The List of Changes in Survarium 0.68
- Bots' power in PvP now depends on the players' rankings in the match.
- In PvP-matches bots on both teams now always use identical equipment.
- Now bots notice players standing still faster.
- Bots will no longer try to track enemies through walls.
- Fixed an issue when bots could die when passing through an anomaly.
- You now need to confirm when you want to overwrite your equipment profile (implemented per the community's request).
- Shotguns: headshot multiplier decreased to 2.
- Automatic pistols: headshot multiplier decreased to 2.5.
- SVD: rate of fire decreased to 220.
- ASh-12: reload speed increased from 3.8 sec to 3.2 sec.
- MP-7: reload speed increased from 3.2 sec to 2.8 sec.
- VHS-2: decreased recoil.
- P-90: decreased recoil.
- L85A2: decreased recoil
- G3SG: changed recoil.
- UMP-45: decreased dispersion.
- OZK-1 set: armor increased from 64 to 67.
- Firefighter set: "Energy regeneration +10%" bonus replaced with "Maximum energy +15%". "Maximum energy +20%" bonus replaced with "Slowdown when aiming -2%". "Regeneration +6 hp" (when standing still) replaced with "Regeneration +5".
- Chemical protection set: "Regeneration +6 hp" (when standing still) replaced with "Regeneration +5".
- Omicron set: "Bleeding duration -50%" bonus improved to "Bleeding duration -75%".
- Omicron МК2 set: "Bleeding duration -50%" bonus improved to "Bleeding duration -75%".
- Reinforced set: "Aiming time -20%" bonus inmproved to "Aiming time -25%".
- Shturm set: 3 set piece bonus changed to "Regeneration +3%". Full set bonus changed to "Protection against stopping power 30%".
- Defender set: 3 set piece bonus changed to "Decreased delay before health regeneration begins -15%". Full set bonus changed to "Protection against stopping power 30%".
- Explorer set: "Artifact passive power" increased from 20% to 30%.
- Stalker set: "Gathering time -20%" bonus improved to "Gathering time -30%".
- Skinner set: "Aiming time -15%" bonus improved to "Aiming time -25%".
- Light set: "Maximum energy" bonus increased from 20% to 30%.
- Sentry set: "Energy consumption -10%" bonus replaced with "Slowdown -2%".
- Sentry set: full set bonus "Slowdnown -3%" replaced with "Experienced sapper".
- Biker set: "Ready grenade" bonus improved from 25% to 30%.
- Sokol set: "Recovery +10%" bonus replaced with "Protection against sensors 100%".
- Life support system М-1: "Energy recovery" bonus replaced with "Delay before health regeneration starts -20%". Slowdown decreased from 4% to 2%.
- Watchman backpack: added "Metal detector" bonus (with a radius of 7 meters).
- Assault fighter’s backpack : added "Sensor" bonus. Scans an area around the character once per 10 seconds (scan duration is 5 sec) in 5 meters radius (but it doesn't show explosives and enemy sensors).
- Fixed incorrect L85A2 animations.
- Cosmetic items no longer affect character equipment tier.
Download Survarium 0.68 and check it out! Hopefully you'll like the changes.
See you on the battlefield!