We have a small patch/hotfix to deal with new issues that came from our recent major update "GUILDS 1.0".
It's been great seeing everyone jump in and take full advantage of the new features we added and the feedback has been invaluable that being said we hope you all have a wonderful Christmas break!
Here are the patch notes in full:

- Attempted fix for the fade in during the start of match not ending resulting in a black screen
- fixed an issue that was preventing the colony cruiser from spawning
- Addressed a problem that would have members of a crew lose their equipped ship when going in with someone else as a captain
- Mac-10's recoil was hard set lower than other SMGs causing it to be extremely low with attachments this is now more in-line with other SMGs (with and without attachments).
- The commando major now has the correct german voice lines
- Addressed an issue that would provide high stamina regain with blowtorches and fire extinguishers

- Planet killer raider mode now has a better distribution of player spawn points
- Commando Major now always spawns inside the capital ship
- All high rate of fire weaponry (700 or above) now have larger hip firing spread over time/per shot, this has affected the PPSH, Mac-10, Klobb and Krasa. (We always want to resist from making weapons weaker and make them more rare instead but we felt this was a good middle ground since these weapons keep their effectiveness whilst ADS)
- Up to 4 Raider bosses can now spawn on NPC ships, the scout and interceptor. (these are now classed as raider ships)
- NPC Ships (raiders) now target pods approaching (you have been warned!) and the raiders inside can remain healed during bombardments requiring breaching to kill the crew
- Higher tier weapons have been reduced in the common loot pool
- 2 new additional raider bosses added, the china lake and trenchgun variants. (only on raider ships)