New Restrictions on Turning Kamas into Ogrines
Along the same lines as the recent change made by our DOFUS colleagues, we've decided to limit the purchase of Kama Stones using kamas (to get ogrines); allowing it only for accounts created before January 1, 2023, or accounts that have made at least one purchase in real currency (€, $, etc.) since their creation. This restriction goes into effect on November 26, the date this article is published.
In summary:
- If your account was created before January 1, 2023, you can still get ogrines using kamas without spending money. [/*]
- If you have a more recent account, the account will have unlimited ability to purchase Kama Stones to access the various elements in the WAKFU shop after you've made a real currency purchase without needing to spend more money for cosmetics, Boosters, etc. [/*]
Extensive analysis indicates that this change will have a major impact on these undesirable behaviors, greatly improving everyone's comfort in the game and the economic health on our servers.
Linking Ogrines and Items from the WAKFU Shop
The second change impacting the service is our decision to link ogrines obtained via the purchase of Kama Stones and link all WAKFU shop items (consumables, costumes, adventurer boxes, Sadida bags) regardless of the currency used (linked or unlinked ogrines / real currency).
Please note that these changes are not retroactive; ogrines already obtained as well as any previous purchases will not be changed.
As a reminder, ogrines are linked if they come from the DOFUS Kama Exchange, the Steam shop and now the Kama Stone service.
The lack of a link enabled multiple actions that had a negative impact on the game by destabilizing its economy. For example, it was possible to unlink ogrines from the DOFUS Kama Exchange via WAKFU, to transfer kamas from one DOFUS server to another.
We also discovered that illegal networks were generating kamas on WAKFU, then transforming them into DOFUS kamas to resell them.
We understand that some players may prefer the previous functionality, but this decision will prevent many behaviors from harming the game. We believe this is the best solution for the long term.
These measures also pave the way for the potential reactivation of purchasing Kamas Stones with real currency on Steam in a future update.