 Rifle
- Mosin Obrez Extended mag
- Mosin Obrez Extended barrel
- New Italian voice lines (male and female)
- 25 new contract missions added (across all maps, bringing the total to 80 now)
- Asteroid Mine v2 and Merchant Ship are the raider mode maps for this update
- Vault Containers now spawn 1 item each, however we have increased the amount of containers throughout all maps.
- New AA missile and cluster bomb scrapable items for hi-grade and standard gunpowder
- Items such as cable spool, air compressor, tobacco pouch and the lubricator give various scrapable benefits
- New CE Full Plate Rig, a level 10 storage armor

- All weapons now have a similar walk speed whilst ADS
- Certain cosmetics are less bright at distance (White, Yellow and Red)
- Mines do 25% less damage
- NPC raiders in raider mode have around a 40% chance to drop basic supply crates
- The China Lake and Mini Thumper now both do around 50 damage (down from around 80 for the Mini Thumper) however they now both fire incendiary rounds causing additional fire damage over time
- The Mini Thumper is removed from the pistol loot pool (remains in weapon boxes/containers)
- STG44 fire rate has gone up from 440 to 480 rpm
- The Delisle rifle damage has increased from 36 to 38
- The DP28 has had an increase in damage from 34 to 35 and now has a 20% tighter hip firing spread
- Johnson and the Mosin have had their damage reduced from 42 to 40. However, their barrel attachments now give +2 damage instead of +1
- Heavy weapons: L1A1, Bar, Mas44, SVT40 have had their damage reduced by 1
- Bar recipe now requires double the ingredients to craft
- Planet Killer base and Colony Cruiser have had their chance of spawning increased, all raids should now have an equal chance.
- Custom PSH and the Warden Riot Helmet now have an additional +1 head protection
- The Custom PSH is no longer available through trades. It is now part of the vault loot pool
- The 40 mm high explosive round is now a 40 mm explosive incendiary round
- The Thompson special and the Delisle rifle are no longer in the Kingdom Alliance faction shop, they have been replaced with the Grease Gun and Grease Gun's Suppressor
- The Light Stahlhelm and regular Red Stahlhelm now have the correct credit values (reversed)
- Long Double Barrel Shotgun now has the tightest spread of all shotguns, reduced by 15%
- Full Panzer Plate & Rig, Heavy Pilot Armour, Full Sherman Plate & Rig, Sherman Plate & Rig have had their armor protection increased by 1
- All shotguns have had their damage increased from 16 to 18 per pellet, however, they now fire 10 pellets instead of 12. (This is to provide more damage against higher armored targets but still requiring shorter range)
- The Klobb has damage increased from 18 to 19
- The CE Full Plate Rig replaces the Full Panzer in Navy spawner locations
- Reduced the chance of navy squads spawning on all locations by 5%

- Viper - New empty mag reload animation
- Viper - New loaded mag reload animation
- Viper - Improved screen position of the walking animations
- Viper - Bolt will now be in the correct position across animations based on if the weapon is empty or loaded
- MP40 - New empty mag full reload animation
- MP40 - Tweaked some anims for better screen position
- MP40 - New simple equip, with no bolt pull
- MP40 - Bolt is now in the correct location while doing the equip
- MP40 - Updated loaded mag reload animation
- MP40 - Can now see the bullet in the mag if still has ammo when reloading
- Mosin - New shoot animation
- Mosin - New empty mag full reload animation
- Mosin - New loaded mag reload animation
- China Lake - New loaded mag quicker reload animation
- M16 - Has a new loaded reload animation
- M16 - Tweaked anims to have better screen space
- M16 - Now has a simple equip, with no bolt pull
- STG44 - Tweaked some anims for better screen position
- STG44 - Now has a loaded mag reload animation
- Stoner64 - Tweaked screen position of walk animation
- Stoner64 - New loaded mag reload animation
- Stoner64 - Bullet now shows in the mag if still has ammo when reloading
- UZI - Tweaked holding weapon hand position and some screen positions of other anims
- UZI - Removed equip bolt pull, so now a more simple equip anim
- UZI - New loaded mag reload animation
- PPSH - New loaded mag reload animation
- Sten - New simple equip, with no bolt pull
- Sten - Bolt now is in the correct place across anims (e.g. before when equipping it could be in the wrong position for if the gun was loaded or empty)
- Sten - Tweak to walking anim play rate and screen space for a better feel and transitions
- Sten - New loaded mag reload animation
- Sten - Bullet now shows in the mag if still has ammo when reloading
- Bren - New empty mag full reload animation
- DP28 - New empty mag full reload animation
- DP28 - Bullet now shows in the mag if still has ammo when reloading
- K1 - New loaded mag reload animation
- K1 - Remove bolt pull from the equip animation
- K1 - Tweaks to anims screen position and play rates for better feel and transitions
- K1 - Bullet now shows in the mag if still has ammo when reloading
- Johnson - Tweaks to anims screen position and play rates for better feel and transitions
- Klobb - New more simplified equip animation
- Liberator - New reload animation
- Jackhammer - New empty mag full reload animation
- Jackhammer - New loaded mag reload animation
- Jackhammer - Tweaks to anims screen position and play rates for better feel and transitions
- Sawed-off - New reload animation
- SVT40 - New loaded mag reload animation
- SVT40 - New simple equip, with no bolt pull
- SVT40 - Bolt is now in the correct position when equipping based on if you have ammo remaining
- SVT40 - Bullet now shows in the mag if still has ammo when reloading
- M1 Para - New empty mag full reload animation
- M1 Para - Bullet now shows in the mag if still has ammo when reloading
- EM2 - Now shows ammo in the mag only when you have ammo remaining
- EM2 - New empty mag full reload animation
- Thompson - New empty mag full reload animation
- Thompson - New simple equip, with no bolt pull
- Thompson - Bolt is now in the correct position across different anims
- Thompson - Tweaks to walk anim screen position and play rate for better feel and transitions
- Mauser712 & special - New simple equip, with no bolt pull

- Asteroid mine sound improvement pass (further ambience and spot sounds, improvement sound locations and attenuation falloff)
- Asteroid mine audio occlusion improvement pass

- Fixed misc crashes (client and server)
- Fixed a bug where one of the secrets in the prison caused weapon blocking to be triggered
- Fixes added for footstep audio exploits
- Fixed-up project redirectors
- STG44 - stopped thumb clipping in the equip anim
- Fixed skinning issue on heavy liberator
- Fixes for some items having the incorrect repair sounds
- Fixes for some items having the incorrect scrapping sounds
We hope you enjoy this update and as always if you encounter any issues/bugs or have any suggestions, please let us know in Discord. We always appreciate any feedback and reporting issues helps us find and fix them!
Dash or Die, Marauders!
The SIG team