After the Great Santa Factory Mishap of 2023, yet another disaster has fallen on Santa’s complex on the North Pole!
Polar trolls have bashed into the stables, and almost all of Santa’s reindeers have escaped! He needs help tracking them down to make sure all of this year’s gifts get delivered!
This year’s Christmas event runs from December 21st, 12:00 CET (noon) until January 11th, 12:00.
You can now find tiny bells through foraging, botanizing, chopping down trees, digging and mining.
A tiny bell can be combined with any vegetable to create reindeer food - you need to feed it to one of reindeers found all over the world of Wurm to help Santa find and recover it.
Tiny bells can also be hung from walls as decorations.
You can track your progress through missions, divided into three stages:
- Recover 2 reindeer - Santa will reward you with a star lamp, a new decorative item that can be hung from a ceiling
- Recover 5 more reindeer - get a figurine of Santa
- Repeating missions that require you to recover an increasing amount of reindeer, granting you one of the new or old Christmas gifts
You can also find four new wooden snowflake decorations through archaeology. The snowflakes can be hung from ceilings.

Gears, valves and pipes that were part of last year’s event, have also been added to archaeology.
Like last year, we’ll be running a 10% skillgain and affinity bonus through the entire event.
Happy Holidays from the Wurm Online team!