Heroes of Arkesia,
The February ‘2 Extreme’ Update arrives in Arkesia next week on February 7, bringing Valtan Extreme, a ton of special anniversary events, and more! Find teasers for some of the key content and the winners of the Anniversary Art Contest below.
Valtan Extreme
Valtan will return in a new, challenging version of the raid. There are two versions of Valtan Extreme - Normal at Item Level 1580, and Hard at Item Level 1620. With greater challenge comes greater rewards. There are first-time-clear rewards that will be given upon clearing 2 Gates, along with rewards as you reclear. Each roster can enter the raid once every 2 weeks, with gate progress bound to the character that cleared the first gate.
Second Anniversary Celebration
To celebrate the anniversary in game, we’ll have several fun in-game anniversary events for players to enjoy accompanied by special rewards. Players can take part in celebrating Lost Ark’s 2nd Anniversary at the Arkesia Festival. Each week of the festival there will be a new co-op quest for players to participate in, keeping things fun and fresh as you earn tokens to trade in for valuable rewards. In addition to the Arkesia Festival, a new Birthday Bash Event that will take players on a trip down memory lane and lead them to earn rewards by re-experiencing some of the most iconic pieces of Lost Ark content. Stay tuned for the full details in next week’s release notes.
We recently completed the Anniversary Art Contest, where players created and submitted anniversary-themed loading screens that will be added into the game during the second anniversary celebration. We’re excited to announce the three winners ahead of next week’s update, and congratulate the talented winners!
Winner: Nyaffie

Winner: Analiciá

Winner: Xrebirth

Be on the lookout for these pieces of fanart in the game next week, or head over to the Official Lost Ark Discord Server to see all of the awesome community submissions. The full release notes will be shared next week, and in the meantime, we’ll see you in Arkesia.