First of all, happy 80th Anniversary of D-Day!. We hope you will join us in the celebration of this day!
For this event, we're releasing a D-Day themed map for Edelweiss complete with various new vehicle assets for both Western Front and Pacific campaigns.
A good portion of the new content has been produced by community members - the D-Day map itself by NetherCrow and DiLing(YISIC), and the Churchill Mk VII and its Flamethrower variant by Anzac Joe.
We also feel it's necessary to mention that we were in a bit of a time-crunch to get this published for D-Day itself, so please bear with us if there are issues with its release, and be aware that we plan to set up a 'wave-defense' style scenario for the Wehrmacht, and to enable the map in Quickmatch at a later date.

On the Vanilla side of things, we also have some new content for you.
After 7 community boxes and 2 seasonal boxes (X-mas and Halloween), we thought that it'd be time for a new seasonal box to also celebrate the Summer. Thanks to the awesome community we put together not one but TWO SUMMER BOXES!!
The Summer box will be active throughout the entire Summer (until end of August) so that you'll have enough time to collect as many as possible!
Beside several new weapons, we also have 3 new vehicle drops and a lot of Summer goodies to fill your RP or to chill with online friends with an Iced Coffee on a sunlounger. For a entire list, check the change log below.

Special thanks in no particular order to Redfox, Axnone, TerranConfederacy and Return Dirt and all others involved!
And now ... drumroll... Some more drumroll
RWR2 is in development!
We're super excited to make it finally public that we're working on RWR2! RWR2 will be a whole lot different from RWR1, we've been experimenting with a lot of cool new stuff building up from where we got in RWR1 over the years. We made a quick video showcasing some of the changes, and will be dropping more videos and screen caps in the future.
What's different between RWR and RWR2?
--- New world system: RWR on launch started with 10 maps (now 16 maps) à 1km², RWR2 will have 1 world with 25 km² area with no loading screens in between, hence 25 times bigger than a single RWR map.
--- New factions: More varied factions with different agendas, some factions are allied against others. The player will be playing in various factions throughout the campaign ranging from civilians to resistance fighters to military.
--- New objectives: The campaign has a larger variety of objectives and advancing further in the game isn't always about capturing zones.
--- New building system: Some buildings feature interiors now, and some walls are destructible for entrance, and most walls feature damage effects.
--- New health system: Actual health is in play now with self-healing, allowing player to spend time more surviving and less respawning.
--- New camera control: The camera rotates now *shock*
--- New stealth mechanics: High grass and foliage help staying unnoticed, there are lights to stay away from at night time. In certain circumstances, enemies don't recognize you as their enemy.
--- New AI: Bots and commanders have learned plenty of new tricks, e.g. chasing, driving in a convoy, retreating, looting and moving items, and a whole lot of changes in combat. They handle new types of objectives and communicate their intent better to player. AI navigation has been pretty much rebuilt.
--- New squad mechanics: Ability to handle squad equipment, give orders to individual squadmates where to move and look at, order to throw grenades and build deployments
--- New vehicle types: Helicopters!
--- More new stuff: aiming down sights, improved vehicle physics, vehicle trunks, shooting while driving, fall damage, incendiaries and fire, build actual gapless sandbag wall lines, wind effects, terrain modifications
We are currently in early pre-alpha stage so it's safe to say there will be a lot of changes as new things are being worked on. At this point it's too early to make estimates for when RWR2 will be released or when alpha or beta testing will begin, we'll know when the time is right.
Don't forget to join the community on the Running with Rifles Discord and we'd be more than happy if you could let us know if you like the game and the WW2 DLCs by leaving a review on Steam, as it helps us a lot!
Thank you and keep on Running,
your Osumia Games
Changelog 1.98 (Vanilla):
- items: Summer Box 1 and 2 added
- weapons: Supershorty secondary shotgun added
- weapons: QJZ89 HMG added
- weapons: VKS sniper rifle added
- weapons: RPK LMG added
- weapons: M249 LMG added
- weapons: Chinalake grenade launcher added
- weapons: QBZ87 portable auto grenade launcher added
- weapons: KS-23 high caliber shotgun added
- weapons: KSB shotgun with dual magazine added
- weapons: SV-98 sniper ridle with alternate pistol added
- weapons: OST-14 bullpup assault rifle with underbarrel GL added
- weapons: AR-15 assault rifle added with thermal alternate fire added
- weapons: M14-EBR battle rifles added
- weapons: FHJ-01 dual shot napalm launcher added
- weapons: MRL missile launcher added
- goodies: several Summer themed valuables added
- vehicles: Hovercraft added
- vehicles: M551 Sheriff tank added
- vehicles: Scorpion AXN tank added
- AI: new "off duty veteran" soldier added during the Summer event
Changelog 1.98 (WW2):
- CAMPAIGN and INVASION maps: New Operation Overlord D-Day Map
- vehicles: New British Churchill Mk. VII Heavy Tank
- vehicles: New British Churchill Mk. VII Flamethrower Heavy Tank
- vehicles: New Wehrmacht Panzer II Luchs Light Tank
- vehicles: New Wehrmacht Flak '88' Cannon
- vehicles: New USMC DUKW Amphibious Armoury Truck
- vehicles: New IJN Su-Ki Amphibious Armoury Truck
- vehicles: New IJN Soukoutei Armoured Gunboat