We will be looking to launch the PTE before the end of Tomorrow! (Friday the 1st December 2023).
Here is a tease into some features that will be included in this public test;
- Create a Guild (for the low cost of being level 10 and 100k credits)
- Players can join guilds at any level and for free (up to 50 players)
- Guild hideout (enter your private base at any time with your fellow guild members)
- Guild Progression (level up the guild trader “Calico” and the guide hideout)
- Shotgun BUFF (all shotguns have 12 pellets which do 16 damage, they just vary in spread)
- 5 Minute Gate timer
- UI Overhaul and friends system
- Bandage and First Aids heal more, Large first aid heals an additional health burn amount
- Attachments that can be removed and added to weaponry in raid
- Loot balance overhaul (lots more lootables including attachments that can be found “loose” in raid)
- Faction Trader Refactor (no longer relies on rotation, certain factions will be unlocked at level 1. The pirate faction provides 40% discount as default)
- Raider Mode V 2.0 (Now includes NPCs on bigger maps)
Further details will be posted when the PTE drops tomorrow including how to access it and what are the specific goals of the test.
See you soon Marauders