1. Finish the work on PvP as soon as possible. According to the Survarium development plan back from 2016, PvP modes were 80% complete, and now the game has everything the developers were talking about.
I think that finalizing the remaining 20% in 5 years is totally possible. Besides, PvP content is good enough for the majority of PvP fans, and further balancing should take less time. I want more from the game than just PvP, and if I am not alone, please support my suggestion so the developers reply to it.
We hear you. We think that the PvP is done. However, this doesn't prevent us from making balancing changes (including map changes), experimenting with the game mode (Paintball and clan wars among the latest ones), and making other changes.
2. Remove increased first shot recoil from MP7 and AKMSU.
We won't remove the recoil completely but will make it more controllable.
3. Remove all maps from Team Deathmatch except for Tarakanovsky Fort, School, Vector Laboratory, London and Cologne Bridge, plus return all their variations Remove from London the variation that has the central entrance to the skyscraper blocked with boxes.
We are afraid that leaving only five maps in the mode is a bad idea as you will quickly become bored with them. Some variations were removed because on those maps a certain team had over 55% winrate. At the moment in PvP modes (not ranked!) all balanced maps are available (meaning that on those maps no team has a winrate over 55%).
4. What do you think about launching the game on Epic Games Store?
We are totally in, but adding a game to the EGS is not as easy as to Steam. And it has to deal more with the platform's policies than technical limitations.
5. What do you think about publishing tools for modders? Because many games (Stalker, DayZ) and others are kept afloat for many years due to having fan modes and servers.
Since the game is developed on an in-house engine, creating mod tools would take a lot of time and effort which we simply cannot afford right now.
6. If the game is minimized, then message sound is not played, but you can hear the fridge and the environment. I think playing message sounds even when the game is minimized is a good idea.
We will make it so when the game is minimized, you can hear only message sounds.
7. Create several versions of crosshairs. The players could choose a crosshair they like to increase the fun, make shooting more comfortable.
We supposed the players would be mostly shooting when aiming down sights because it increases accuracy. The crosshairs are to provide a basic understanding of the area the bullets would hit. Generally, the crosshairs can be changed only in singleplayer games, since in multiplayer it could provide an unfair advantage. The same goes about third party software: using it to change a crosshair should be punished.
If you're speaking about collimators, then their crosshairs/dots are the same as in their real life counterparts.
8. Make an option to disable icons of the artifact, batteries, and the control points on the mini-map in the corresponding game modes. At low resolutions they are getting in the way and obstruct a major part of the mini-map, even making them transparent doesn't help.
We assume you are talking about 1280х720 and 1366х768, aren't you? Because in bigger resolutions (which are used by 90% of the player base) everything is displayed correctly. We will solve the issue in another way: by reducing the icons' size at lower resolutions.
9. Make unique loading screens for each variation of the map, while showing their key differences on the screenshots as it's done with CNPP.
That is a great idea. We already created screenshots of all the variations, and we will release them to the public with the next game update.
10. Add 30/40 cartridge magazine for AS VAL.
As far as we can see, 9x39 cartridge magazine for 40 bullets doesn't exist (there might be some specific versions, but not a mass production). We will try adding a 30 cartridge magazine from SR-3M.
11. Fix premature match completion. If a half of your or enemy team leaves the battle, then the match is over after 30 seconds. What needs to be fixed: if you have less reinforcement points than your enemy, but it's the enemies who leave, you lose, not them.
But it's only logical: the team that has less points loses. And the players who leave the match are already penalized since they receive no rewards.
12. Make something with league tokens already. They are being accumulated, but all items are already purchased. Make the tokens useful for something, let us change them for some stuff. Be it spare parts, be it modules, be it special weapons. Maybe some boosters. Introduce at least something for the tokens.
We've been thinking about adding more items for the league tokens. We will add something.
13. Remove premature match closure from training with bots.
Will do.
14. Remove experience and reputation boosters from Team missions rewards. If the player has level 10 and all prestige levels at 10, the boosters are useless.
If you are talking about rewards from the boxes, we can't set them up for each player individually. But we will think about converting the boosters into something useful.
15. Finish the economy on lower levels. You have a single equipment tier, but no single reward tier. After the special weapons were introduced, it makes sense to play on lower tier levels, but the rewards are really small.
First of all, there's no single equipment tier. The matchmaking tries to find players with equal equipment first, and if that's not possible, the search criteria is widened.
Secondly, the rewards are a stimulus to purchase higher tier equipment. So if you are after rewards, you should play with a higher equipment tier. However, if you want to kill less experienced players on lower equipment tiers, you can't expect us to promote that behavior by buffing the rewards.
16. Add Guns Race as a separate game mode or at least to custom matches. It's a fun mode and suits well to warm up.
We already did in 0.69с. We also plan to buff the rewards in Guns Race, since right now they are worse than in other PvP-modes.
17. Improve the contents of the box you get for completing daily missions, and also make the missions themselves harder. Increase the number of kills with a weapon to 5-6 or even 10, up the number of wins to 3-5, play 5 matches instead of one and so on. Improve the contents to three random items including weapons, armor, boosters and whatnot. Because right now you complete the missions and receive 30 spare parts, this is so low.
Daily missions were planned as an opportunity to receive an additional reward by playing just a couple matches. And these missions are mostly suited for the people who can't play for a long time. If we were to make them harder, more casual players would be left behind, and daily missions would provide even more rewards for the players who spend whole evenings in Survarium.
18. Update the login screen, there are no changes since 0.30.
The time that would be needed to update the login screen is better spent for some gameplay features, don't you think? Besides, is the login screen really that bad?
19. Add protection from explosives as first skills to the technical tree. That would make more sense and would be in line with anomaly protection in Knowledge of the Forest or stamina bonuses in Physical. And to keep it balanced, introduce it as at 1% increments, 5 points (5% bonus) total.
We reworked the skill trees last year, but that's a good suggestion, and we will keep it in mind for future changes.
20. Remove sniper rifles for the Slaughter game mode. That's not normal when some people run and gun, and some sit at the respawn during the whole match and keep looking at one point. Or make a limit of one sniper rifle per team.
Doing this is more tricky than limiting the number of smoke grenades in the mode which we did before. Banning sniper rifles is a bad decision, because some people might have only one profile with one main weapon. What would they do? Likely leave the match.
Besides, this limitation would not prevent people from sitting with any other weapon. So the problem is bigger than simply sniper rifles, and needs to be treated with other anti-camper measures. We are thinking about the best way to do that without hurting players' experience.
21. On Radar station in Slaughter mode, prevent people from shooting through the gap in the container that is to the right from the hangar because it's imbalanced. Any player can kill opponents coming from their respawn point, but it's impossible to kill the shooter because one simply can not hit him through that gap.
We will add an object before the gap or close it in some other way. The same with the similar issue on Vector Laboratory.
22. When players are afk (left the match) replace them with bots.
Bots in Survarium move only along graphs (predefined waypoints). Thus, if the player leaves a match, it's possible to replace them with a bot only after killing or teleporting the character. Besides, since matchmaking accounts for Elo ranking, replacing an afk player with a bot can bring more unbalance (for instance, the bot could be more effective in dealing damage than the player).
So we don't think that's a good idea. Moreover, we try to minimize the number of bots when matchmaking. Why would we add them later in the match?
23. Reintroduce the silencer for the SVU. As we know, the SVU has a sound suppressor. So why don't you add -80% demasking radius parameter? The same as on VSS. That would make the carbine more unique in its class.
We can't promise that, but will think about the idea.