News Liste Terra Invicta

Patch 9 (stability and performance improvements)
Terra Invicta
06.03.23 20:18 Community Announcements
Hi everyone! We've got a host of new stability and performance improvements for you in today's patch. Please see below for the full contents, representing several versions of improvements from the testing process.

We're planning to get to work on several new features and AI improvements in the coming builds. Once they're working, they'll be available first on our Validation branch on Steam if you'd like to give them a try. If you'd like to participate in testing, you can opt in by right clicking on Terra Invicta in your steam library, then clicking BETAS in the menu, and then selecting the Validation branch.

Today's patch includes all of the below separate prior updates from the Validation branch.

Finally, thank you again for all your continued support and feedback on Terra Invicta during this Early Access period! We'd love to continue hearing any comments, suggestions, or reviews.


- fix several instances of crashing with new fleet PIP visualization code postcombat in 0.3.75 with nullcheck for ShipVisController
- fix apparently rare instance of invalid space combat present on startup causing a softlock. Invalid combats will be cleared from combatmanager's active combat state now.


- fix bombardment runs ending prematurely in some cases due to a logic error
- fix multiple things wrong with bombardment of landed fleets
- fix AI ship refits switching to default "Troop Carrier" role
- human AI will now use a greater variety of hulls in ship design

- fixed music volume being incorrectly set to a low value after watching the intro cinematic on a new game
- fix for 3278 - insufficient power warning during module replacement will not correctly factor in the power difference between the 2 modules
- Centrist steam achievement will now unlock after winning with each of the 7 factions, will need to load an endgame save to retrigger

- Performance improvement for notifications and clicking on massive fleets in space - Fleet PIP images now only load the first 20 ships in the fleet.


- added safeties for two unreproducible crashes reported on Discord -- thrust profile tool targeting a nonextant fleet with no faction; and whether a space object has a sphere collider

- Fix for 3277 - updating construction queue costs now factors refits into account and will not overwrite the cost with the full ship construction cost
-TIFactionState.GetDesiredShipToBuild() : InvadeEarth goals can only build assault carriers bugfix. This was causing aliens to not build invasion fleets properly.
- InvasionCombatValue() : multiply by This method was returning 3x less than it was supposed to because it wasn't multiplying by the 3 armies it produces when used. This was causing aliens to be too conservative in launching invasion fleets.
- Added safeties to prevent a trajectory's destination being changed to the fleet performing the trajectory.
- Fix for combat group selection persisting into the following combat allowing commands to be given to ships outside of combat. This was causing radiators to retract outside of combat, which is bad.
- EndCombatForStrategyGame() : Only complete AccessAlienShip milestone if an alien ship was destroyed.
- Autoresolve() : retract radiators if possible.
- UpdateShipyardQueues() : AI sort goals by importance bugfix.


- Attempt fix crash in updating combat cards UI
- Add some safety checks when unloading a skirmish to prevent a crash we found during internal testing
- Fix for combat crash resulting from post combat interaction with UI elements and waypoints

- Fix new bug in 0.3.71 that causes bombardment to cancel when a fleet loses line of sight
- Attempt fix bug causing batteries not to recharge in combat if fleet was in a transfer and its thrusters were firing at combat start
- AIDailyFactionPlanner.BuildSpaceAssets() : regenerate fleetBuildShipsGoals list in DesignShips callback. This is necessary to prevent old data from causing issues.
- DesignShipsCoroutine() : Disallow concurrent calls with the same faction


- Add a nullcheck to TIMissionModifier_LegislatureCP_Defend, apparent crash fix (count not repro)
- band-aid fix when fleet arrives arrive at a rendezvous point with another fleet but it's not there (enters ad hoc orbit, appears to teleport to wrong place), preventing a crash
- fix post-battle iterator change crash in when a transfer abort occurs as a result of combat
- Combat will not end until the number of ships that have started exploding equals the number of ships that have finished exploding. Should catch a crash during simultaneous destruction in combat.
- fix crash when an AI goal becomes stale while design ships coroutine is running (new bug since .59)


- Fix unbounded loop triggered after conquering alien nation and liberating the original nation, involving priorities not being set correctly

- Fix AI ship designer accepting designs lacking key modules for role

- Fix several issues with priority preset dropdowns

- Some performance improvements for bombardment (verifying line of sight to target at the fleet level rather than individual ship level). More to do


- Fix crash in UI when targeting an orbit around a Lagrange Point for a transfer


- Fix logic error where AI fleets could end up docked at combat-capable enemy habs
- Fixed incorrect UI when trading with aliens as the Protectorate

-Fixed a bunch of cases where faction UI icons were being incorrectly downscaled when using lower graphics settings

- Added free disk space to logs to help with diagnosing rare crashes


- Fix postcombat crash in autoresolve in certain circumstances


- fix handling of fleet targeting loop detected on save load to avoid crash
- FactionGoal_CaptureHab.accomplishWithoutFleet NRE bigfix
- fix crash from unrest tooltip calculating if the nation is destroyed but the player's mouse is over the tooltip trigger for the frame before the nation canvas shuts down
- Attempt fix longtime crash when selecting a primary target by ensuring ship command buttons are cleared of all onclick listeners following combat
- add try - catch block to localization code to prevent crashes from bad strings; also fix 6 bad loc tags in ESP that were causing the crashes we ran into
- more work on combat/post-combat ship destruction tracking to find that CTD

- Fix AI bug when it had a zero-duration transfer lined up to a station and wouldn't dock, rendering it unable to proceed toward goals (new in 0.3.63)

- remove some duplicate loc strings
- Corrections for two objective texts in English loc; Removed duplicate "other" for the Protectorate ResearchTheirDemands objective; Modified Project Exodus Research their Origin text to better accommodate variable time of research completion


- Fix unbounded loop in autoresolve when ships can't fire at each other (new bug in 0.3.65)

- Fix AI bug preventing sale of some orgs


-Added cyrovolcano event for other, non-titan places
-Added Plasma tornado event for Mercury (thanks for the suggestion Discord!)

- adjusted squaring limit on education in research from 10 to 12, knowledge priority will also have diminishing effect on education when it's above 12
- Alien AI will prefer more armor on its ship designs
- mercury hab irradiated cost reverted to 3.5x from 5x now that the mechanic working

- Added CP icon to some CP maintenance UIs
- Increase save game name limit to 58 characters

- ArmyListItemController NRE fix, rare crash when an army is destroyed
- fix crash when alien megafauna army owned by Initiative fights another megafauna owned by aliens (Discord report)
- Rework of combat autoresolve to with fixes for serious performance issues in huge combats that resembled a lockup. We'll need to do more here but we reduced a 188-ship combat from several minutes to 8-10 seconds. (In the future we'll have active screen updates when this is happening and abstract large AI-vs-AI battles even more.) Also fix an issue where guardian weapons weren't defending, disabled weapons were firing, and ships' positions were sometimes resetting to origin. This should provide somewhat more reasonable results in many cases. Known issue: Radiator damage isn't handled properly.
- Prevent treaties from being traded between factions with a permanent alliance. - fix issues so permanent allies won't discard NAP (shouldn't need one in the first place) triggering aliens sending chat messages (which would cause a crash, also fixed separately)

- Fix control point maintenance influence cost warning in CP tooltip. Underlying bad calculation may have been also causing problems for the AI.
- improved doublecheck to complete fleet operations that missed their TITImeEvent for some reason

- Removed picture from titan cryovolcano event cause you won't see black sky on Titan says space nerd designer annoying everyone
- Corrected capitalization in Self-Driving vehicles
- Fix autoresolve reporting the same ship twice in post-combat screen
- Fix several new events not scaling research reward from one of its options, making them always worse
- fxi mroe tpoys


- Research from a nation will rise more slowly once education > 10. (Specifically it stops squaring education when when education > 10 and instead multiplies education by 10 at one step in the calculation. This is part of a larger calculation and may get further balancing; it's to shave off runaway research values in extreme cases)

- 2 new event illustrations

- Fixed bug from 3.63 that brok the transfer planner.
- Fix conditions to assault hab operation, rooted in inconsistencies when a Marine module could contribute

- Added missing effect loc in a Permanent Peace
- Adjusted pathway for faction leader icons along with template udate to point to their gui iterations. Deprecated string appender.
- Made minor change to Objective InvestigateEnthrallMission for the Appease faction loc


- Fix rare case in which creating the notification rendertexture would cause a crash. New bug for 0.3.61.
- Fix a crash in bad trajectory cleanup code. 3243
- TIFactionState.NewCampaign() : only save starting-ship designs if designingFaction == the faction in question. This prevents designs belonging to the wrong faction and thus causing a crash. This would only occur in modded setups.

- GameStateManager.ClearAllGameStates() : clearing luna and nearEarthOrbitStates. This causes probes to luna to keep being sent over and over due to a deleted luna screwing up the value returned by GetIntel() when loading a game during an existing session and CAGS must be called. 3241
- The transfer planner will now only predict a target fleet's movement if it already launched on its trajectory, or if it is owned by the same faction as the launching fleet. Previously, that exception for "same faction" wasn't present.
- Bugfix: the AI will no longer consider 0-duration transfers. (i.e. it won't try to transfer a fleet to where it already is).


- Restore Steamworks interactions (achievements and workshop). This was broke in 0.3.60 so never left the validation branch.


- each point of faction's aggregate science score increases base chance of unlocking a project by 0.2% and monthly chance of unlocking any triggered project by 0.2%


- fix new crash in 0.3.60 when AI is considering missile projects
- Fix UI allowing founding of bases at lagrange points, which would lead to crashes (3235)
- ensure stored game states in narrative event prior data (for sequential events) still exist when processing a follow-on event, should fix a rare crash (3230)
- fixed transfer planner nre
- Fixed NRE when holding shift while selecting non-army operations

- Fix a couple of traits restricting missions when they should be granting them
- Fix a few things in ship designer UI -- being able to auto-place an illegal weapon; bad tooltip for certain module slots on lancer and titan layout; weapon drop locations will now be smarter when you try to drop a multi-slot weapon and place it in a legal location 3233, 2481
- fixed intel screen UI closing when selecting spacebodies in the transfer planner

- hab module tooltips in designer will show context-sensitive mass now instead of base mass

- reduced memory impact of notification pip render texture
- rework of deleted/exists perf improvement

- Texture streaming setting is now enabled by default for new players
- (Internal)migrated language lineheight setting to template


- increase Seoul region's initial boost (thanks Discord for pointing out a new rocket launch in 2022)
- Costs increased a bit in all Global warming warning events, and the latter events have larger costs
- Only the Servants can put tracking chips in the FEV vaccine. For now.
- Increased Marine assault values from 1/3/5 to 2/4/6
- Removed MC cost for larger influence / unity modules
- Reverted spoils base inequality increase from .003 to .0025 per trigger
- Reduced inequality increase from economy priority
- Adjusted non-aligned nation AI's handling of welfare and unity priorities
- Reduced base spoils in several default priorities, adjusted a few nation's starting priorities
- increased AI preference to develop batteries and radiators, also project scoring adjustments during resource shortages
- lowered public campaign mission base impact slightly
- mission to saturn requires nuclear fission in space tech
- Unpowered/under construction combat hab modules will be destroyed at the end of a combat (unpowered modules were immediately powering up post combat after other modules where destroyed and forcing more combats)
- transfer region cannot be done when improve relations on cooldown
- Disallowed supply theft from enemy habs, maybe would bring it back if I can figure out how to balance it so it's not a pure exploit
- Added a few missions to traits (including counselor and unifier)
- worked on ship combat score to emphasize mobility less, nose weapons and point defenses more
- starting councilors for player faction (cinematic) or all factions (other difficulties) will get favored stats fixed at 8 (if one favored stat, like a celebrity) or 7 and 6 (if two favored stats), forgot to add this when I put up patch notes initially. This will turn into some kind of campaign start option in the future

- New backer councilor
- two new backer orgs
- Added Self-Driving Vehicles project
- Added 2 events, First Maglev network + Self-driving Vehicles
- Added event BeeGone

- Bugfix: Previously, when a fleet chasing a maneuvering target needs to know its orbital elements after the maneuver took place (in order to plot potential intercepts of the target), it was using a very precise but slow method used in save repair. This has been replaced with three levels of decreasing precision to find the orbit -- which should be both fast and more than precise enough. The old method could result in several minute pauses in the middle of play.
- improv perf of GetCouncilorsinRegion
- GetThreatLevelAtLocation() : performance improvement
- Improved performace of Box Selecting ships in combat
- ListManager no longer toggles content gameobject on and off - general UI performance improvement when navigating some UIs
- Nations Screen performance improvements - Nations screen is now responsive when sorting and filtering, no more freezes.
- DesignShips() : Coroutine. Broke up the ship designing process to smooth out framerates.
- TICouncilorState.GetAttribute() : caching. Note that any code that might change the results of GetAttribute() must call SetAttributesDirty() to update the cache.
- AI_AtWarWithFaction() : caching
- TIGameState.deleted : set in RemoveGameState()
- GetTotalStat() : caching

- simultaneous defend interest expiry of multiple CPs in the same nation will only trigger one timer notification. Notification will also have a little flag for nation
- Added UI in the intel screen to refuse contact missions from other factions
- habs will now display player-set classification icon in the geoscape
- landed fleets at bases icons will now be active selection buttons
- geoscape base tooltip will now show base's bombardment defense score
- added more data to transfer chooser UI
- added assault data to fleet/hab UIs. (needs more improvements)
- assault defense against space assault value added to ui
- Hovering a shipyard module in the 2d designer will note how many ships in queue
- standardize iconography for space assault score (using miltech icon as placeholder)
- Added a more visable checkmark to the PriorityTemplate dropdown in the NationInfoCanvas

- Fixed bug where group selecting ships in combat with differing hull and nose weapons sometimes led to a crash
- Ship designer no longer accessible from construction manager button before you've developed warships project. This was leading players to enter the ship designer before any ships could be designed, and many interactions with the designers at that point will lead to crashes. Until the patch goes out, don't try to make a ship if you see a designer screen full of pentagons.
- Fixes to timing in autoresolve post-combat destruction of ships and restoration of existing fleets. Should avoid autoresolve-only crash when all ships in the *main* fleet in a battle are destroyed but some others survive and the game tries to repopulate the original fleets using data from the main fleet. #3227
- fix a rare crash on load when game is trying to repair a save with bombardment in a bad state
- fix crash when a set policy mission is canceled because the nation lost its executive faction while the mission was pending

- Fixed a rare ui issue where the play button would not show the correct state after repeated Space Combats
- Fixed an issue where if the Nation Info Screen was open and the player created a new custom priority template the list of templates would not update unitl closing the menu
- nullcheck some UIs that can close and NRE during shutdown
- Generated Ui-variants of Faction Logos
- Fix for Epic Store EOS annoying login prompt - Login is now automatic and persistent, no longer requiring a manual sign-in every time the game is launched
- Fixed an issue where the combat selection box could persist on screen when opening the pause menu in combat
- Fixed an issue where the selection box could linger during the post combat results screen
- GetBestOperation() : exit early if fleet has active resupply goal and is at resupply hab but cannot resupply. If the fleet is at the right hab and still needs to resupply, not having the resupply operation available simply means the fleet needs to wait.
- prevent contact with aliens before diplomacy objective
- fix illustration when showing planetary surface (like landed fleets)
- fixed an apparent bug in automated hab powering logic
- Rebuild module button will not be interactable if module is disallowed for hab (typically if you captured a hab with modules you can't build yet)
- Rework detection and deletion of a shipyard when placing modules over shipyards, attempt fix bug reported
- Clicking on a hab site in prospector UI should open the right planet UI now
- fix being unable to decommission modules that can't be powered down
- fix 3221, occupation of region has safety check for all regions occupied
- fix 3205, a nation seceding from its parent that's occupied by a war enemy of the parent will be allied with the occupier and its friends
- Fixed error where spoils would be set when changing nation priority templates involving Funding, Boost, Mission Control, Armies, Nukes, and Space Defenses. The error was most obvious when going from something like Stability to a custom template with only one of the problem priorities set.
- Fixed an error where funding was not checked when validating a priority template. This meant that a prioirity template that only used funding would not appear in the dropdown lists.
- fix busted calculation of extra mass for hab modules in irradiated locales

- Update to TILaserWeaponTemplate for Light Green Arc Laser Battter description. Mmm cake battter
- Clarified tooltips for different levels of FreePriorityWelfare effects.
- Fixed player config from saving a dozen times on startup

- Minor Refactor of utility module special module abilities and bonuses for more extensibility and inclusion of bonus values in loc so it's easier to adjust.
- console command to dump AI tech scoring

Latest patch notes are also always available on our web site, here:

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Release:26.09.2022 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Pavonis Interactive Vertrieb: Hooded Horse Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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