Heroes of Arkesia,
The November “Soul Harvest” Update arrives in Arkesia tomorrow. Downtime will begin on November 15 at 1AM PDT (9AM UTC) and is expected to last 4 hours. This update brings the Souleater Advanced Class, new progression events, Quality of Life (QoL) changes, and more! Henry is back with an episode of “Patchnotes with Henry” for any players looking for an express video explanation and visual showcase.
Let us know on YouTube if you enjoy this type of content from our team and would like to see more heading forward. Want all the details? Find the full list of content, events, skins, and other updates below!
Souleater Advanced Class

The Souleater arrives in Arkesia, accompanied by progression events to help players quickly level up. Learn about the Souleater’s abilities, engravings, and progression events below. The Souleater – the Master of Specters – is an Assassin subclass who wields a giant scythe to collect her enemies’ souls. Souleater can choose to attack in three different ways: directly with the scythe, by summoning the dead, or with powerful Deathlord attacks.
For an in-depth look at the class identity, engravings, and skills, visit the Souleater Lost Ark Academy Article.
Progression Events
South Vern Powerpass & Super Mokoko Express Event
An Event South Vern Powerpass will release with the update for players to use until February 7, 2024. Pairing well with the South Vern Powerpass, players will be able to designate one character between Item Level 1415 and 1540 on their account to participate in the Super Mokoko Express Event, where they’ll have discounted honing rates, discounted gold requirements, and earn honing materials to quickly level up to Item Level 1540 and beyond, with reward chests up to Item Level 1570.
There are also Combat Style Setting Support options for players to easily set skills and Engravings through presets, and get item support for accessories with relevant stats and Ability Stones. The designated character will earn valuable rewards as they level up, including Silver, honing materials, high level Gems, Engravings, and more!
The Super Mokoko Express Event also includes an Engraving Support system that lets players choose 5 engravings to be in effect at level 3 during the event. Here’s how to get started:
- After selecting a Super Mokoko Express character, the Engraving Support button will light up.
- Click the Engraving Support button to open the Engraving Support page and select your 5 desired Engravings.
- Press the Activate Engraving Support button to start using their effects.
- The effects of Engraving Support will also be shown in your Character Profile.
The Event will last until February 7, 2024.
Path of the Souleater
A new progression arrives, built to progress a character quickly from 1490 to 1610. This special event includes:
- A Gear Honing Support Effect applied when honing Brelshaza Ancient Gear from 1540 to 1580 that decreases the amount of Gold and materials needed to hone along with increased honing rates.
- 2x Artisan’s Energy when honing Brelshaza Ancient Gear from 1540 to 1580.
- Caches of rewards every 10 Item Levels from 1540 to 1580, with a particularly valuable reward at 1580. Rewards include silver, gold, honing materials, honing books, and card packs!
- Special Missions to earn additional Raid & Abyssal Dungeon materials, including bonuses of: [list]
- Phantom Intentions from the Brelshaza Legion Raid
- Empyrean of Contemplation from the Kayangel Abyssal Dungeon
- Eye of Decay from the Akkan Legion Raid
While the event is named after the Souleater, it can be used on any character, not just a Souleater. The Event will last until February 7, 2024.
Jump-Start Server Reconnection
In the November Update, we will be reconnecting Jump-Start Servers. When Jump-Start Servers are reconnected to their respective region, they will function like any other server, with the Auction House, Marketplace, PvE Matchmaking, and Party-Finder all available to play and interact with other players in that region. The Jump-Start Server progression events will continue as previously planned until December 13, 2023.
Voldis Prologue Quest
Prologue Quest for Voldis Added: "Madnick's Call".
- Quest can be obtained from the NPC 'Shushire Mercenary' located at each city.
- In Ereonnor, the quest can be obtained from the 'Transparent Mirror'.
The prerequisite quests for "Madnick's Call" are:
- The 'Twilight Hill' World Quest in Pleccia
- The 'Elpon' World Quest in Shushire
The progression events that launched alongside the Aeromancer (the previous South Vern Powerpass, Super Mokoko Express Event, and Story Express Event) will draw to a close with this update.
The Login Events & Hot Time Events have been refreshed.
Event Guardian Raid
The Event Guardian Raid continues with this update.
Ancient Gold Coins (redeemable for Silver) have been added to the Event Guardian Raid shop as an outlet for players with excess Event Coins.
Daily Playtime Event
The Daily Playtime Event returns, which rewards players based on daily accumulated playtime. To be eligible, a player will need to have a character Combat Level 50 or higher, and have Trusted Status. Rewards will be given at 15min / 45min / 60min / 75min / 90min of playtime, and include valuable items such as silver, honing materials, card packs, and more!
Store Updates
Two new cosmetic collections arrive, along with exclusive Souleater cosmetics. Find the new collections showcased below.
Gothic Skins
Show your dark side with the new Goth skins. Heavy sigh and roll your eyes sitting on your Rose Throne Mount accompanied by the Nocturnal Cat. Don’t forget the Lone Prairie wallpaper, so your scenery can be as empty as your soul.
Song of Adventure Skins
The Korean fourth Anniversary Skins arrive, along with the Vykas Pet and Dragon Mount. Slayer Skins have also been developed and added to the collection. Find them showcased here.
Souleater Exclusive Skins
Souleater Launch Skins arrive with two color variations, along with the Epic and Legendary Leap Yoz’s Jar Skins. Find the launch skins and Legendary Leap skins showcased below.
Find the extensive list of General & QoL changes in the Soul Harvest Release Notes on our website.
We'll see you in Arkesia.