1. Make one nickname change free.
- u can already rename the character for free after completing (or skipping) the tutorial. But in case you missed that, we decided to do the following: add one nickname change voucher to all characters who have name like survivor_
2. Disable spectating from the dead bodies. "The dead listen" – after your character dies, It's possible to spectate from the viewpoint of your own dead body. This way you can hear or even see an enemy and warn your teammates.
- s, this is a good suggestion. We will disable the possibility to spectate dead characters.
3. Rework the mechanics of picking up the artifacts. For instance, I have two containers, and in the first one I have a Spring with 10 seconds left. There is a new Spring in the second container, 5 seconds since I got it. I toss the anomaly condenser in another Spring anomaly hoping it would replace the first Spring, but it replaced the newer one instead.
- will change the logic to this: when picking up a new artifact and having no free containers, it automatically replaces an artifact with the lowest timer.
4. Reintroduce an option to install PSO-1 scopes on AKS-74U. Also reintroduce optical scopes on PP-19-01 "Vityaz" and MP-5.
- will try to add back an option to install corresponding optical scopes on all SMGs. But we can't tell right now how much time it would take. We need to check and see if it's easily possible to reintroduce all optical scopes that were available for SMGs, or we have to set everything from scratch. If an easier option is possible, we will try to get the scopes back in 0.69.
5. On Rudnya map in Research move the A point closer to the team spawn or to some other spot. The enemies always have an advantage in capturing point B. When they reach point A, they can easily hold it since it's in the open terrain and there's an elevation next to it. As an option, you can add covers before point A so the team closest to it could more safely reach the point if it's captured by the enemy.
- Recently we have gathered win/lose statistics on all maps. On some of them one of the teams indeed has over 60% winrate (sometimes even 70%), which is too imbalanced, of course. We will try to rework those maps and balance them more. For the moment we have disabled those maps in all game modes, including ranked matches. The maps are:
- Rudnya, Battery Retrieval
- School (v2), Research
- Cologne Bridge, Research
- London (v3), Battery Retrieval
- London (v3), Research
6. Balance respawn defense. All games are centered around pinching the respawn point.
- th more even winrate situations when one of the teams is pinching the enemy respawn won't be so frequent. We thought about adding around respawn points zone damaging enemies, but most likely that would only confuse the players without really fixing the problem (since on many maps you don't need to come too close to respawn area, that means making that damage zone too big, but that's also not an option).
7. Change the balancing by placing strong players on different teams. For instance, if there are two players with 4000+ ELO, don't put them on one team.
- is will increase matchmaking time a bit (in the first place for the players with really high rankings), but yes, we will introduce corresponding changes to the matchmaking system. It will try to balance the teams so players with very high Elo values are placed on different teams.
8. Introduce a separate profile for PvE. The players often forget about changing PvP equipment to PvE one or vice versa. You could create another slot for PvE mode.
- e solution is pretty simple: don't forget. We already introduced equipment presets, so you can check the equipment with a couple clicks. If that is too complicated, you can always use one of the existing profiles for PvE and the rest for PvP.
9. Add server selection to PvE, because you often get into SEA server when a team has a person from the far east (and it doesn't matter if he's a squad leader or not).
- e system chooses a PvE server so all group members have a minimum ping. We will check if there's something wrong with it because the SEA server indeed has too many PvE matches.
10. Add new cosmetic masks and add the old ones to the shop for a limited time.
- have no plans of adding new masks at the moment, but as you see, we have added the old Halloween ones back to the shop. They will be available for purchase until we remove them in the next game update.
11. Decrease shooting delay after jumping. With each day it becomes harder to rush rooms with campers. This would be another option of coming from a corner.
- proaches like this one could work in Call of Duty and other dynamic shooters, but Survarium is a more tactical game, and we always tried to have some kind of balance between reality and arcade. Thus, we don't think this is a good solution for a camper problem.
12. For batteries and artifacts in S&D mode add a function of automatically dropping them after a certain time period when a player carrying them loses network connection.
- will try to do this. The question is, how high a timeout should be. If it's too low the player might not have enough time to reconnect and carry the battery/artifact to its destination. If it's too high, losing this time might turn out critical for winning the game. So we will have to experiment and test this. Please let us know if the timeout time is right when the feature is live.
13. Many novice players can't earn silver fast enough. Add display how much silver the players get for their actions in a match (display together with points received).
- nerally, the more points you get in a match, the more silver you get. So there's a direct link between your actions in battle and match reward, and the game already shows how many points you get for different actions.
Displaying the amount of silver received would only distract the player from the current goals, i.e. actively participating in battle and trying to win. This is why the majority of online games display only current info, while everything that is related to the rewards is displayed after a match.
14. I have a very compelling request, to VG, to admins, to God, anyone else. Please, remove melee attacks from bots!
- d won't help here, so you can plea somewhere else. But yes, we will disable melee attack for bots: they will only shoot. We also thought about decreasing melee damage bots inflict, but decided that it would be too confusing: why sometimes they kill with one hit (when a player character has low HP), and sometimes it requires more hits? Thus, we will disable it completely.
15. Introduce holiday Treasure Hunt every event. Make it so it's possible to get only Halloween weapons during the Halloween event and use similar logic for all other events.
- ring the New Year event, as usual, we will have Treasure Hunt with all the event weapons. Previous years have shown that the community supports that idea. During the next events we can totally have Treasure Hunts containing rewards only from previous events of the same type.
16. Reduce the amount of ammo from the mobile ammo box by 50%, leave supplies as is. This is to make some snipers sitting at the base to leave it to grab ammo.
- s, we'll do that.