Heroes of Arkesia,
On June 5, we will conduct a region merge to fold South America into North America (NA) East. The Vairgrys world will be integrated into NA East. No servers (and therefore rosters) are being merged into each other. Policies that merge or sum item counts will only apply to players with an account in both server regions, and players within those regions can find the specifics below. Before we dive into the specifics, we have a team update on how the merge will impact the Thaemine The First Race.
With the Region Merge, the leaderboard race for Thaemine The First will draw to a close for all regions. The verified teams and winners will live on the website and receive their in-game rewards after the merge. Teams merged into the same region will retain the titles and rewards corresponding to their clear in their original region. The First mode will still be playable until the maintenance period currently scheduled for October 16th, 2024 for players wishing to earn the rewards and challenge themselves in this special difficulty.
Play on one of these regions? View the full Region Merge Policy.