It’s Gamescom week, Parasites, and this week’s update is the largest one to date. We’ve got a ton of stuff to get through including new content (did we mention Act 4 is now complete?), what’s happening at Gamescom, release date news and much more. Shall we begin?

What’s NEW in 0.1908.1
- Completed Act 4: The Desert.
- Completed The Desert level.
- Added new themed rooms to The Desert.
- Added new secrets to The Desert.
- Added Area 81 sublevel with new character classes, themed rooms, traps, secrets etc.
- Added a brand new character class (as playable and AI character): the Alien Creature.
- Added a brand new character class (as playable and AI character): the Researcher.
- Updated & added character descriptions in the Almanac.
- Fixed quicksand traps.
- Fixed Space Huntress’ primary attack.
- Fixed Space Huntress’ special attack.
- Fixed Pyromaniac’s special attack.
- Fixed characters’ GUI.
- Fixed Werewolf Pre Attack (as miniboss).
- Fixed miniboss rooms unlocking behavior.
- Fixed some Old Sewers rooms.
- Fixed Third Boss shop room.
- Fixed Fourth Boss shop room.

Gamescom 2019
We’re here! We made it to Gamescom and Saverio (the boss Parasite here at Troglobytes HQ) is on hand with this brand new build of HyperParasite. Everything above is ready and waiting. We can’t wait to show press, influencers and visitors what we have been working on implementing. Come and visit us in Hall 10.1 in the Entertainment Area of the Spanish Pavilion.

Release Date Update + New Price
Since we released HyperParasite on Steam Early Access, the game has received weekly updates including two complete brand new acts, developer and community gameplay streams, a shit ton of new characters, levels, mini-bosses, BIG bosses, gameplay mechanics and quality of life features. As we continue to add more and more to the game, we feel it’s now the right time to increase the price from $10.99 to $12.99. Boss Parasite Saverio released the following statement to the video game press earlier today;
“With the implementation of Act 4, we feel it’s the right time to increase the price from $10.99 to $12.99, which we feel still offers incredible value for money. If you’re at Gamescom, we’d love to show you how far our game has come along in development since our initial Early Access release!”
In addition to the pricing update, we’re also announcing that our planned full, and final, release for HyperParasite will now be Q1 2020. This gives our team the time required to complete not just the Steam build, but the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch build too. We’ll continue to keep you updated here via the Steam store page and here on Twitter.
Wishlist now!

It’s Gamescom week, so things are MAD busy here. We’ll be doing our best to do some live streaming here on Steam, so keep an eye on our Twitter account for live updates.
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitch too!
If you’re a streamer on Mixer, and want to be hosted by Hound Picked’s new channel, whilst getting hands on with HyperParasite, then let us know hyperparasite@houndpicked.com.

Don’t forget about the brand new HyperParasite Wiki, which went live last week, thanks to our friends over at GamePedia. Since launch, it’s been updated with all the character descriptions and weapon info, with more to come in the following weeks.

Are you following us on social media? If not, don’t forget you can find the HyperParasite invading host bodies on…
Make sure you get this looked at over on Discord, and become a part of the outbreak on the ground floor.