News Liste Terra Invicta

Patch 7 (bug fixes and gameplay, balance, and AI improvements)
Terra Invicta
09.01.23 17:32 Community Announcements
A large patch for Terra Invicta is going live on Steam. It is build 0.3.49. It has numerous bugfixes, balance updates, and UI and AI improvements.

Saves from the current default build, 0.3.35, should be compatible with the patch (and the build may repair some saves that can't load).

Thanks to everyone who has provided feedback and bug reports via email, on our Discord, our web site forums, Reddit and here. We can't always respond to everything, but we are monitoring all those as best we can.

There's still plenty more to do. We're working on ways to make the UI more efficient. In this patch is army multi-region pathing and the ability to set a homeport for your fleets, which will serve as a default destination if no other space objects are selected in the UI.

On our validation branch (0.3.52) is multi-ship fleet and group selection controls in combat, and we have some camera controls we're testing internally (to reduce the incidence of your interactions with the UI causing unwanted camera movement and zooming).

We invite everyone to leave a review of Terra Invicta here on Steam, and give us any feedback or suggestions for improvement.

This patch includes all of the below smaller updates from the test build:


- Bugfix: prevent CTD when transferring from a moon to a parent body and the destination is a fleet that will launch before we arrive.
- Bugfix: prevents a CTD caused by using the wrong barycenter for a fleet being intercepted via orbit phasing due to the fleet's destination being the same orbit as the intercepting fleet.
- Fix a couple of issues related to assaulting habs; should be able to assault habs from same space body now. (More adjustments to this mechanic are planned; this is just fixing a bug.)
- Added console commands to destroy and complete under construction hab modules in the hab management UI


- Fix crash when managing a hab related to antimatter harvest modules
- fix crash related to nuking a landed fleet from orbit
- check for zeroed out period/time slices for drawing orbit trails to prevent div by zero errors
- Bugfix #3025: Fleets that need to recalculate intercepting a target fleet because it moved are no longer yeeted out of the solar system. Also fixed some related bugs where fleets would report an orbit around one barycenter, but claim to be orbiting another barycenter, when they're at the exact moment of launching / arriving. And I fixed a bug where fleets would sometimes attempt to arrive via hyperbolic microthrusting -- which is several kinds of impossible.
- Bugfix: a fleet's orbit period is now correctly returned as infinity when it's in the middle of a transfer and it's momentary trajectory is hyperbolic. This prevents an NaN DateTime from cropping up later.
- Fix bad feedback text related to orgs being marked as ineligible for a faction when they aren't


- restored marine barracks modules power values. supply depot and alien [redacted] will remain at zero
- fix 3082 -- UI crash when player looks at a fleet bombarding a destroyed army. Added save cleanup (although this was likely to clear after a few weeks when the bombardment ended normally) and also code to handle an army being destroyed while it was being bombarded but by another source, which is the likely cause.
- fix crash when a fleet launches toward another fleet launching at the exact same moment


- Fix crash when using Dominate mission on neutral Control Points
- Fix some slightly off laser jitter values
- Fix sometimes being able to land fleet at an enemy defended hab
- Restored missing power values for defense modules
- Fix invulnerable combat hab modules; revert and try a different way to fix rando hab models appearing in combat; the method in .45 caused collision detection for combat modules to disappear
- Fix crash when playing a skirmish then starting a regular campaign in the same system; the army-pathing pre-calculation was being skipped to save load time but that didn't quite work out
- Some text clarification here and there
- MarkerController army pathing listeners : check for MarkerController deletion. Attempt fix reported crash during army movement

- Request missions for target functionality now control-left click so it will work on regions, not just markers


- Fix crash introduced in .44 when starting various operations
- Fix for waypoint DVtext not facing camera after waypoint widget rotates
- Fix camera focus on a hab not involved in a combat when combat starts causing hab to appear as inanimate object in combat
- Drop assaults on bases with active defensive weapon modules are no longer allowed
- Improve performance during bombardment counterfire target selection
- AI fleets with motherships will no longer choose tight formation spacing


- AI (especially aliens) will score building a defense module higher if the hab is undefended and >= tier 2 or has a mine
- AI will be more aggressive in selling orgs when it has negative money income
- AI will pay attention to support costs for hab modules when it is resource poor and score down modules in that case
- AI will score down "mission to" techs when it can't really colonize
- ai armies will perceive themselves as damaged at lower thresholds
- Containment Breach allows Marines from ships and not just hab modules to join the bug hunt
- Increased output of three amat hab harvester modules. Restricted to one of these modules per orbit. It's still going to be pretty small (increase is 5x to 2x of current) as we're sticking with the real-world estimates of natural amat presence in those orbits.
- Increased mass of all human T3 hab modules
- A councilor can no longer add orgs when detained

- goto button on your fleet will refresh the operation UI if it's turned off
- when starting a transfer, your currently selected space object will override your homeport as the default destination. This was how it worked before we added homeports
- homeport icon now has a goto function, can be used during fleet targeting
- Finishing a claims project will now display the capital when the nation doesn't exist
- Army path vis : when selecting a target for an army, move the selected army to the top of the stack. When multiple armies are deploying together, the visual order of the armies may changed, resulting in the selected army (based on the army detail window) not being on top, which means that its path will not be rendered when choosing a target. When the user selects a deployment target, their selected army is moved visually to the top of the stack.
- Ship designer now remembers your show obsolete parts setting between saves
- Projectile weapons now display more detailed cooldown data in ship designer
- Shipyards will now remember "allow pay from earth" setting when saving/loading

- fix a crash when hitting small goto button in enemy fleet UI
- fix a crash when triggering "can we unify?" tooltip with the alien nation
- Fix crash-causing bug when a combat would trigger while you're docked at a base
- Fix for crash caused by resigning a turned councilor and interacting with the councilor's UI icons
- Pause PeriodicFleetOperations() while there are unresolved combats. To prevent this method and SingleFleetOperation() from interfering with an ongoing battle, this method now waits until combats are resolved to continue running. This was causing intermittent crashes. I also added code to prevent deleted fleets from being used with SingleFleetOperation(). This may happen if the fleet was deleted while this coroutine was running.
- Bugfix #3076: prevents crash calculating trajectories for fleets with incredibly low acceleration that would be in a microthrust domain for the duration of the transfer when calculating starting and ending positions from their exact positions, but (because both the start and end are near periapsis), would avoid at least some of the microthrusting if their position is calculated via semi-major axis.

- You can't steal supplies from a hab with any defending Marines
- Fix calculation of ramming speed influence cost, also raised it a bit
- Bugfix #2886: Previously, you could break an intercept via splitting or merging the target fleet, and then launching some portions of the fleet on their own trajectories. This exploit is now substantially harder. Intercepting fleets will target the larger fleet that their original target merged into.
- MarkerController.OnDestroy() : remove army path vis listeners. This prevents the lingering army path vis bug.
- SeaMarkerController : wrong army selected bugfix. After clicking on a sea marker, the original army was selected rather than the army that should be on top (actually, the bottom of the localArmies list) based on the MarkerController.associatedState. I've modified it to select the new army instead.
- Projectile Job safety check on cleanup
- Fix Skunkworks option in Destructive Testing event
- Fix for councilors playing turned VO when they are not turned for the player's faction
- Some fixes for waypoints being reset or suddenly pointing in directions the player did not choose, not sure we got all of it. (In the spirit of the season, I fixed Ben's typo in this patch note before publication.)

- councilor chat won't recommend defending a disabled control point
- Space Combat Tutorial Burn Loc Fix
- Nanomedicine now spelled correctly in backer icon. This one isn't on Ben but on the Frenchman who spelled it the French way.
- mission control affecting effects will update resource UI on completion

- Terminal: UnlockAllShipParts cheat will update faction part caches so autodesigner will use them

Coming soon:
* Army pathing fine tuning
* Reduced camera takeovers in Earth layer
* Multi-ship selection and waypoint control in combat


Gameplay / Balance
- Unification now requires a claim on a nation's original capital, not its current one. This setting can be overridden with by setting prohibitCapitalShenanigans flag in TIGlobalConfig to false. (This config replaces "restoreCapitalOnLiberation" setting.)
- Colony region status is harder to lose. The new nation needs to have a PCGDP close to the colony region for it to lose that status. It will also reassume colony status if its original nation gains it back and the PCGDP is still significantly lower.
- Added three new claims projects -- Central Asian Union (Kaz over the 'stans), A Period of Unity (Vietnam over Cambodia and Laos), and Big Hungary
- Habs / modules under bombardment may not be decommissioned
- reined in impact from ideology on democracy following a revolution
- regional defenses do less damage when fighting a number of enemy armies (in excess of friendly armies) at once. Formula is diminishing returns based on number of enemies being fought.
- Surface based hab modules will be stronger against kinetic bombardment. AI should take this into account.

- Leader VO plays when completing objectives
- Few dozen new org icons
- 5 new event illustrations

- Army multi-region pathing visualization implemented
- Tech Tree search can be used with at least 2 characters now


- Bugfix #3024: Fixed another crash bug when correcting invalid trajectories on load. If a trajectory does not know what fleet owns it (either a null fleet or a previously destroyed one), that correction needs to be made before the visualizer is initialized. If a trajectory is owned by two fleets, it needs to be copied, and that must happpen after the visualizer is initialized. I've split the repair function to run at these two different times, which should (finally) stop the crash bugs.
- Save repair when region duplicated in two nations from older bugs
- Fix crash when a deleted fleet checks its resupply goal
- Fix for 3040 - GameObject.Find returning wrong object with string search.
- Fix for 3041 - Fixed merging the same fleet twice for combat when it already had it's ships merged
- fix crash when using ISRU/remass scoop and selecting refuel and repair
- Combat softlock bugfix. Issue #3052. Sometimes the methods that set up listeners for the CombatStanceSelected event fired off after the stances were selected, thus breaking the combat process and locking up the game. I've made those methods occur immediately, preventing this ordering issue from occurring.
- Ship collision now properly damages the ship internally and registers as being destroyed, preventing mid-combat crashes when giving fleet commands in combat after one of your ships has collided with an enemy ship. This was causing crashes
- Fixed numerous bugs involving transfering fleets that will launch in the future. We need to ignore future launches (acting as if they won't happen), since they can easily be cancelled while the target fleet is idling. This was leading to some crashes.

- Bugfix #2891: fixed bug in orbit phasing which made it fail if there was enough time to catch a target fleet before it leaves, instead of failing if there isn't enough time.
- Additional bugfix #2891: The old orbit phasing code was still tracking unlaunched transfers for target fleets, unlike other transfer code. (We don't track unlaunched transfers as that could be abused by aborting transfers before launch). This could cause a "code path not implemented" error in the transfer solver, as no orbit phasing trajectory would arrive before launch, and patched transfers weren't attempted because those correctly ignore the unlaunched transfer. This bugfix corrects that by having orbit phasing ignore unlaunched transfers.
- Fix reversed settings preventing construction of certain hab modules in non-irradiated areas of space
- Fixed system clock setting not loading correctly; Random seed option now works and generates a new seed on each game load
- fix: capturing a base will prospect the space body it's on
- Fixed a bug where a UI interaction would allow the player to set a policy for a nation to declare war against itself
- Attempt fix reported issue where local forces were engaging enemy armies at sea
- Projectile Leak Fix, need better patchnote Mr Dev whom I will not identify but whose name rhymes with "Zen"
- Fix Patagonian nation project not working. (Will require new campaign for fix to take effect)
- Bugfix: Planning orbit phasing would break if the destination fleet was launching in the future. Corrected by using the destination's current orbit and targeting that.
- Army relocation bugfix. Issue #3066
- ArriveFleet will check for if destination fleet has landed and assume orbit above it in that case

- Fix missing tooltip for buddy movie event
- Fix missing antimatter missile warhead text
- Resupply and Repair operation will show completion time in UI, as will ISRU refuellings
- Prevent refreshing and showing intel councilor tab when councilor tab is not actively selected
- Fixed text overflow on intel tab environmental damage in Chinese & Japanese
- Fix for blurry ship in ship designer
- disallow refuel and repair option when only one is possible
- Tighten condition for Icequakes to only hit gas giant moons
- Fix spelling of the Dutch astronaut with the best name ever, Wubbo Ockels. Totally not Zen's fault this time
- fix missing homeport icon in fleet ship list item
- Various typos
- Fix missing loc #3061
- get that funky œ merged character in the font for French
- added missing loc for mod ui
- Fleet Class Obsolete Tutorial Tip Placement Fixed
- fix fmod warning for 3d attributes

- Performance: Notification Summary Queue will now clean old summaries on startup and every mission phase. Notifications 60 days or older (5 years for alien-related events) will be removed from memory. Should see significant reduction in save size for advanced campaigns and hopefully reduced load times. (These had been left to help debug the campaign)
- Tech tooltip strings for searching are now cached on startup and updated as needed, instead of rebuilt every time the tech-tree is opened. This should speed up opening the tech tree.
- reduced size of bilat and project jsons and improved template initialization to handle missing fields better
- AI will not check for valid targets in Transfer.ActorCanPerformOperation step


- Fix crash in postcombat when only a hab is on one side (bug introduced in .40)
- Attempt fix crash when the only available region Mission Control slots in a nation are in occupied regions (which can't gain MC)


- Fix fleet resupply operation not processing correctly (new bug in .40)
- Improved Maintenance Procedures properly decreases chance of Cascading Failure instead of increasing



- Added nation of Patagonia, project to unlock, and claims on Neuquen (capital) and Santiago
- Greater India now adds claim on Myanmar
- West African Community project now grants Nigeria claims. Nigerian Confederation now requires WAC (and grants more Nigeria claims).
- Slavic Commonwealth renamed the Intermarium and adds Ukraine, Baltics, Belarus, Hungary, Finland and Romania to its claims
- fleets can use combat acceleration in pursuits
- combats will start 250 to 500 km further apart to allow for more initial maneuver before firing. fleets defending habs will start at 100 mps instead of 500. Stopgap fix
- Added Repair and Resupply fleet operation, combining both into a single operation.
- You may not disband armies or disarm nukes in a nation until executive power is consolidated
- added more AI emphasis on mission control, less on boost and military
- regional defenses will no longer just function as anti-occupation/anti-megafauna forces; they will now fire against enemy armies that are fleeing, and armies fighting other armies
- wars will now track last date of hostile action (involving armies or nuclear weapons); AI will now start to recognize stalemated situations
- Annexing can put nations on the cusp of revolution but not put them over the top by themselves
- alien nation annexing other nations will see reduction in democracy based unrest increase based on servant public opinion proportion
- game will track claims added that aren't from bilats but instead from annexation. A successful succession roll will give primacy to claims added from bilats than those that aren't
- added handling for alien nation nuclear arsenal on AN destruction. Nukes will either be transferred to a successor nation with a nuclear program (high chance), add to loose nukes (very small chance), or destroyed (low chance if any successor nations have a nuclear program, otherwise very high chance)
- Army AI will pull back during civil wars at home
- Added small damage randomization during army combat
- Improved Hydroponics Bay and Farm output
- Nerfed Research Campus, costs an MC now and has 200 crew. we will designate a hate zone somewhere for this change, but producing 1000/research a day in the mid-30s is far too much
- Destroy Hab operation is no longer an atrocity
- Atrocities for bombardment no longer trigger during individual FireMissions. They instead now trigger at bombardment start, when against civilian targets (regions, launch facilities, mission control facilities). Exception: Sufficient damage to regions directly can still trigger an atrocity via usual Damage Region method.
- A nation now must be at war before its space facilities can be targeted by a human fleet for bombardment (like armies)
- Bombing launch facilities and mission control centers on Earth from orbit is an atrocity
- Atrocities for attacking habs now work on a module-by-module basis. Most modules (and entire habs) there are no consequences to destroy at any time. Some modules count as an atrocity to destroy if you are in an inhabited region of space (50000 pop, so mostly just in the Earth-Luna system). Some modules -- generally hospitals and tourist facilities -- are always an atrocity to destroy. These will be tracked individually if you blow up an entire hab.
- If after regime change a nation is only colony regions, those regions will declare independence if able.
- reduce the money and research gain from unused mission control
- added ~30 new org icons
- added new project and org from backer

- You may now set non-adjacent destinations for your armies. The multi-region path itself is currently invisible. We are still working on this visualization for a future patch.
- Added operation to set a homeport for your fleet. This will be the default transfer destination when you aren't parked there (and that's all it is).
- Added transfer option to automatically initiate repair and resupply if arriving at a friendly hab that can do at least one of those things.
- Updated Combat Tutorial to include the new lateral controls and burn hotkey rebind.
- transfer UI will display ESTIMATED ability to pursue an enemy fleet you are considering intercepting
- Split fleet UI has a little more detail now about ships

- fix Deep Space Telescope not triggering for Exodus. Will fix stuck saves.
- Fixed 2 "PlanMissions" crashes introduced in 0.39 when a faction does a crazy Ivan on itself but it has no valid targets for the missions
- Bugfix #2950: Old saves sometimes include fleets that re-use the same trajectory (because they have the same flight path). That caused a slew of bugs, so we now copy the trajectory for each fleet. The code to update the save (copy the trajectory) was running too early, before the fleet had a visualizer, which would cause it to crash. That's been fixed.
- Bugfix #2951: When a fleet is intercepting a destroyed enemy fleet, it now goes into a temporary orbit, instead of crashing the game. Bugfixes (related to #@2951): Prevented various crash bugs caused by inconsistent states in old saves.
- Fixed case where targeting tool was showing no candidate destinations, potentially leading to a UI crash
- Attempt fix issue of region ownership being duplicated during breakaways, led to crashes
- Reduced size of fleet screen render textures to reduce Vram impact.
- Moved RepairPotentialInvalidTrajectoryFleetReference() earlier in the fleet initialization. A fleet with a bad trajectory was causing an NRE when initializing its visualization.
- Fixed a crash when a fleet with no armor on one facing attempts to repair
- Added some save-repair and logging for phantom fleets existing after combat (leading to crashes)
- Fix a crash when you tell a turned councilor to resign and they abort their mission, report it to you, and you hit "take me there"
- Fix a crash clicking a dummy councilor list item in the faction intel screen when a faction is out of councilors

- Fix several timing issues related to bombardment. At high time compression bombing damage was fully processing while counterfire was stuck in the queue; when counterfire finally processed it found the defense module was already destroyed by 6-12 hours of bombardment. Worked on bombardment visualizations.
- rework of conditions for neutralize nation goal, and several steps to make sure it gets turned off. It appears this goal was lingering when it should have been discarded after faction wars and causing at least some of the problems with the AI trashing nations.
- fix automated bases not initializing with correct core module
- Fix for 2900 - Fixed a bug caused by AI trade values not being cleared when finishing a trade, causing the values to be carried into the next trade..
- Using index speed controls now respects the speed limit when camera is following an object orbiting a spacebody. Prevents rapid screen flashing.
- Fix for combat ambient sfx persisting indefinitely when loading a save game while focused on an army at war while sfx is playing
- Fix for radiator audio persisting indefinitely after combat or when loading a save
- fix (again, maybe for reals this time) threat monitor sitting on top of UIs on 16:10 AR
- fix some AI end combat voting settings overriding each other and not displaying properly
- Having a hab in combat should no longer result in draws or enemy wins when the other side flees or is totally destroyed and the hab is disabled or a noncombatant.
- DesignShip() : Do not use obsoleted parts unless there is no other choice.
- Attempt fix issue of space defenses priority becoming available not forcing recalculation of priority proportions
- fixed bug where drives weren't receiving minimal repairs (to 5% function) after combat
- Fix issue when regime change of a nation in multiple caused region transfers to non-allies of the nation causing the region change
- fix Chevron formation pattern
- Turning power on to a combat module on a hab with an enemy fleet docked with now trigger combat. Also changed check on hab module completion to this check.
- You will no longer dock with an enemy hab after combat if any combat modules survived on the hab
- Player habs should not repower things on session load. (This is a stopgap fix. Initial intention is that players would not be allowed to turn off critical occasional-but-critical use defensive modules, which is what the game is trying to enforce here. This kind of micromanagement isn't intended gameplay.)

- fix farm water/volatiles values in the UI
- fix spelling on a couple of internal variables that no player ever sees because I just can't stand to see it spelled "persuit" Ben, seriously, how are you misspelling things in parts of the game you aren't even working on; no I don't care if it's Tau's code ... fine, if you're leaving I hope it's to go buy a dictionary
- "Center" not "centre" my dear colleagues; this game speaks 'Murican. Also it's "theater" not "theatre."


- bugfix #2897: Hotfix to recent bugfixes. (Trajectories weren't getting properly created when 0 duration.)
- fix German TIDriveTemplate loc
- fix bad units in precombat pursuit math / logic
- Precombat bidding outcomes now properly respects fleet accelerations.
- fix crash when a hab is destroyed while other fleets are destroying or assaulting it
- Bugfix #2901. Recover saves where a fleet's trajectory thinks that it is owned by a different fleet, or a deleted fleet.
- Fix for 2871 - Fixed exploit where a refit could be cancelled to repair and refuel the ship for free


-Including non-vanilla json templates in the mod folder should no longer crash the game.
-json template mods are now loaded and merged at runtime in memory instead of modifying vanilla files.(No more json mods breaking after every patch)
- IMPORTANT IF YOU USE MODS -0.3.38 may require verifying files in Steam to clean up any old remaining template files as the new system will not modify the files themselves anymore.
- Fix for mod installation popup overflowing and preventing user from clicking the close dialog
- Prevent crash when enabling/disabling a mod when it's folder is already present in the target directory and informs the user.
- Json template mods that fail to load on startup will now display an error message in the UI showing the cause of the failure and corrective actions to be taken
- Clear existing mod templates when loading mod jsons; Added optional support for mods to concatenate arrays in template files instead of merging them by index, a list of jsons can be added to the field "TemplatesToConcatArrays" in a Mod's ModInfo.json file to control this setting
- Support for "LoadOrder" field in ModInfo.json, when multiple mods compete for the same field, a higher value will overwrite the others
Updated default ModInfo.json to include placeholder examples for new settings

- rework of how miltech updates when absorbing other regions. The calculation now occurs when any region changes hands. It counts armies, navies and the regional defenses as contributing, and weights the absorbing nation's existing miltech at twice the absorbed region's. This should minimize but not eliminate the miltech movement as the absorbing nation must absorb the new region's military forces.
- democracies warring with and rivaling one another does not increase cohesion in either state (trying to represent the democratic peace a bit)
- Rule change: Each faction may only suffer sabotage to a particular project once in a campaign. The AI begged me for this and I told it that if you are capable of begging for a balance change you're capable of playing better and then it got all mad and I had to send it a cookie bouquet to make up
(Discussion: The alternative, perhaps more organic-feeling change is an increasing penalty for each sabotage mission a faction has suffered. But that may end up working against players "using up" their easy sabotages and not having it available (except at a -30 penalty or something) when they need it, so the AI and player would have to manage it more closely)
- Significant increase to target cooldown of missile tests event to reduce farming of cheap miltech upgrades
- tried to make the AI detect its councilors are being targeted en masse and respond better with go to grounds, self-investigation, and inspires

- added loc when maxxing out DV spent on a pursuit will force engagement
- rotated alien threat UI element and tried to put it behind other UI elements
- Added cost string to probe launch operation so it's visible even when no options are available
- Fleet - Radiators commands will only be visible when at least one ship is eligible to use it

- Trading exploit fix - prevent negative resource quantities from being traded.
- Bugfix #2831: Prevented many spurious ad-hoc orbits from being saved when a fleet aborts its transfer. Cleaned up unused ad-hoc orbits on load. Cleaned up empty fleets on load.
- Bugfix #2758: Fixes a CTD on load that was plaguing 0.3.37. Distant fleets would produce extremely long orbital periods (>10 thousand years) when generating orbit trails (due to not really having an orbit while in transit).
- Fix a bug preventing ideologically close factions from forming inter-nation alliances properly
- Ships can now use disengage command when bridge is badly damaged/destroyed
- fix reversed set up when you fix alien hate of you
- fix bug when successful pursuit in precombat didn't report outcome correctly
- fixed localization of the warnings saying the localizations still need some work. Quel irony
- Bugfix #2892: Prevents another CTD on load caused by extremely long duration orbits. This was caused by orbits around Lagrange points.
- Fixed a crash when clicking on a small hab icon of an enemy fleet when docked


- Fix crash introduced in .36 when a battle starts
- You can no longer sabotage projects that have enough RP to trigger completion. This should fix a crash when one of those was selected for sabotage.


- Fix for refit exploit where ships could be infinitely duplicated for free
- RepairFleetMembership() : catch dupes in other faction's fleets. WIP
- ArriveFleet() : if targeting a fleet and that fleet is docked while you are not, undock. Otherwise fleets may not be able to merge for the JoinFleet goal and get stuck in an infinite loop of trying to transfer to target fleet.
- Launching a transfer, or removing a transfer (due to abort, for example) wasn't properly cleaning up the original transfer operation that initiated it. This is now fixed, in a way that will also steadily clean up any lingering operations in old save files.
- Bugfix #2855. Rarely, trajectories were being saved with no destination. On load, we now determine the closest matching orbit to where they end up and use that as their destination. The root cause of this bug hasn't been solved yet.
- Fixes to lighting triggers for Corsair peripherals

- Known crashes in 0.3.49
* Crash when dropping an antimatter harvester/farm module in an illegal spot on a hab. Fixed in 0.3.50.
* Crash when loading a game when a fleet intercepting another fleet inherits its trajectory improperly. Fixed with save-repair in 0.3.50.

* This update used all allotted space in the Steam event description field, which I didn't know was a
Logo for Terra Invicta
Release:26.09.2022 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Pavonis Interactive Vertrieb: Hooded Horse Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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Terra Invicta
22.08.23 21:57 Community Announcements
30% Off Midweek Deal
Terra Invicta
22.08.23 20:14 Community Announcements
Patch 11 (Campaign customization and translations)
Terra Invicta
21.08.23 15:36 Community Announcements
Hotfix (build 0.3.99)
Terra Invicta
07.07.23 14:29 Community Announcements
Patch 10 (UX and AI update)
Terra Invicta
05.07.23 20:10 Community Announcements
Patch 9 (stability and performance improvements)
Terra Invicta
06.03.23 20:18 Community Announcements
Patch 8 (bug fixes and balance improvements)
Terra Invicta
09.02.23 18:38 Community Announcements
Patch 7 (bug fixes and gameplay, balance, and AI improvements)
Terra Invicta
09.01.23 17:32 Community Announcements