Hey Parasites, it’s a smaller update this week. Not because we’re sitting around twiddling our tentacles. We’ve been busy not just with a BIG update (coming soon), but you may notice we’ve also overhauled the entire Steam store page.
Our host body was beginning to look a little tired and ragged around the edges. As well as new capsule art and GIFs, we’ve updated the store text. There should be no missing the point now. This HyperParasite means business, and we’re not scared of a little carrion...
What do you think? Let us know in the comments if you like our new skin.

What’s new in 0.1906.2?
- Fixed a crash involving falling traps

- Complete Act 3 fine tuning
- Act 4 implementation

There's no weekly stream this week ːsteamsadː But join us as normal next week LIVE on the Steam store page as we once again showcase more updates, discuss what's coming next in Early Access and as always, attempt to destroy the world one host body at a time.
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitch too!
Our friends at Hound Picked Games will also soon be streaming HyperParasite action on a weekly basis. Hound Picked Games are our Co-Publisher and you’ll be able to keep up with their streams over on Mixer.
If you’re a streamer on Mixer and want to be hosted by the Hound Picked channel whilst getting hands-on with HyperParasite, then let us know hyperparasite@houndpicked.com.

HyperParasite infects Nintendo Switch!
Did you see HyperParasite running on Switch? If you missed it, here's a link to the discussion on Reddit (we got a great reception!) and a couple of snippets below for you!

You want to see coop? OK then...

Are you following us on social media? If not, don’t forget you can find the HyperParasite invading host bodies on…
We’ve also continued to build ties with the community, creating ever nourishing parasite content for you all to sink your greasy tentacles in to. Whether it’s reaching out to the neon coloured synthwave people over on Reddit or simply showing you the true extent of all our powers on IMGUR, we continue to grow and infest the online space at a, some might say, alarming rate of infection. Make sure you get this looked at over on Discord and become a part of the outbreak on the ground floor.