Holiday Season is upon us, and we are bringing back Guns Race event game mode to Survarium! Play in PvP game modes, receive holiday currency (snowflakes, pine trees and stars) and exchange it for the equipment with unique holiday camos! The higher you place after a match, the more currency you get!
Ranked matches are unavailable during the event.
The List of Changes in Survarium 0.69b
- Everything mentioned below is only available during the Holiday Season event (December 24 - January 10, 12PM GMT)!
- Play matches in the Guns Race event game mode, receive holiday currency: snowflakes, pine trees and stars. The higher you place in a match, the more currency you get! You can earn event currency in other PvP modes, but you will get less than in the Guns Race.
- Exchange the currency for Barrett M82 NY 2022 (tier 5) with a unique holiday camo, "Year of the Tiger" and "Christmas Ornament" decals.
- "Year of the Tiger" provides +10% bonus to silver, "Christmas Ornament" provides +10% bonus to spare parts. A set of both decals additionally provides +5% to experience and +5% to spare parts.
- Guns Race is all-versus-all game mode, so every other player will try to frag you.
- Before each match an equipment tier (from 1 to 5) is randomly selected, and a list of this tier's weapons is generated. The last ones on the list are always a snowball and an icicle which one shot an enemy. However, it's not that easy to get a hit with the snowball, and the icicle works only in melee.
- Kill opponents to get the next weapon on the list. Melee kills let you advance through the list faster, but if someone kills you in melee, you roll back to the previous weapon on the list. The player to make the kill with the last weapon on the list wins.
- You will receive Winter Hat 2022 for the first win in a PvP-match during the event! It can be equipped in the cosmetic hat slot and provides +1 to each event currency (stars, spruce trees, snowflakes) after a match.
- Premium account increases event currency gain by +25%.

- Holiday Season Treasure Hunt will be available during the holiday event, replacing the usual Treasure Hunt. Don't forget to receive all the rewards you can before the event starts and the Treasure Hunt is updated on December, 24!
- The top reward in Holiday Season Treasure Hunt is a weapon from one of the previous game events (except the previous two: Summer Heat 2021 and Halloween 2021).
- The list of rewards does not depend on your maximum equipment tier.
- You will not get event weapons you own as potential rewards (unless you own all event weapons, in which case the reward will be a random event weapon).
- Holiday Season Treasure Hunt updates daily, not weekly! It also updates as soon as you have received all the rewards or rerolled the Treasure Hunt.
- The number of free stash maps you can receive is also updated daily, not weekly!
- You can receive up to 5 free stash maps each day during the event (with a 20% chance after a PvP-match)! But keep in mind that you still cannot have more than 2 free stash maps at any time. To receive all 5 stash maps in a day, please spend the free stash maps you currently have.
- Fixed an issue when identical weapons could be on the list of weapons in the Gun Race mode.
- Fixed an issue when Winchester 1894 didn't have icon in the Gun Race mode.
Download Survarium 0.69b and check out the event! Hopefully you like the rewards.
See you on the battlefield!