Heroes of Arkesia,
With the arrival of Thaemine The First in the Darkness Unleashed Update, players can soon race to clear the most powerful Demon Commander and carve their name into Arkesian history. Thaemine The First is a special race to clear the original— and hardest— difficulty of the Thaemine Legion Raid. Clearing will be a challenge, even for the most experienced adventurers. But with extreme challenge comes prestige, and we have a variety of prestigious rewards planned for those who can vanquish Thaemine in his most powerful form. The race for Thaemine The First will begin on April 20 at 10AM PT (5PM UTC) for parties who have cleared Hard Mode. Learn more about the details and conditions in the Thaemine The First Details Article.
First Clear Leaderboard
Want to keep an eye on the competition? Checkout the Thaemine The First Leaderboard, where the first teams to successfully clear in each region will live in Arkesian history.
Thaemine The First Highlight Submission
We want to highlight the most memorable community moments from your journey to first clear. Share your highlights for a chance to appear in our community spotlight video.
When you have a clip or highlight you’d like to share with us, please Submit Here.
Upon clicking the link you’ll see an option to upload a file. When you choose the clip you want to upload, you will be prompted to enter a description and an author. The description can be a summary of the clip, or something you’d like us to watch out for. The author is your in-game name so that you can get credit in the video.
Our team will review your clips and put the best of the best in a highlight video commemorating the Lost Ark community’s epic quest to clear Thaemine The First. Not everyone who submits a clip will be included, but we welcome everyone to participate.
As for which clips to submit, they can be whatever you want to share with the community. Obviously if you’re one of the players who clears Thaemine The First, we’d love to see it! But it doesn’t all have to be triumphs. Maybe you pull off some great plays, score some epic kills, or just experience hilarious fails. We want to see it all!
Once you’re ready to take on Thaemine The First, please share your clips with our team. Looking for more details? View the Amazon Games Privacy Policy.
We’ll see you in Arkesia, and wish you luck as face the Darkness Legion Commander, Thaemine.