News Liste Terra Invicta

Patch 8 (bug fixes and balance improvements)
Terra Invicta
09.02.23 18:38 Community Announcements
Today's announcement is a bit of a special one: We’re excited to share both a new update and also announce a Weekend Feature on Steam where Terra Invicta will be 20% off!

First, on the update: not only are we introducing enhanced control options for tactical fleet battles and improvements to the tutorial, but this patch also contains 20 new narrative events and a new combat music track from Breakdown Epiphanies.

You can read the full patch notes on everything we’ve included in this update, but let’s explore some of the highlights first.

Multi-ship selection

You can now select groups of ships. To do so either hold shift and select your ships or use the new box select by clicking and dragging the left mouse button to draw a box around the ships you would like to select.

You can also now assign groups to hotkeys by pressing Ctrl + [0-9]. After a group is set you can select the group again by pressing the associated number.

Other improvements to combat controls include:

  • Fleet-wide ship maneuvers
  • Hold Ctrl to orient group waypoints towards the mouse pointer
  • Hold Alt to orient group waypoints away from the mouse pointer

Let us know what you think of these changes in the comments - we have many more ideas we’d like to implement, and we’d love to know what you’d like to see next!

Other highlights

As mentioned above, we’ve got 20 new narrative events coming to the game with this update. We’ve also updated some event art across existing events. We don’t want to spoil too much for you, but here’s a peek at one upcoming event you may experience:

Other key improvements include:

  • Improved Army pathfinding, including the ability to set waypoints
  • Assaulting habitats has been reworked
  • The ‘Defend Interests’ mission has been rebalanced

Steam Weekend Deal discount

Terra Invicta will also be running a discount from now until February 16, where you’ll be able to pick up the game for 20% off. If you (or your friends) have been on the fence about jumping into Terra Invicta, now’s a great time to check it out!

This is only the beginning - we’re always working on polishing the game and responding to the great feedback we’re getting from our community. We’ve also got plenty of plans on how to enhance and expand the game, and we can’t wait to show you more as we continue our slow but steady invasion of Steam Early Access.

We'd love to hear any feedback or reviews you have on the game, but in the meantime, here are the full patch notes:

Saves from the patch should be compatible with earlier saves from 0.3.xx builds.

This patch includes all the following version updates on the testing branch:

* We are investigating a rare crash when using the set primary target command at the beginning of a combat. We have not been able to reproduce yet, but we think it may relate to stale data from a prior combat. If you hit this crash, reloading the combat autosave should allow you to proceed.
* If upgrading an advanced save (with lots of fleets flying around) from an older build, there may be some noticeable performance hitches shortly after starting to run time. This is the game fixing some bugged fleets and it has to search the entire Solar System to resolve the issue.

0.3.60 will be a performance-focused patch and we intend to get it out as soon as it is stable.


- Fix very low inequality leading to larger cohesion drops instead of clamped to smallest allowed value, because the square of a negative number is positive, moron, and toned down the strength of the new mechanic in general (NOTE: THE RESPONSIBLE DEV IS VERBUALLY ABUSING HIMSELF, NOT SOMEONE ELSE. THIS IS NOT BEN'S BUG.)
- Fix errant try-catch block causing notification of new space object being detected twice
- AI will favor hostile takeover more.
- Clarified tooltips in Nuclear Terrorism event
- Added Phoebe explosion events


- adjusted cohesion/corruption math to fix incorrect constant, cohesion wasn't counting enough
- Unity priorty hurts democracy score a little more
- A nation's max cohesion drop in a month now increases as inequality goes up (ineq - 2.5f)^2 clamped to between .1 and 1
- added mission scoring for dominate, AI will use it now. Probably need to add a first-time notification
- reverted some coup modifiers related to corruption
- On new campaign starts, the "CLOSE" and "GOTO" buttons in notifications, along with the closer "X" are hidden until you reach the first mission phase
- Fixed resource UI not updating immediately when transacting in a lot of places
- Fix missing economic collapse illustration
- Made all bombardment timed events not stop the clock to process to fix some performance issues.
- sped up menu opening anims in start/options
- confirm assignments button will say "enemies are planning" when AI is working and it can't be selected
- fix bad UI reporting on range of boost increases for a nation in tooltip
- minor adjustments to new mission list UI
- attempt fix climate change events from appearing before temperature actually allows for it (may not fix all saves)
- Refund DV spent mid-frame when the destination of a trajectory has just launched on a new trajectory. If we decide to persue, we shouldn't double-spend that DV. Also added various safeties aroud aborting without a valid orbit.

- Fix crash when selecting an enemy councilor or targeting one of your own councilors with a mission, introduced in .56


- New Combat Layer Music Track: Humans - Overcome
- 5 new event illustrations

- Updated Priorites to use Yellow text for warnings instead of red
- When "Take Me There" will take you to the objectives screen it will now display "View Objectives"
- Tutorial Edits
- Added "Plan Launch" button to launch facility UI that activates the usual space object operation UI to help people find it
- Councilor Mission List UI Update
- added alien dialog for diplomacy
- Removed some TITimeEvents from stopping clock to process

Balance / AI
- Reverted Marine ship module assault values (getting lots of ... disparate feedback on this, but plurality seems to say they didn't need a buff)
- Tweaked down org space mining bonuses a tad
- Adjusted corruption calculation following regressions of TI values with corruption index. Now based on democracy, cohesion, and PCGDP (R-squared was 81% versus 71% with the older model, tyvm).
- Reduced the impact of corruption on Direct Invest costs
- More corruption adjustments, lower corruption value overall but higher coup chances if elites unhappy
- Increased base funding increase from funding priority from 4 to 5
- Decrease base spoils income from 20 to 15, increase inequality change from 0.0025 to .003, and increase democracy loss from 0.001 to .00125
- FactionGoal_RefitFleet : scaling number of refit goals based on refit costs vs available resources.

- Mood.ClearState() : Mac NRE bugfix.
- Bugfix #3187. Prevents fleets from reporting the incorrect barycenter under rare conditions. This would cause a CTD.
- GetRelativeValueOfRefit() : NRE if refit is null bugfix
- Bugfix #3191: Prevent us from reading a trajectory's orbit state before the trajectory launches.
- Attempt fix a crash when a faction apparently goes from projects to sabotage to none in a single frame when an AI sabotage mission is prompted to process

- Fixed bad config in Empty Quiver INV option
- Ships will not continue to padlock destroyed ships
- Bugfix: telling a fleet to go to its own orbit no longer makes the fleet permanently unresponsive.
- Alliance adjacency for small non-naval powers now includes across bridges
- Fix bug where devolved space command generated an illegal org (due to tech restrictions on that org); DSC now has admin algorithms prereq
- fix 3193, one more case where councilor could use enemy hab's marines for an assault
- make alien kit utility modules do what they say they'll do
- Fixed Academy objective not blocking alien contact
- fixed some factions not being allowed to contact aliens
- fixed alien leader video path in diplomacy
- We no longer create un-used ad-hoc orbits as "origin orbits" for fleets that launch while not in orbit. Additional null safety was added for transfer origin orbits.
- FactionGoal_RefitFleet : Setting importance value to prevent being discarded
- Adjusted Alien-Protectorate relations in a few places after Protectorate completes announces their goals
- Fix notification illustration and space body model appearing at the same time in the big notification art frame

- Fix breakaway loc for .cht always referring to Taiwan instead of using tag


AI / Content / Gameplay / Balance
- Larger AI ships should focus more on point defenses.
- Maglev trains project + updated event text, Space Coffee event
- Boost can no longer be used in place of antimatter in ship and hab construction
- add event cost scaling for temperature and sea level anomalies
- Repair Bays and Damage Control will not fix Marine modules or hab kit modules on ships
- Loc drop for .cht,.chs,.jpn,.deu,and .fr along with Loc.en modifications
- Habs involved in assaults will now use adviser command bonus
- Propulsion techs and projects are now classified as space science techs, not energy, sorry people contributing to wikis and third-party tools
- Added Hab Research bonus context
- Restored station module hit point calculation to prior settings (.35 mass)

- Added Executive Consolodation information to National Policy Hoverover. ... Must resist critiquing spelling in patch notes
- Added red cost for insufficent resources when selecting modules in the hab screen. ... SO HARD TO RESIST
- Fleet List will now default to own faction
- Adjusted modifier key functionality in sellspaceresources, +1000 now possible
- IF two fleets merge and one goes away, and exactly one of them has a player-changed name (including AI fleets), that name should always be retained
- default save names will include ingame date by by default
- added information to the trading interface for improving relations
- Added missing sfx to combat controls canvas
- Added red text for insufficent resources to operations control canvas

- NRE when clicking selecting "Deploy Army" operation on a selected army before zooming into earth bugfix
- Fix rare crash when an AI fleet launches from a hab and completes a trajectory by docking at another hab in a single frame and both habs think they have the fleet docked (Discord report)
- save repair a busted Exodus objectives that weren't triggered by a project somehow, still not solved original issue
- fix code that was supposed to prevent you from selling faction orgs from your unassigned orgs pool to the market (email)

- Rework of narrative event alt weights to fix bugs that were preventing certain climate change and other events from triggering from a zero-initial-chance state.
- bombarding landed fleets and alien installations on earth oughta work now
- armor damage resistance won't reduce damage if there's no armor or during a critical hit
- changing languages now updates mod list item text
- Fix for changing languages in the main menu not updating the bold font variant correctly in some languages
- Fixes to disease Treated + Cured events
- Fix being able to substitute boost for exotics in building hab modules
- fix alien admin naval power calculation (#3165) to use army miltech, not nation miltech
- Fixed Alien Threat Tutorial not appearing
- fix for refit shipstates persisting in save files after refit, preventing deletion of templates. save repair for phantom shipstates persisting in saves
- Bugfix #3156: We now use the correct distance between the beginning and end of a transfer when estimating the travel time for transfers around a single Lagrange point. This avoids multi-year transfers to travel a few thousand kilometers. Also fixed bugs in the torch trajectory burn calculator that was revealed by fixing bug #3156 (these only effect the visuals, not the DV or travel time calculations). Tau has much more elegant patch notes than any of the rest of you, except maybe Kevin.
- fix for launch site achievement
- Updated Mip Map bias for lots of icons. Should see a big improvement in icon visual clarity.
- Bugfixes to events firing on wrong space body
- Faction objectives in the intel screen that overflow the box should generate a scrollbar properly now
- fix intermittent involuntary cancellation of refueling and possibly other fleet operations (Discord report)
- fix ControlPointFraction returning an int instead of a float (meaning it was always 1 or 0); this was messing up victory condition calculation and potentially other things #3171
- Bugfix: prevent fleets from teleporting into the sun on load when they have a planned transfer but haven't launched yet.
- Change to timeevent processing to attempt fix a softlock we got in testing. Kind of a fundamental change so let us know if it made things worse somehow
- Additional safety for assigned (but not launched) fleets -- avoids creating a TransferPlanComponent until the fleet launches.
- TICouncilorState.MissionQuality() : integer division => returns zero bugfix. AI should value missions in orgs and recruiting more.
- Adjustments made to Project details following investigating text issue for Interplanetary Warships:
-- Corrected for Missle weapon mount being included in defense modules incorrectly
-- Made adjustments to spacing of ship components being listed in project details
-- Adjusted text to provide better context to what elements are to be deployed to defensive station modules
-- Adjusted SalvageAlienWarship objective text for Destroy faction to match others.
- Bugfix: preventing trajectory repair on load from overzealously stomping trajectories for fleets that launched at the same time as the save occured.
- Made determining a fleet's location more robust very close to launch time. Previously, it was possible to have a fleet think that it had launched (and thus has no valid orbit) but also have the trajectory think that it hadn't launched (and thus would try to return the fleet's orbit).
- fix for tooltips not scaling properly on higher resolutions

- UI fix for CP Cap going over the limited space alloted for it
- Typos galore
- added string to clarify what org spaceflight bonus does
- fix electromagnetic propulsion texts to remove alluding to fanciful EM drive
- fix tiny antimatter stocks not showing up when no income on the main bar 3124
- fix missing tooltip in councilor grid when a councilor is detained 2779

- Autopilot : supporting more interaction -- now supports
1) Tech selection
2) Dropping excess orgs
3) Space combat
4) Avoids time speed caps from looking at fleets, habs.
5) Policy selection
6) Research window can prevent mission selection button from appearing, which halts progress. To avoid this, autopilot now automatically closes the research screen.
- savegames will now contain the real-world date the campaign started in TIGlobalValues state


- ~20 new narrative events, several new event illustrations
- Unique icon for sabotage hab module mission
- Updated Spanish localization

- Combat: Group select and maneuver can now operate either with stationkeeping (all waypoints with same relative offsets to maintain formation, governed by worst ship propulsion/rotation values), or with moving ships to the maximum of their individual capabilities.
- Updated combat tutorial, priorities tutorial
- construction manager will show build times in more places
- Added detailed filters for fleet screen
- Added Power summary for habitats UI + tooltip
- added button link to construction manager from hab manager if a shipyard is selected

Balance and Gameplay
- Defend Interest duration now scales inversely with number of CPs being protected, and DI is now apportioned across CPs to attempt to get the expiration date to match in all cases. Formula for DI total days to be apportioned is (90 * numCPs being projected) + 360. So a 1 CP nation is 450 days. A 6-CP nation with no existing DI is 150 days for all CPs (90 + (360/6)). (The base 90 per was added following some testing so big nations would not need constant refreshing while 1 CP would get eternal DI). Note the equalization of expiry date won't occur if 1 CP already had DI and its expiry is way, way further out than the others
- Defend Interest duration at a hab now increased to 5 years.
- ship marine modules worth more in assaults
- increase base mass of a number of ship hulls
- increase structural integrity of some large ship hulls (including many alien hulls)
- adjusted some build time multipliers lower for human ship hulls
- Reduced influence income from many orgs
- increased alien base caps on veteran and brutal

- ManagePriorityHabsConstructionFactionGoals_Human() : ignore all but 1 capture goal when determining excess MC for creating found goals. Capture goals reserved MC space but were sucking down a lot of MC (I saw -50 in one case) for the purposes of this method, potentially resulting in lots of unused MC.
- Work on AIReaction code


- Bugfix #3127: Prevents fleets from inheriting trajectories from fleets they are intercepting if those trajectories have already completed. Prevents a crash.
- TIHabState.IsSafeToVisit() : Infinite re-engage bug fix. If a fleet is assigned to resupply/repair at a hab that a hostile fleet is docked at, and that fleet is too strong to engage (or the battle is not initiate for whatever reason), the fleet will continue to try to dock, causing combat prompts to occur indefinitely. I added the method IsSafeToVisit() to TIHabState and use it to filter resupply/repair hab candidates so that this situation does not occur.
- fix crash when rebuilding a shipyard (Discord report)
- AIReaction() : NRE when arrivingFleet.orbitState == null bugfix
- attempt fix crash when clicking region while combat is starting up
- Added some rough error handling for null resources cost passed to found hab operations based on two reports we can't reproduce
- fix a crash when a scheduled bombardment laser from the strat layer fires during combat, which is weird

- Fix councilor-led hab assaults auto-aborting after assignment
- fix for enemy docked ships showing up in refit menu
- TICouncilorState.KillCouncilor() : only call AIReaction if faction is an AI. Prevents involuntary recruiting by active player's faction.
- fix max passive monthly pop loss in a region from -.95% to -10%
- Fix bad collider scale in Information Science Institute
- Fix "faction insolvent" defense modifier against fleet-led hab assaults providing a bonus instead of a malus

- fix bad build values being shown in construction manager
- Corrected typos for various templates
- fix for councilor mission tutorial persisting after the mission assignment phase ends
- Disabled zooming behavior when initiating some fleet operations

- Added discord, wiki and patch note links to main menu
- added some czech characters to the notosans and notosans header font
- make terminal a little more helpful, and bigger
- save file will record current application version to assist in debugging


- Rework of assaulting habs, with the goal of normalizing rules and success chances between councilor-led and fleet-led assaults. The goal is to make a councilor-led assault different only in that councilor is contributing command stat. Changes include:
* Fleets can again assault bases from orbit when the bases have active defense modules. Those modules now contribute to the difficulty of the assault
* If launching from a hab, attacking fleets and councilors will use all friendly hab and fleet troops to contribute to the success chances. (Exception: If there are hab support or MC shortages, habs will not contribute troops).
* If defending a hab, friendly fleets parked there will contribute Marines to defense score and success/fail chance.
* All contributing fleet Marine modules can now be damaged or destroyed.
* Marine hab modules used to support assaults can now be destroyed.
* Protection mission and council joint command attribute now contribute to fleet assault defense (just like council assault defense)
* MC shortages provide maluses to both sides on both fleet and councilor led missions

- Ship construction modules must always be powered, have increased crew, and removed money maintenance cost
- rework how shipyards determine construction time. reduced baseline construction time for all ships. Now shipyards and ship hulls have tiers; if a shipyard's tier is below that of a hull, it suffers a penalty to construction time; if it is higher, the construction time bonus applies (doubly so if it is much higher). So a Titan at a spacedock will be very, very slow, but a spaceworks can pump out gunships in less than 30 days.
- Increased the chances the Increase Unrest mission will trigger a secession. If used on regions with a succession movement, unrest will cap at 9.9 so revolutions won't trigger.
- increased research cost of many fusion drives.
- increased research costs of a couple of amat techs
- Reduced hit points of defensive space combat modules again

- New strategy layer camera behaviour for geoscape & finder. click to select, double-click to move camera to.
- Add rebuild destroyed module button in hab manager
- added option to avoid focusing camera on councilor during the beginning of assignment phase

- AIReaction() : Try to gather at least one fleet that can respond to an arriving fleet for each faction Detail: In the event that AIReaction is called due to an arriving fleet, 1) Before adding an enemy fleet to the list of fleets to run SingleFleetOperation on, check whether that fleet is capable of responding (currently that means its not in combat and can start a new transfer), Try to get at least one fleet from each faction by widening the search if you did not find a fleet in the same orbit.
- AIReaction() : check if there is a dedicated defense fleet and make sure it reacts to arriving hostile fleets.
- KillCouncilor() : AIReaction() call to immediately recruit new councilor and assign orgs.
- TransferOrgsFromPool() : return the beginning of list if a councilor acquires an admin org. This is necessary otherwise the highest rate orgs may be passed on in favor of lower rated orgs that come directly after an admin org.
- reduced alien AI preference for missiles

- fix crash bug 3120, during hab destruction, removed faction intel entry was being re-added to dictionary when the faction was compromised by another faction in processintelchange.
- AIReaction() NRE when passed deleted fleet. Issue #3128
- Fix crash when a T3 base defense module fires back #3129
- Fixed a rare crash when faction crazy ivan (investigating itself for traitors) fails to find a target. #3126

- Bugfix #3105: Fixed bug where it was easier to go to a fleet or station in an orbit around another body than to reach the orbit itself. When the destination has a known mean anomaly at arrival (for example, because it's a fleet or other physical asset, as opposed to a vague orbit) I need to include the synodic period of the origin and destination in my maximum transfer time to ensure that I catch the Hohmann transfer window. The bug was that I wasn't using the synodic period when the vague destination orbit was around something with a definite mean anomaly, such as a planet around a Sun.
- Attempting fix for invisible lasers
- AIDailyFactionPlanner.TransferOrgsFromPool() : Removing mistaken condition that prevents unassigned org assignment.
- fixed issue where power first modules could be depowered when there was power available for them. No more hot-swapping marines/combat modules.
- fix for build times not updating when switching between pay from earth and space options in ship construction UI
- fix improper use of cached utility modules in ship autodesigner, leading to illegal autodesign/AI builds
- Fix not switching to fleet correctly when selecting a fleet while in operation targeting mode in UI

- Fixed issue with with stale data causing No Thrust Warning to display for invalid ships.
- Clarify LEOCleanup effect text #3106

- Added warnings for bad epochs to aid in debugging when the original bug is irreproducible.
- Added Mission_Abductions_Att modifier for effects


- Bugfix: Fixed recently introduced bug that would cause a crash if a fleet being intercepted then launched. (DetargetFleet crash)
- fix being able to use another faction's marines to launch missions from an enemy hab


- Balance: reduced hab module surface-to-orbit rate of fire

- Updated Combat Tutorial
1) Added Tip for waypoint color relationship to battle time
2) Added Tip for basic waypoint movement
3) Added Tip dicussing the significance of green, yellow, and red lines for ship trajectories
4) Updated Rotational Angle Tips
5) Added Tip for ramming
6) Added Tip for disengage

- Added an animation to the army path vis that makes the path stream out of the army, as well as mold itself into a new path when the player changes it.

- fix for NRE / crash when ordering ships with no target to disengage
- SpaceObjectPositioning.OnUpdate() : NRE bugfix. Issue #3100. Failing to call UpdateInjectedComponentGroups() in the event that the number of space objectes has changed may result in an NRE when accessing the spaceObjectGroup.SpaceObject array. Thanks to FioraAeterna for reporting and investigating this issue. Apparent New bug for .50
- Fix 3112 by updating injecting component groups every time a transfer is concluded/deleted/canceled.
- Fix for fleet command crashing the game when multiple combats occurred during the play session and a combat ended during target selection causing stale ship data from previous to be used
- Fixed Crash 3113 caused by primary target changing when all opposing ships are destroyed
- Fix crash when placing illegal antimatter farm module
- Bugfix #3105. Fleets that had inherited their trajectories from a fleet they were intercepting could end up with the intercepted fleet's trajectory instead of a copy of it, which could have its destination invalidated, in turn breaking saves. This is fixed, and saves corrupted by this are now recovered on load.

- Fix for hab screen UI incorrectly displaying the list of habs when the user unchecks both stations and bases
- Fix for bug #3095: Lock icons displaying incorrectly in battle (left over from previous battle)
- fix alien threat panel sometimes bleeding into combat

- attempt to improve performance of pip fleet images by not rendering > 20 ships


- First pass at multi-ship selection and orders in space combat. Ships can be added to control groups. Full details:
- Added Group Selection for ships. Ships can be added to a group by holding shift, holding left mouse button, and box selecting a group or by holding shift and selecting ships either directly or in the fleet list.
- Added Control Groups. A group of ships can be added to a control group hotkey by pressing Ctrl+[Number Key 0-9]. Groups can then be selected by pressing the associated number key.
- Added Fleetwide ship maneuvers. For example, the Padlock command can be given to all ships in the fleet at once.
- Fleet Commands now toggle to Group Commands when a Group of Ships is selected. Allowing the player to issue commands to the selected group only.
- Multiple Ship Combat UI improvements.
- Updated Combat Tutorial with new features.
- Added two new control options when manipulating waypoints:
- when a group is selected, hold Ctrl to command all ships to move or orient towards the mouse's position in the operative plane.
- hold Alt to command all selected ships to move or orient away from the mouse's position in the operative plane.

- Army path queuing. Armies can now be given multiple destinations to travel to by holding shift when clicking additional regions during DeployArmy/iesOperation target selection. This allows override of quickest multi-region pathing.

- Updated All Stop algorithm to be more accurate stopping ships when velocites (sic) get very small. All Stop now works consistantly (sic) in all direcitons (sic). Fixed an issue where angles were not being compared correctly during all stop resulting in incorrect rotation time projections. All Stop now blocks player input while being executed. All Stop now respects ship dV values. No more stopping without fuel. Changed the way the game calculates All Stop. Ships should not calculate their most efficient path to killing all velocity. All Stop only calculates once per cycle barring player input. Very small perfomance (sic) improvement. All Stop will auto cancel if the ship runs out of fuel mid manuver. (sic)

- AssignIdleFleetsToGoals() : Do not join a fleet if either fleet has broken-down ships. This prevents fleets from splitting out ships that cannot transfer only to then be re-merged.
- Start on AIReaction processes to certain events (such as a fleet arriving in an orbit) that require immediate AI response rather than waiting to next Task.


- Fixed a waypoint selection bug that occured (sic) when hovering a waypoint while having the mouse left button held down.
- Cleaned up a memory leak coming from projectiles in combat

- Prevent combat waypoint lines from rendering behind the ship's position on high-velocity trajectories.
- Changing army path vis to SolarSystem layer to stop it from showing up in combat.
Logo for Terra Invicta
Release:26.09.2022 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Pavonis Interactive Vertrieb: Hooded Horse Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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