Hello, this is the CSN Team.
An official forum has opened alongside CSN's new makeover!
The official forum will include Decoder rates and an archive of all kinds of stories for each character.
Participate in the quiz event that we've prepared to celebrate the official forum's opening, and receive an Event Decoder!
How to Participate
▶Go to the Quiz [Link]
Submit your answers to the questions using the quiz survey form included in the notice.
Tip! You can find all the quiz answers on the official forum.
▶Go to the CSN Official Forum [Link]
Event Duration
8/21 (Wed) 12:00 - 9/1 (Sun) 23:59
Event Rewards
Everyone who got the right answers will get Event Decoder x5.
- You cannot submit a quiz form once the event ends.
- Event rewards will be distributed during the 9/4 (Wed) maintenance after the event ends.
- You must answer all the quiz questions correctly to receive rewards.
- Rewards cannot be distributed if you filled out the wrong information for claiming, so please enter your information accurately.