It's a recurring request from the community, and for a while now we've been wanting to upgrade the graphics in WAKFU. As you can imagine, this is a time-consuming project that we've been working on for a while already; we had to reexport every single graphical element in the game (characters, mobs, interactive elements, etc.).
Currently, HD mode is incomplete. We're nowhere near done improving the game environments*. Originally we wanted to wait and reveal the finished product. That said, in light of your excitement when the WAKFU single-account trailer came out, we've decided to release a starting HD pack with the following animated elements:
- characters
- monsters
- equipment
- resources
- interactive elements
- pets and mounts
With regard to interfaces, we hear your feedback and are aware of the issues raised. Improvements to interfaces will not be included in this HD pack; it's an area we're working on bit by bit, as this project can't be properly completed in one go.
Since images are better than a thousand words:
HD mode is enabled by default!ANECDOTE RELATED TO WAKFU HD
We also wanted to share a little anecdote. When Update 1.74 (Shustuft Crust) came out, one of our NPCs was exported in HD, which wasn't right. This generated a bug ticket that makes us crack up internally, because after forcing the NPC to export in SD and when developing WAKFU HD, the NPC in question was then the only NPC to not appear in HD. Here's a snapshot of the ticket: