New useful perks. I know a lot of high level players with characters of all prestige level 10, and they have no abilities to purchase with their skill points. I think you can add something new.
Even in this case there's not enough skill points to learn all abilities. Moreover, we are against adding new perks to further strengthen high level players. On the contrary, we are thinking about making some perks more accessible to lower level characters.
Add back the old shop. The shop used to have precise prices, and now everything is in dollars, so when players try to purchase say a 200 UAH item, they then have to pay 220-228 UAH.
There were no changes to the shop. If you started seeing prices in another currency, perhaps you are using a VPN or even moved to another country? Moreover, the final prices depend on the payment methods. Some methods have no commission, some have a significant one.
In 0.30 there used to be The Last Stand game mode, is it possible to bring it back, at least as an event mode, but as a battle royale?
What do you mean by battle royale, a single life? One of the problems in The Last Stand was that everyone was camping, and with just one life they would do it even more. There wouldn't be heroism of any kind.
Or are you talking about adding a shrinking zone? But Survarium maps are not made for this mechanic. Even if we could implement it technically, the locations are too small to have a shrinking zone in them.
Finally, this was the least popular game mode in the game history, why would we bring it back? Especially since we just removed Paintball – another unpopular game mode.
Introduce a status menu with all the bonuses from equipment sets, perks, etc. So when you take a look, you see bonuses from everything, simply speaking, improve the menu we have now.
"Simply speaking" is well put, ha-ha. First of all, it's a tremendous amount of work. Secondly, we display only a select number of parameters because showing everything simply confuses the majority of players. Visualizing this information in a convenient and readable way is a very hard task, and this is why modern games rarely have a status screen with every single parameter.
Bring back camos to Steam packs, why is the AK-74 is not available?
We will add the blue AK-74 as a reward for league tokens.
Bring back the chat. There used to be a time when you could see private messages in matches. This was useful. Now the chat is in a sad state, and sometimes people don't notice private messages for hours. There's no flashing, and no notifications, aside from a strange sound that you can not always notice.
Are you perhaps talking about a feature that was removed in 0.40 when the UI was totally reworked? We will try to improve the situation, but if this has to do with the UI, it will be hard to change anything. Basically, we would have to rewrite the UI from scratch, which is not an option.
Allow the player to select ammo pouches, so it's possible to take more pistol ammo.
It was possible before, as you could use a slider to distribute the ammo between the primary and secondary weapons. This was removed because the feature was doing more harm than good and was distracting the players from other things. We don't see why we would bring it back.
Improve ricochet damage by 30-50% since at the moment it's pretty much impossible to kill with a ricochet, but there's even an achievement to do that.
We will do this.
Increase recoil when firing from the hip so it has at least some effect.
Shooting from the hip is already less efficient than when aiming down sights because of higher dispersion. Why would we also increase the recoil?
A suggestion: show chat ban time in in-game notifications.
A suggestion: follow the rules, so you don't receive chat bans.
Add weapons to hard missions.
In the boxes, you mean? That's a good idea, we will do that.
Add a module for a weapon. Add a weapon. Add a module. Add a camouflage or a premium weapon. And other similar requests.
There are several dozen weapons in the game and more than a hundred modules. Given the situation, we see no point in adding more. Perhaps in very specific cases: for instance, when a weapon desperately needs a bigger magazine since all available options are too small.
Add a voice chat for everyone in the Gun Race mode.
So you scold other players in the voice chat too? That's a bad idea.
In the shooting grounds, display armor and HP for bots, so you could see the damage every gun deals. This will be useful, especially for the newbies who have no idea how they are killed across half the map.
How can this help the newbies? To understand which weapons with which modules kill across half the map, you first need to have that weapon and go to the shooting range with it. But in that case you don't need to see the bots' HP to know that the weapon kills them in one-two shots.
Add an option to reload while sprinting by lowering the speed, perhaps introducing a perk for that.
A perk is a good idea, in that case lowering the speed might not be necessary. We will look into that.
Add a squad bonus when playing with clanmates.
There's a squad bonus already, and one can get it simply by inviting random players. It would be nice to have a similar, but bigger bonus (at least +35%) for playing with your clanmates in a squad, this could make the clans more appealing.
Clans should be appealing because of teamplay and coordination during a match, not a bonus. It is already more profitable to play with clanmates rather than with random players since your performance is more effective.
Increase bonuses for older decals. There are a lot of cool decals in the game, but they are forgotten by the players because of bad bonuses. I suggest increasing them to the level of the new decals. And the premium decals as well. They can have bonuses of up to +25%.
We've been thinking about that for some time, specifically reworking the bonuses of all old decals and bringing them in line with the new decals. But given the recent news, we see no point in doing that. And you have to decide for yourselves what is more important to you: the bonuses or the visuals.
Deal damage to enemies by falling on them, like in real life. By falling on a person from a five meter height you could easily kill them.
We are sorry, but do people often kill each other in real life by jumping from five meters? Humanity has been inventing new ways to kill for thousands of years, but a trampoline is not one of them. Besides, Survarium locations don't have many spots where you could jump on an enemy.