The List of Changes in Survarium 0.68b
- Halloween in Survarium lasts from October 29 (9 AM GMT) to November 8 (9 AM GMT)!
- During the event School in "Search and Destoy" mode is replaced with a special Halloween-themed version!
- For the first win in a PvP match during the event you will receive the "Bloody Hand" decal. It provides +10% to reputation.
- Play in PvP matches (including Ranked) and receive symbols of terror. Amount of symbols you get depends on your place in a match, and members of the winning team receive more currency.
- Use Halloween masks, and also Premium account to get more symbols. You can purchase masks in the shop.
- Premium account provides +25% to Halloween symbols. Masks increase amount of symbols by +1. Bonuses of the mask and Premium account work simultaneously. Masks can be equipped in the cosmetic slot.
- Exchange symbols of terror for the Halloween decals and weapon with unique event camouflage!
- You can exchange the symbols for KS-23M "Halloween 2021" with unique camo and three random modifiers, and also "Evil Pumpkin" and "The Keeper" decals. Huge thanks to John Rivian and ODESSAmamaUA for rewards design.
- "Evil pumpkin" decal provides +10% to silver.
- "The Keeper" decal provides +10% to spare parts.
- The set of these two decals additionally provides +5% to spare parts and +5% to experience.

- Clan decals: [BOETS], [Bier], [ÁNIŚ]. Provide +10% bonus to spare parts.
- Gold (SCL2). Provides +20% to spare parts.
- Silver (SCL2). Provides +20% to silver.
- Bronze (SCL2). Provides +15% to silver.
- Tinplate (SCL2). Provides +10% to silver.
- The decals will be awarded to corresponding accounts by customer support some time after the update goes live.

- Fixed "Adrenaline" skill description.
- Fixed an issue when a character could slide down inclined planes, including staircases.
Download Survarium 0.68b and check it out! Hopefully you'll like the changes.
See you on the battlefield!