Heroes of Arkesia,
A Honing Material Twitch Drop accompanies the Brelshaza Inferno Raid. Rather than tiers, there are 2 Drops, each with their own watch time. Unlike tiered drops, watch time for each drop is earned simultaneously.
- Drop 1 - 4hrs - Collective Battle Item Chest (x3)
- Drop 2 - 8hrs - Honing Material Chest
- Protection Stone Pouch (x10)
- Obliteration Stone Pouch (x5)
- Honing Shard Selection Chest (x5)
- Honing Leapstone Selection Chest III (x5)
This month, the Twitch Drops will open up first to Twitch Streamers valiantly attempting to defeat Brelshaza Inferno. Members of the Creator Program can submit Twitch handle and show their interest in participating by filling out a form in the Creator Program Discord Server. The event will begin on January 10 and last for 48 hours. Those participating will be the only ones with access to the Drop until the event ends, after which the drop will open up to the entire Lost Ark Creator Program!
Make sure to head over to Twitch and watch your favorite Lost Ark content creators to earn the drops before they end on February 6.
We wish content creators and players alike good luck as they work to vanquish Brelshaza in her most difficult form! We’ll see you in Arkesia.