New Guides/Tutorials
We've just finished the second wave of our modding tutorials. There are now 25 guides total that cover level design and AI scripting. The next phase will cover modding and steam workshop.
The new guides don't seem to be visible on the community hub yet so you can access them with this link for now.
Link :
Hit Markers
We've added hit markers to give additional feedback on successful hits. You can enable/disable hit markers for each combat type individually within the game's settings. So if you only want hit markers for to appear for ranged combat, we have support for that.
Crime System
We've done a lot more work to our stealth and crime system. The campaign isn't developed far enough to utilize it in game yet, so we made a video to showcase the possible scenarios.
Level Design
More progress from our level designer.
Patch Notes
- Fixed issues with inventory and quest state not being correct between loads and new game.
- Fixed issue where a client closes a procedure conversation will also close the server's conversation if the server is in a conversation.
- Fixed issue where if a monster dies while attacking a collider is left enable causing the player to hit an invisible object.
- Fixed issue that would cause monsters to sometimes walk in place.
- Fixed issue where untradable items would not have their untradable flag turned off when an entity is killed. This caused the items to appear in the inventory with diagonal slashes over them.
- Fixed issue where the player would not get stealth critical hit messages on the hit that kills the entity.
- Fixed issue where AI in combat would eventually target hidden in stealth.
- Fixed issue where clicking on color square next to slider in character creation would cause an exception.
- Fixed issue where AI would freeze up during combat if hit while it was doing certain animations.
- Fixed issue where AI would leave get hit and stagger animations early and go into their next action.
- Fixed issue where AI with vitality or endurance attributes above 100 due to equipped items would not start with full health or stamina.
- Fixed issue where in some cases the cursor would not be confined to the window in windowed mode.
- Fixed a bunch of issues with stealth and stealing mechanics.
- Fixed issue where dodging reduces stamina multiple times during a dodge causing it to use all your stamina.
- Fixed issue where if both players in co-op died then the server loading another save or return to the main menu would not work. Also if the server goes back to the main menu the client will get a message that will also send them to the main menu.
- Fixed issue where going to start a new co-op game, canceling and then trying to start a new single player game would send the player to the lobby screen instead of starting to load the level after character creation.
- Fixed issue where client in co-op would not get stealth critical hit messages when they did a stealth critical hit. Messages would always appear on the server.
- Fixed issue where in co-op the other player's animation state would be wrong after leaving a conversation. They would just slide around without moving their legs.
- Fixed issue where the player could hold a block and cast spells at the same time. Now casting a spell while blocking causes the player to stop blocking.
- Fixed issue where dead AI with death animations would not play the death animation on the load of a saved game.
- Fixed the talk option overriding the pickpocket option making it hard to pickpocket
- Fixed issue in journal tab where if a quest is selected it will not deselect when you select a quest from a different category. This prevents you from seeing the information if you try to select the original again.
- Fixed issue where you could raise attributes past 100 in the level up dialog.
- Fixed issue with alt-tabbing out of game, the game would still respond to mouse clicks.
- Fixed issues with switching between quickslots with weapons it would not always do the correct thing.
- Fixed issue with monsters getting stuck in combat behaviors. Would sometimes freeze and not do anything again.
- Fixed some issues with co-op not working right when the client clicks on an invite from steam while not having the game running.
- Fixed issue where client would sometimes get incorrect dialog options when starting a conversation triggered by an area trigger.
- Editor: Fixed issue where the nav mesh would not be created correctly on the first bake or play.
- In co-op a new game has the players go through the new character screen. Took out the confusing and buggy way you had to create a character before starting co-op and then select that character to use for co-op. More streamlined and less confusing now.
- Added build id to main menu screen.
- Doubled starting stamina for better combat balancing.
- Game now runs in background
- Added hit marker around crosshair to show when a hit has landed. There are settings in general settings that allow you to show or not show the markers for melee, ranged, and spell hits.
- Gave picking up items priority over looting so that items under a dead monster can be picked up.
- Tweaked self heal particle system to make it less intense.