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Summary of the Livestream on November 6, 2024: End-of-Year Update Pushed Back
21.11.24 08:43 Community Announcements

Update 1.86 Report

The 1.86 Update will let you explore a new island in the World of Twelve and meet Nox, the antagonist from the WAKFU series. This update was originally announced for the end of 2024 in the KrosmoNote and at the Ankama Convention. However, we've decided to postpone the update until the beginning next year.

Despite the considerable amount of work and effort by our teams, we came up against a number of issues in the production phase that led us to postpone this content expansion. We're sorry we haven't been able to keep our promise. We would nevertheless like to emphasize that we are moving this update in part to be sure we deliver a finished, bold product with this very special island. New dungeons, new quests, and exciting encounters will be waiting for you at the beginning of next year and we can't wait to tell you all about it!


In addition to the new expansion, the 1.86 update will include game interface improvements.

The community has long been requesting upgraded interfaces and we took that request seriously this year. After extensive preparations, we're happy to have launched a new, complete, and accessible Marketplace on WAKFU. We had the chance to develop this project with the community and we want to thank you again for having given your feedback so we could refine the interface's user experience.

Even though the polls about proposed visual style of the new interfaces were very positive, we decided to work on a new, more artistic proposal with the help of our partner, Figs. The Marketplace's current theme is great and has an interesting simplicity, but we wanted to take it a step further. We want to give you a more striking visual style with a strong identity that represents the game. Figs was inspired to suggest a return to the stone that is so emblematic of WAKFU with its frescoes, its physicality, and its blue energy.

Here are some before-and-after comparisons (these models are not representative of the final in-game interfaces):

We've approved this new direction, which we feel is better and more personal, so we're going to change the in-game rendering and modify the theme.

We're also planning to revisit the entire build system in order to simplify it and make it more effective. We've been iterating the system since the last time we presented this interface and here's our current progress (again, this is just a mockup):

And finally, here's the quest book. For now, the interface isn't nearly as advanced and won't be included in 1.86, but we wanted to show you what we're putting together.

Play Time

We know play time has been an important topic in the community for a while and we've decided to make several changes. Some will be available soon, others will arrive in the months and years to come.

Approved for November:

Increased playing time at start of turn based on the character's resources
Half a second for each AP / MP
No dynamic increase in the event of AP / MP gain or loss during the turn
The issue with delayed seconds linked to the velocity bonus has been fixed
Under Study:

Added fast dashes on all classes (when moving more than four cells)
Pre-calculation of movements (ability to cast spells from the next destination cell, before a movement or a movement spell has occurred)
Faster animations on certain spells for certain classes
Longer play time for certain types of combats
The whole team wants to thank you for your patience, your feedback, and your investment and we hope to see you soon to discuss the next part of this project more.

If you'd like to watch the recording of this stream, it's available now on our Twitch channel!
Logo for Wakfu
Release:2011 Genre: Massively Multiplayer Online Entwickler: Ankama Games Vertrieb: Ankama Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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