Heroes of Arkesia,
The Halo Selection Drop accompanies the November Soul Harvest Update, available for members of the Lost Ark Creator Program to enable on their channel. Rather than tiers, there are 3 Drops, each with their own watch time. Unlike tiered drops, watch time for each drop is earned simultaneously.
Drop 1 - 4hrs - New Halo Selection Chest, choose between the Snowflake, Neon, or Obsidian Halo
Drop 2 - 6hrs - Pheons x30
Drop 3 - 8hrs - Amethyst Shard x1000
Make sure to head over to Twitch and watch your favorite Lost Ark content creators to earn the drops before they end on December 13.
Twitch Drop Creator Spotlight
Looking for some creators to watch for the Twitch Drops? The content creators featured below are planning on creating content related to the new Souleater Advanced Class, so check them out if you’re interested in learning more about the newest class in Lost Ark while earning the Drops.
Twitch Channel
"Hello, I am ZealsAmbitions and I have been streaming Lost Ark for 2 and a half years on Twitch alongside my awesome community. I currently main a 1650 Souleater, which is the newest subclass to Lost Ark."
Twitch Channel
"Hey guys! I'm senderfn, a long time Lost Ark content creator. My journey started years ago on the Russian servers and I couldn't stop playing ever since. I owe this game and community many memorable moments, it's a great time overall! With Souleater releasing it's once again a great time to jump into the game and play with an exceptional class. The design is extraordinary this time around, Smilegate RPG outdid themselves. The effects are only trumped by the gameplay! Come by to enjoy the class together."
Twitch Channel
Most of you may know him for tweeting for almost 200 days for Reaper to launch or from his time casting esports events along with Lost Ark PvP tournaments. A self-proclaimed edgelord who got schooled on the Lost Ark Academy Debate club, he has been anxiously waiting since the announcement of Souleater and has already started prepping his roster. He has shown some insane passion for Souleater and is going to be fully swapping over to it as his main.