Recapping the Past Year
2023 marked a real turning point in the history of the WAKFU MMO, with the opening of five Ogrest single-account servers. The single-account servers have been a huge success and clearly shown an incredible enthusiasm for the game. Plus, our playership is higher than at the game's launch over 10 years ago! It's the most successful the project has ever been. This adventure would've been impossible without you, so thank you truly.That wasn't the only area of development in 2023. Last year gave us a chance to rework a number of classes:
- Cra
- Huppermage
- Eliotrope
- Foggernaut
- Xelor
- Sacrier
- Ecaflip
- Eniripsa
- Rogue
For the past few years, we've been applying a different method: instead of iterating on a class's mechanics very quickly, basically in the moment, we give ourselves several months to track things and we avoid making any rash decisions. We want to allow for new mechanics to settle in over time. We can take stock of a class much more clearly and completely after a period of 3 to 6 months.
In 2023, we pursued our goal of renewing and improving the quality of the game:
- a revamp of the early game, with an improved tutorial and additional guides
- the end of the account entity, e.g., having professions and progress (artifacts, transportation, etc.) shared across the account and server-wide
- removal of single-target and area masteries
Other elements from last year that we're very proud of: minor changes for the sake of convenience, additional customization options for classes, a graphically tweaked Astrub, additional animations, typefaces in HD, and of course, the revamped Wabbit Island.
Sailing into 2024
We want to continue improving the game's existing content while offering new experiences. Here's what we're planning:
The 2024 roadmap for the WAKFU MMO will be detailed in the KrosmoNote. More details on this event will come next week.
- Ultimate Boss Tal Kasha, the Ivory Dofus, and the end of the Wabbit quest[list]
- These content items will be included in Update 1.83. There's many more twists for you to discover on Wabbit Island!
- These two classes are a priority for us, and we're planning to share more about Sadidas very soon.
- We're continuing to work on the environments so that they're razor-sharp as well.
- Steles are an important component of dungeons in the WAKFU MMO. As of right now, we haven't established details for everything we plan to do with steles. We're looking into a number of different ways to potentially make steles more appealing and impactful. The goal is also for them to work more simply, more consistently, and for them to be more equally distributed in the game. We're very excited to tell you more about it!
- We know that the WAKFU MMO interface could be greatly improved. This is one of the points most commonly raised by the community, who have long been wanting us to really focus on this topic. We're preparing an ambitious, extensive project to revamp the interfaces. The goal is to modernize the interfaces, make them more user-friendly, and significantly improve the gaming experience for players.
- That being said, this project will take several years of development. There's a great deal of aspects that require detailed, meticulous work. Each interface requires specific work, and we can't revolutionize everything at once. We'll take time to polish each one at a time.
- We're preparing a content expansion that will come out at the end of the year as usual. And this expansion will be special on multiple levels… We're so excited to show you what it'll look like. It will be one of the most memorable in the game's history!
Thank You
The WAKFU MMO is a unique and special adventure for all of us. We're lucky enough to have a small team of passionate, talented staff. We've been doing everything we can to enhance the project for years now, and on a personal note, I want to sincerely thank them.Our community remains an infinite source of motivation. Your patience, your attentiveness, your will, your sense of sharing is a real boon to us. WAKFU's success is yours, first and foremost. Thank you for everything. Have an amazing 2024, and take care of yourselves; best wishes for your health, happiness, and success!
The WAKFU team