Trick or Treat Runners!
Watch out! The deadly Rippers are back in Online Invasion during this 17 days long event but this time they're not alone - a Demon Sniper and his skeleton minions have made their apparition to make your life tougher!

Also, the Halloween Box partially mutated over the years to have a sibling box, the Halloween Box 2!
This new magenta Pumpkin Box contains similar goodies as the classic orange Pumpkin Box, but with some unique item replacement, such as 9 unique new weapons, new costumes and some more crazy stuff!

Once again, special thanks to the modding community for their contribution!
Changelog Halloween update:
- items: Halloween Box 2 added
- fix: Shovel should now work on all but asphalt/road/rocky/ice terrain
- fix: helicopter wreck in Copehill Down only appeared after the Forward Camp base had been captured
Happy Running,
your Osumia Games