To celebrate Black Friday and Cyber Monday, we have bundles arriving later this week that offer major savings on a variety of cosmetics and valuable in-game items packaged together. The packs will arrive on November 22, and be available in exchange for Royal Crystals via the in-game store. They’ll stay in the store for one week, until November 29. Find all of the specific packs and their contents showcased below!
Cosmetic Showcase
Pack Contents
Harvest Heroes Pack

Available in exchange for 9,800 Royal Crystals, with a limit of 3 per account.
- Artiste Skin Selection Chest
- Honorable Graduation Chamkuri Mount Selection Chest
- Puppy Pet Selection Chest
- 2000 Crystal Bundle
- Cloth x28
- Yoz’s Jar x3
- Magick Society Reagent Pack x1
- Pheons x100
- Una's Task Package x1
- Regulus's Light Currency Chest x20
- Epic Rapport Selection Chest x10
- Legendary Rapport Selection Chest x3
- Relic Rapport Selection Chest x1
- Any Card Pack II x20
- Legendary - Rare Card Pack II x15
- Legendary - Epic Card Pack II x5
- Solar Grace (Bound) x120
- Solar Blessing (Bound) x60
- Solar Protection (Bound) x30
- Honing Shard Selection Chest x60
- Destruction Stone Selection Pouch x35
- Protection Stone Selection Pouch x50
- Leapstone Selection Chest x32
- Fusion Material Selection Chest x6
Autumn Adventure Pack

Available in exchange for 6,600 Royal Crystals, with a limit of 5 per account.
- 1000 Crystal Bundle
- Cloth x14
- Yoz’s Jar x1
- Pheons x70
- Elgacia Growth Support Pack x1
- Any Card Pack II x15
- Legendary - Rare Card Pack II x10
- Legendary - Epic Card Pack II x3
Fall Frenzy Pack

Available in exchange for 3,300 Royal Crystals, with a limit of 3 per account.
- Artiste Skin Selection Chest
- Heavenly Instrument Selection Chest
- Autumn Coat Headwear Selection Chest
- Autumn Coat Chestpiece Selection Chest
- Autumn Coat Pants Selection Chest
- Fallen Leaves Trail Effect Selection Chest
Gratitute Gathering Pack

Available in exchange for 1,700 Royal Crystals, with a limit of 3 per account.
- Funmingo Mount[]* Tunnel Fox Pet Selection Chest
- Pheons x15
Thrifty Treat Pack

Available in exchange for 1,000 Royal Crystals, with a limit of 1 per account.
- South Vern Growth Support Package II
- Wallpaper: Trixion
- Ancient Platinum Coin x20
- 400 Crystal Bundle
- Pheons x10
We’re thankful to the heroes who spend their time adventuring throughout Arkesia. We hope all who celebrate have a happy Thanksgiving with those they’re thankful for. In the meantime, we’ll see you in Arkesia!